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After a week of rest, Taeyong could finally come back to work. He was itching to work. He was tired of thinking, sleeping and crying all day. He wanted to occupy himself with work.

Taeyong has worn his suit and fixed himself infront of the bathroom mirror. He tied his necktie and styled his hair. He tried concealing his puffy red eyes and eyebags. After that, he was good to go but he couldn't stop to try and speak to himself.

The boy looked at himself straight into the mirror. He furrowed his eyebrows and sighed. Even though it was all concealed, he could still see how affected he is. It's been a week and he couldn't move on.

"You can do this," Taeyong said, "You've been through many bullshits in life and this is just one of those. Fix yourself."

His piercing eyes was obviously trying to be strong. He wanted to be strong.

After that, he goes out his room with his bag and a folder. He goes down the stairs and straight into the kitchen. He didn't get to see who was there, River immediately ran up to him.

"Uncle!" River called.

Taeyong squatted and kissed the boy's head. He smiled at him.

"Oh, hey. Let's have breakfast?" Ten asked as he plated scrambled eggs.

The boy carried his nephew and placed him on his chair.

"Uhm, I have to go to work early. I need to do some papers," Taeyong said.

Ten furrowed his eyebrows, "Eh? You can go to work in an empty stomach."

"I'll stop by at a cafe and get some coffee. Alright? See you later! Bye, Riv. Tell John I've gone out now!"

The boy nodded, "Okay! Good luck!"

Good luck.

He'll be needing that.

Taeyong took a taxi to work. Normally, he would have Jaehyun since they just work at the same place. He is the secretary, and has always been before he even got to date the man. Suddenly, waves of memory came by.

He sighed and stared at the buildings passing by. His eyes went teary but he kept the tears in. He'll stay strong. He gripped onto the folder and took a deep breath.

"We're here, sir," the taxi driver said which made Taeyong to snap back to reality.

The boy stepped out after he paid. He closed the door before he walked into the tall building. He was greeted by employees but he heard some whispers from them. Taeyong didn't mind them and just stepped into the elevator.

He stood inside until he arrived at the right floor, the top floor. Taeyong goes to his desk, just right beside the elevator. He wasn't the only one working in the top floor. He has his other assistant and the president, Jaehyun.

"Oh, hyung!" Jungwoo, his assistant, was already there.

Taeyong smiled at him, "Hey. How were you this week? Sorry for the sudden leave."

The boy walked around and saw his table with a wedding picture of him and Jaehyun. He stared at it before he put the picture down.

"The week was fine...Was it true, hyung? The rumors?" the boy asked while he fixes the papers all over their desk.

Taeyong puts his bag under the desk before he sighed and dropped on his chair.

"That...you and Mr. Jung had affair problems?"

The boy cleared his throat, "Jungwoo, you know me. I don't like putting my personal life into work."

"I-I'm sorry, hyung..." Jungwoo apologized.

Taeyong sighed and threw some unwanted stuff, "Did he arrive already?"

"Uhm...Not--Speaking of the devil."

The elevator rung and the doors opened for someone to step out of it. Taeyong looked up at the man who looked back him. Suddenly, everything just stopped and unexpectedly stared at each other's eyes. His sight slowly blurred from the hot tears coming. He immediately looked away and made himself busy.

"Good morning, Mr. Jung," Jungwoo greeted as he stood and smiled at the president.

Jaehyun looked at Taeyong who has his head down. He clenched his jaw and gripped onto his bag.

"Good morning. Mr. Jung," Jaehyun called his husband.

Taeyong flinched at the name he was addressed in. He bit his lower lip and refused to look at the man.

"Please bring me coffee in my office. Thank you."

The boy slowly looked up to hear footsteps against the floor. Jaehyun walked to his office and walked in before he gently close his door. Jungwoo felt how tense it was.

"D-Do you want me to bring it instead?" Jungwoo asked.

Taeyong stood, "I'm fine. I need to talk to him anyway."

Taeyong made coffee from the pantry. He made it the usual way and didn't want to put anything evil in it. It would be unprofessional of him he did. After that, he grabbed his folder before he knocked on the door with a gold card plastered on it which has the president's name on it.

The boy opened and walked into the office. He gently closed the door before he finally faced the man behind the black mahogany desk. He walked and placed the cup beside which caught the president's attention.

Jaehyun closed his laptop and faced Taeyong.

"How are you?" Jaehyun asked which immediately made him slap himself mentally.

He looked at the boy who looked a bit slimmer. He has this cold eyes which he made him saw the same Taeyong when they weren't dating. He would always keep a stern expression and wouldn't even give a smile to anyone. Jaehyun tried his hardest to crack a smirk on the boy's face in the past.

Taeyong has always been the "play-hard-to-get" kind of boy.

Suddenly, Taeyong hands out a folder to Jaehyun with a expressionless face. Jaehyun slowly grabbed the folder. He opened it and read what was inside, that surely made him feel weak.


"Please sign it and we'll be on our normal lives. We'll forget about everything and think that this was just a whole mistake."

A/N: i've been listening to Surrender by Natalie Taylor since i saw a jaeyong fmv of it

anyway, here's the divorce you all want

Love lots ♥

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