"Stage I - Realization" Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The questions had kept his mind occupied throughout the week. He couldn't concentrate on his work; everything around him held the question right back at his face.

He was now frustrated; nothing answered him - not even Google.

Yes, his irrational mind had reached the extent where he dug into novels and searched across Google to find the answer to his ultimate question - Love. He behaved like a lunatic person, drowned into the depth of her thoughts. Hence, he knew there wasn't a point to explain his behaviour or to expect sanity anytime soon.

He was into this, deep and maybe, for good.

He knew what he felt wasn't just friendship; his emotions ran much deeper than the bond of friendship could mean. He wouldn't deny that; not to himself.

Though, along with the craze of dizzy emotions came a fear. The fear of losing her was eating him up. He didn't know how or what he was to do. If he emotes his feeling to her, there lies the possibility that she might not reciprocate; or even worse she wouldn't wish to be friends with him anymore. While, if he holds back his emotions, he would lose his chance of being with her. Both ways, he had the odds of losing her smacked right into his face.

Now that he thinks of it, he surely knows that his life is incomplete without her. If she happens to walk out, he would have to live a hollow life. To say he was clueless as to when such a transition took place in his life wouldn't be wrong.

Pushing the thought at the back of his mind, trying his best to distance the nagging thought, he shifted his eyes at his blinking cell phone.

Nandini calling, It read.

It was hard to shove the thoughts away when she unintentionally pokes back at him. Not wasting another minute, he answered the call, "Hey," his voice held uncertainty just like his thoughts.What does a person say after realizing that his feelings for the person has transformed to a much higher level than ever expected?

"Help," her pained voice hit him, "Need help," she trailed, and he rushed towards the exit.

While on his way, he didn't mind interrogating her whether it was another of her plans to fool him, though he knew the answer from her pained voice. She straightaway denied. The panic that was erupted through the sudden drowning of his emotions was now multiplied. The only thing that ran through his mind was that she was in pain.

Managing to get to her, safe, was a difficult journey. He knew whatever he felt might not be a perfect match for love, but then what was? Love or not he wished for her to accompany him throughout the roller coaster ride of his life - their life. If this wasn't love, he didn't know what was? And he didn't wish to know any further.

For him she was.


And here we get to the end of Stage One.

I guess, I forgot to mention that we have this drabble divided into three stages. The first and the last being the shorter ones, while the second holds the major part of the story.

The Stages are:

• Steps

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