Chapter 3

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5 years ago

People with powers, like me, have a different way of survival. We don't need food or sleep—Because our powers give us the energy we need. Being physically hurt can kill us just like any human, and so can air deprivation. But there is one thing that kills us extremely quickly. A contradiction with our talents. Or, rather, powers.

I stood in the middle of the huge snowstorm, wondering how I got there. It didn't matter. I knew that. But I did know that ice and snow would swirl to my core and... My thoughts trailed off into a strange blend of ice. As I sunk to the ground, frozen, and I slowly shut down, I was determined to survive this freeze.

It had taken too long. I couldn't stand, and the ice was slippery. If I keep moving forward in a straight line, I'll eventually leave this snowstorm! It can't go on forever. I pulled myself through the ice, sliding across smoothly. But it was still time consuming, and every second I felt weaker, and less capable of moving myself forward.

Just as I predicted, I felt the snow sink into my skin and slip into my core. Where my fire was. This couldn't happen to any normal, powerless human. The snow got into my eyes, nose, and mouth. It froze my skin. I collapsed. I didn't even continue crawling. I conserved my fire. I curled up and warmed myself as much as I could, to survive as long as I could. I managed to warm myself up enough to create embers, but nothing more. I grabbed a wet, cold stick, and held it to my embers. This was dangerous. I was trying to set the stick on fire. I wanted to dry it, and set it aflame. But if it failed, I would have been even colder, and even closer to death. The stick was my last chance, and it wasn't drying fast enough.

It took a few minutes, but eventually the stick did catch on fire. Now what? It was such a small flame, and the ground was wet and cold. If I set it down, I would lose the small, pathetic flame. I stared at the circle of warmth and light, and life... My thoughts trailed away from survival.

And I sat there.

Staring at a stick.

That I had set on fire.

I snapped back to reality. Right, I thought, I have to survive. I made my final decision, and swallowed the stick, flame and all. It helped a little, but not as much as I'd hoped. I pulled myself forward a few inches, before losing the warmth I had created. This was it. This was the end. Gigi and Nathan were gone. I had lost them. I couldn't save them; I couldn't save myself. I fell down onto the ice again.

Before losing consciousness, a bit of anger flared within me. It was angry at everything that had happened. It was angry that I had gotten my fire powers in the first place. I was just... Angry. It wasn't enough to stop me from losing consciousness, but before I was out, I burned my fire as bright as I could... Which, in all honestly, wasn't very bright.

Then darkness.

^Hey guys! Sorry this chapter's so short! I actually have the first 6 chapters of this story done but not uploaded so to make up for the short chapter I'll post chapter 4 as well^

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