"Stage II - Steps" Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"You can't be serious," Manik whisper yelled back at her, baffled yet amused.

She scoffed, "What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong?" He re-questioned with disbelief laced in his voice. Of course, she couldn't mean what she had said, now can she?


"What's the harm in watching a movie?" She countered with equal stubbornness.

Only if it was any other movie. Cursing the moment when she had declared her boredom and willingness to watch a movie to kill the time. He certainly had no clue that this would end him up in a situation like this.

"Why can't you watch some chick flick like Mean Girls, like normal girls do?" He frowned, though the suggestion was cringe worthy for him. But he was ready to go through hours of watching plastic girls and their love for pinks than this; any day.

She scowled at the suggestion, "Not every girl loves pink," she stated as though that was enough explanation, "and I will watch 'Friends with benefits' and if you don't wish to, you can leave the room."

As though she was purposely trying to give some kind of hints.

But she can't, he thought confusingly.

He shrugged the thought away and counter questioned, "Why can't you watch Titanic then?" As he found it to be one of the movies from her collection relatively better.

With a simple shrug, she replied, "I just don't wish to," a reluctant pause seeped in as she further added; "I am not in a mood to cry."

One can never understand girls and their behaviour; even if that girl happens to be your best friend, he thought. Though, a nagging voice added, 'and your love interest.'

"Yeah, it's a little weird though," he commented as his brows furrowed, "Who falls in love within that short span of time?"

He himself replied, "No one."

"Who can love someone they've known just for a couple of days, for years and more?" He asked in disbelief, he definitely couldn't help but find it all illogical.

This time before he could answer his own series of question, she interrupted, "It isn't weird; it's just love. One is bound to be irrational and illogical."

She shook her head, knowing that even if she explains him, nothing would change his perception apart from love itself. Though, she chose to explain him every single time, he didn't understand the reasons.

"About, time," she let her words sink into his system because this was a subject he couldn't really understand, "Time doesn't matter emotions do. Some things just happen, irrespective of the time involved."

"And where love is concerned, I am sure you will find one soon and then you'd realize that loving is the easier part but forgetting is not." She looked intently into his eyes as she spoke further, "one day, you'd find that someone whom you'd love for years and more." He couldn't voice any other argument further, so, he just blinked at her.

She was either clueless about what an impact her words made on him or she was pretending; and if she was, she was good at it.

Engrossed in his thoughts, he didn't see her turning towards her movie collection, "Okay, if we are not watching that movie," she pointed towards where her selected movie disk was lying, "we are watching a movie of my choice then. And this time it is final." He bobbed his head in agreement.

As she picked the movie, she announced, "We are watching this."

It read, Frozen. So was he, frozen.

No way in hell am I watching a Disney movie with her, he scoffed at the thought.

Zeroing his eyes at her, he gritted, "You purposely pulled that stunt of Friends with Benefit', didn't you?"

"You agreed," flashing her sheepish grin at him, she moved to set the movie.

Half way through the movie and she had fallen asleep with her head leaning on his shoulder. He stared at her, while she slept peacefully in his arms; snuggling into him.

To him, she held the most innocent expressions, whether sleeping or not. Collecting her in his arms with utmost care as if she were a delicate glass doll, he slid beneath her hold. A soft chuckle escaped as her frowning face caught his attention.

With a pout, she grabbed the nearby pillow and squeezed it close, though the soft smile across her lips faltered slightly. His amused eyes took note of her actions as the scene unfolded. She noticed his absence, his withdrawal and if her frowning face was any indication, she didn't approve of it; if only, while she was asleep.

It seemed like everything around him had suddenly taken up the task to poke his feelings and intensify it.

Pulling the comforter over her, he tucked a lose strand of hair. His eyes betrayed to tear off from the only object of their interest. He now found himself grasping every opportunity; each single excuse to stare at her and touch her. This opportunity was now served to him without any drawback of being caught. However, he unwillingly shook off the thought.

Dropping his mouth to place a feather light kiss on her forehead, he glanced at her before turning away. Though, her loud sigh only made it difficult for him. However, his thoughts that were vague till then, he got a clearer view.

"You don't realize how true your words were," he spoke gently to no one in particular as he stood at the window; because the one person whom he directed it towards was sound asleep.

One day, you'd find that someone whom you'd love for years and more, her words from their earlier conversation echoed in his head.

"I've found that person." His eyes trailed back to her.

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