Alucard Vs Dante

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Oh God I'm so excited for this one!! Alucard and Dante are both such awesome characters and I can't wait to put them against each other! Now I know whoever I say will win there'll be people who disagree so please don't start a flame war in the comments because this is a debate, not an argument, if you can't debate properly then don't just say "are you stupid?!?!" or something like that cause it's just childish.

Anyway let's begin.

So I'll be starting with Alucard so let's begin with his attack potency.

Most people say that Alucard is powerful enough to take out all of London because he absorbed all the blood from the dead that practically engulfed London, however that is an extreme low ball because at the end Alucard killed millions of his other versions

So of course after Alucard kills each one of these he'd obviously gain their power from their blood, so if we use this multiplier Alucard would actually be planet-multi planet level.

As for speed Alucard is actually omnipresent, he is everywhere and nowhere at the same time so he's practically everywhere at once.


OK here's the long list of Alucards abilities, enjoy.

Immortality: This ability is rather ambiguous, as Alucard, himself has stated that immortality is a myth. However, what it most likely refers to is the human souls inside Alucard; it has been speculated that, when damaged by blow that would have killed or incapacitated him such as exceedingly holy weapons, the damage is instead directed to his reservoir of souls. Because this ability does not really grant him true immortality, it can be considered as pseudo-immortality. However, after "Monster of God" Anderson destroyed the rest of Level 0, Alucard was still able to regenerate on par with him. (This was on par with Alucard before releasing Level 0). However, the "soul count" theory is just a fan theory, and has never been definitively proven. It was also speculated by Anderson that this was the reason for him not being able to kill Alucard. Alucard may have kept at least a few souls in his body to use for regeneration after releasing level 0.

Advanced Regeneration: Alucard's ability to regenerate is considerably greater than any other vampire's. He has regenerated from a pool of blood and from being decapitated, blown to shreds by gunfire, incinerated completely, etc. When damaged to an extreme extent, his body simply turns into a shadow-like substance and reconstitutes. Exceedingly holy weapons have been shown to incapacitate him for a time, but even Anderson, augmented with Helena's Nail, could do no lasting harm to him. While regenerating against Anderson, he became a shadow entity at one point.

Superhuman Accuracy: Alucard has been known to hit targets at great range using handguns while looking the other way. He does this by using his so-called 'third eye'.

Superhuman Strength: The extent is unknown, but Alucard can physically rip humans and vampires apart with ease. He can slice through Tubalcain's cards (which are sharp and strong enough to easily cut through a uranium shell moving at high speed, without the slightest damage done to the cards themselves). With just his bare hand, he was able to stab through Alexander Anderson, infused with the Nail of Helena, in the heart and kill him while the Casull did not have noticable impact on a human Anderson.

Superhuman Speed: He can move faster than the eye can see, such as when he seemingly appeared to be a glint of light like artificial vampires have shown in his fight with Tubalcain. He's fast enough to keep up with a vampirized Walter Dornez, who was shown to be able to outpace bullets from machine guns when he was human. 

Superhuman Reflexes: He has demonstrated the ability to catch bullets (both Rip Van Winkle's and ordinary ones). He easily caught Rip Van Winkle's magic bullet with his teeth (the same bullet which punctured a SR-71 moving down at Mach 3.2 speed several times in rapid succession and intercepted multiple missiles).

Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid objects.

Superhuman Agility: The ability to defy gravity to an uncertain limit. He is also seen leaping impossible distances and can walk up vertical surfaces.

Shadow Manipulation: Manipulation of shadows into physical form, which he can then use however he wishes.

Shape-Shifting: Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into bats, insects, snakes, hellhounds, other human forms including a little girl, an amorphous mass of darkness, and many other forms. Alucard has four known human forms, each with different characteristics and weapons. He also states that his form means nothing and that he can take any form that he chooses.

Weather Control: The ability to control the weather to an unknown limit, as demonstrated by the fog created when he returned to London aboard the H.M.S Eagle.

Illusions: The ability to cast illusions, such as when he tricked Walter into seeing Luke Valentine as himself.

Teleportation: The ability to disappear and reappear somewhere else. He also has the ability to levitate.

Telekinesis: In the manga, Alucard uses telekinesis to close a door on a fleeing SWAT officer. He also launched six SWAT officers into the air and guided them to flag poles where they were impaled. Alucard is later seen moving a broken down air-craft carrier from the Gulf of Italy to the Dover of London all in a little less than 40 minutes.

Telepathy: Alucard can speak telepathically to his fledgling, Seras Victoria.

Mind Reading: The ability to read the thoughts of another beings mind. 

Mind Control and Hypnosis: (fans sometimes call it the "Love Beam" after a remark from Pip).

Precognition: As a standard for a vampire, he has precognition, the ability to see into the immediate future, which allows him to predict the movements of the humans he's fighting. According to Pip, a vampire can easily dodge a bullet with their ability to predict human movements.

Summoning: The ability to summon familiars, the souls of those whose blood he has sucked in a variety of forms that either sprout from his body or swarm around him as an army numbering in the millions. These familiars can also include animals such as horses and the weapons and abilities that the familiars possessed in life, but Alucard can only use this ability when Control Art Restriction System Level Zero is released. The familiars can come in two ways, one is similar to a ghoul, mindless and constantly moaning in pain, while the other is the soul manifesting exactly how it was when it was alive, personality, powers, and all. It's unknown if vampires have control of how they want their familiars to manifest, or if the soul loses its personality traits (although the former seems more likely). 

Bloodsucking: The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul and, consequently, their knowledge and memories. (He learns more about Millennium after absorbing Tubalcain). He can also absorb blood through his clothes and skin, as he does with Luke Valentine's blood after his hell hound had eaten Luke's body. Alucard can draw in blood over vast distances (at least throughout the city of London).

Hibernation: Alucard is able to survive long periods of time without consuming blood, but is able to fight at a usual level of strength after drinking even the smallest bit of blood.

Immunity to Vampiric Weaknesses: His abilities and health are not in any way compromised by such things as sunlight or silver. In fact, it appears that the only weapons capable of harming him to any real extent are the most holy of Christian artifacts, such as Father Anderson after augmenting his abilities with Helena's Nail (a nail, which was from the True Cross, which crucified Jesus Christ, and was blessed by his blood) but even that did no permanent, or even lasting, damage.

Supernatural Sense: The ability to sense supernatural activity (In The Dawn, a prequel to Hellsing, Alucard knew the Captain was a werewolf the moment he saw him, and in the OVA, he could see the blessings on Father Anderson's bayonets as well as the holy barrier preventing their escape).

Combat Experience: In addition to his superhuman abilities, Alucard also possesses centuries of combat experience. While he usually relies on crushing his opponents with sheer power, he does at times use strategy. When he fought Alhambra, Alucard used shadow duplicates to distract him, allowing Alucard to close the distance between them and deliver the death blow.

Omnipresence: At the end of the series, Alucard has acquired Schrödinger's quantum reality manipulation powers after absorbing him during the Millennium incident. This grants him the ability to exist wherever and however he wishes to. He can also exist in multiple places at once using this power, and he can appear in astral realms (being physically present in a person's mind for example). It also makes him completely immortal;   any alterations to his person by outside forces can simply be imagined away, including fatal injuries. 

Jeez that's a long list.

As for his durability normally durability would just equal attack potency however with Alucard it is much more than that, we do not know how much it really takes to kill him, he just keeps on coming back.

Now for Dante: when it comes to Dantes attack potency he is actually large multi planet level. Here's why.

Mundus launched Dante down with a stream of meteors. When the camera angles down, there is no light visible below, but Dante lands a second later beside lava which hazes the sky around it red, which means the meteors reached the lava faster than the light reached Dante and Mundus. Now, a meteor the size of a human moving at Mach 10 can carve out a crater with a 5km blast radius. These meteors were equal in size to Dante's Majin form, which is easily twice the size of a human, making them twice the size of a human also. Light speed is about Mach 881,000. Therefore, multiply that 5km crater by 2 for the size, bringing it to 10km, and then by 88,100 for the increase in speed, and you have:

10 X 88,100 = 881,000km crater, both in radius across and in depth, or at least roughly since it doesn't translate that smoothly, but you see it's big. The Earth is about 12,000km in diameter. Yes, those meteors were easy planet busters, though the 881,000km was too rough to be certain. This is if they are only at light speeds, but they were faster. The fight had been going on for about 3 minutes, and the light still hadn't reached them, indicating the meteors were at least 180 times faster than light, probably faster when you factor how fast Dante and Mundus themselves were moving. What's more, there were about twenty of them. We should also consider that the meteors were probably extremely dense, since we know stone from the demon world is far more solid than human steel. There's also the fact that going at FTL speeds too close to a planet would in itself cause adequate kickback to smash the planet. To go with this Mundus is vastly superior to Dante's Devil Trigger, which crushed Abigail, who dispersed a cloud layer over all of North America, completely uncovering the continent, and fired out state-sized lightning bolts, putting his power around about large country busting. To crush that so easily Dante would need to be a lot stronger than country busting in Devil Trigger, and remember the basic Devil Trigger is powerless against Mundus. Via scaling from Abigail, Mundus also weighs in as a planet buster.

As for speed Dante is actually millions of times faster than light thanks to this.

If you look closely at the fight between him and Mundus, they were actually moving at faster than light speeds. At the start, they were surrounded on all sides, as well as above and below, by stars, and when they flew higher, the stars were instantly nowhere to be seen. This is supported by the fact that when Mundus flew upwards, the stars in the background rapidly rolled down the screen, indicating he was moving fast enough to change his position greatly in relation to the stars, which would require him to have covered distance at least comparable to the distance separating him from the stars, which is something that would require faster than light speed, though we can't get a number from it.

Let's say the stars above them were only 1 light year away, which is less than the distance to the Earth's nearest star, and thus a drastic understatement of the distance. Dante and Mundus flew past them in a second, so far past them their light was no longer visible below. That means they travelled at least double the distance to the stars in one second. Let's say that's only two light years in a second, even though it was most likely at least several million.

1 light year per second means:

365 X 24 X 60 X 60 = 31,536,000 X the speed of light.

Double that for the distance they went past the stars. 31536000 X 2 = 63072000

Even if the stars above them were only 1 light year away, the speed they travelled to reach the stars would still be 31,536,000 X the speed of light, and therefore the actual speed they travelled at would be 63,072,000 X the speed of light. Seeing as stars were visible on all sides, the chance that all the stars above were within a light year away is almost non-existent. It's far more likely the more distant stars above them were at least a million light years away, which would mean Dante and Mundus travelled 2 million light years in a second, and let's also not forget that the light not being visible below them means that is a substantially greater distance than the distance that had been separating them from the stars above them. Even if we ignore that, 2 million light years per second is 63,072,000,000,000 X the speed of light.

Now here are Dante's abilities.

Superhuman Strength: Dante possesses incredible raw bodily strength even while in human form. He can shatter stone with little difficulty, and often overpowers demons much larger and more imposing than himself. In Devil May Cry: The Animated Series, Dante is seen snapping handcuffs and effortlessly overpowering human authorities (including hoisting an obese officer a few feet off the ground and throwing him against a wall without strain) as well as street thugs all single-handedly. He's even strong enough to block The Savior's punch without much effort. Dante's display of superhuman strength, endurance, and resistance to injury shows that his physical condition is much tougher and more efficient than that of even Olympic-level humans, allowing him to exert his supernaturally enhanced muscle power to vast proportions without fear of injury or fatigue.[1]Superhuman Speed: Dante is blindingly fast, able to dash a short distance to dodge attacks, dodge bullets fired at close-range, and move so fast that he appears to teleport. His speed is rivaled only by his brother Vergil.Superhuman Agility: He is extremely agile as well; able to jump to great heights or even balance himself on a flying rocket, as well as run up vertical walls. In addition, his agility allows him to perform amazing feats of acrobatics that easily surpass even the finest human acrobat.Demonic Energy Channeling: He is able to channel his demonic energies into various physical objects, ranging from his guns to the air itself.[2]Elemental Resistance: Dante can also hold his breath indefinitely, or perhaps even breathe underwater, as he can remain submerged for extended periods of time without taking damage or needing to surface for air. Additionally, Dante possesses great resistance to heat, as shown in Devil May Cry 4 when he casually sat on the flaming tail of Berial and came out with little more than a burnt coat.Limited Telekinesis: In the opening cut-scene of the original Devil May Cry, he demonstrates telekinetic abilities, catching Trish's motorcycle in mid-flight before shooting it with Ebony and Ivory. He also appeared to show telekinetic abilities in the anime, shown when he splayed his hand and Rebellion smashed through the ceiling window before landing in his hand, although this could also be related to Dante's metaphysical connection to the sword.Accelerated Healing Factor: Dante can instantly heal from nearly any wound; even the Hell Prides were surprised when he ignored their attacks at the beginning of Devil May Cry 3. Combined with his great resilience, Dante's healing factor makes him virtually unkillable and also may grant him immortality from age.Superhuman Durability: Dante's durability has been shown to allow him to simply shrug off wounds that would either disable or outright kill a normal human, such as being impaled through the chest with his own sword (something that humorously happens to him during almost every game and also happened in the anime), struck by opponents with superhuman strength (such as when he showed no discomfort when Nero repeatedly punched him in the face with Devil Bringer or when he withstood the full punch of Beowulf), or being shot point-blank in the head and stomach.

Devil Trigger

 Main article: Devil Trigger

Dante's Devil trigger in Devil May Cry 4

Thanks to his half-demon nature, Dante can release his demonic power through his Devil Trigger. This turns him into a full on demon. The appearance of this form varies throughout the games—in Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 3, the form is influenced by which Devil Arm he carries, while in Devil May Cry 2[3] and Devil May Cry 4 he has a pair of Devil Forms believed to be his "true" Devil form. These forms usually increase his strength, speed and healing speed (allowing him to regenerate health in-game, albeit at a relatively slow rate), and sometimes grant him new abilities, like flying. These abilities could be chosen in Devil May Cry 2 by selecting the different pieces in the Amulet.


Master Martial Artist: Dante is a master fighter. In addition to his preternatural strength, Dante can easily hold his own against any human opponent.Master Marksman: Although he is aided by his superhuman precision in gunfights, Dante has an innate mastery of any firearm he comes in contact with.Master Swordsman: Dante has spent most of his life training to be a swordsman. His innate demonic heritage gives him an edge with swords, allowing him to perform supernaturally fast and precise strikes with them.


 Main article: Weapons in the Devil May Cry series

Dante's trademark weapons are the Rebellion, the Sparda, and Ebony & Ivory. He has also used a shotgun in every title in the series, though its exact form changes throughout the games. Over the course of the past four games, Dante has collected a wide variety of weapons in addition to his regular arsenal, ranging from a curious electric guitar and several pairs of gauntlets/greaves to twin submachine guns and a shape-changing, demonic briefcase. He keeps many weapons and trophies displayed within his office, so it is likely that he keeps old weapons there as well.

Dante is an extremely adept combatant. He is incredibly proficient with any type of weapon, displaying near-mastery of them within moments of picking them up. He is also quite skilled in unarmed combat, managing to disarm and subdue Nero barehanded in their second fight; his hand-to-hand combat skills are also displayed by his usage of gauntlet-style Devil Arms.

Dante's skill with firearms is impeccable. He has displayed enough accuracy to hit targets as small as the pommel of his sword; shoot his opponents' bullets out of mid-air; and hit the same target over and over with such unerring precision that his bullets stack on top of each other. Dante is also shown to have incredible hand-eye coordination; for example, he kicks the Neo-Generator into the statue above the bridge approximately 20 meters away from where he stands in Devil May Cry 3, and kicks the seed of Echidna the She-Viper back at her to get her attention in Devil May Cry 4.


"You were the first to know about my vengeance. Looks like I'm getting closer."

An often overlooked aspect about Dante's abilities is his subtle, yet amazingly cunning analytical skills. His detective prowess ranges from always keeping a full grasp on convoluted mission objectives, to understanding an item's function and intended purpose only moments after first picking it up, and usually being able to differentiate between good and evil at a glance.

Yes if you couldn't tell I got this from online 😂😂

And as for durability Dante just like Alucard pretty much comes back from everything.

Now the hard part.... Who wins? Who can actually kill the other, Dante has the attack potency advantage while Alucard has the speed and I'd say he has better abilities as well. However here's the thing Alucard has better regeneration at least from what I've seen, while yes Dante can get stabbed and still be A OK Alucard can have his head cut clean off and can regenerate a new body in seconds and I'm not going to use the thing of only a human can kill Alucard and since Dante is part demon he can't win cause that's just dumb. However overall if you think about it besides attack potency Alucard has full control in every category, sure Dante is incredibly fast but Alucard is OMNIPRESENT you can't be faster than omnipresent. Then Alucard has much more abilities than Dante and if he sucked all of Dantes blood out you could argue Dante could come back however then Alucard would have the edge in attack potency as well.

So while this would be an amazing fight that could go forever if I had to pick a winner I'd say Alucard.

Winner Alucard 7/10

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