Chapter Thrėë

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What Garroth says next makes my world come crashing down... "It's because he been abused, by his step-father, after out real father died, we stayed with our mom, while he went away, to Dylan Anderson." I see the floor rushing towards me, I don't lose consciousness thou. Once I'm up, I look at Garroth, he sighs and says,"You're mates aren't you?" Mine, Aaron's, Laurance's, and Travis's eyes go wide. I ask,"What?" "You and Vylad? You're mates? Am I wrong?" Zane continues. "H-How do you know?" Laurance and Travis ask at the same time, which is kinda creepy. Zane and Garroth look at each other, again, and I see Garroth nod. "Vylad is a werewolf also," Zane says, bring me and my wolf pure happiness, even though we would accept Vylad, human or not. "Oh! To answer your question, yes, Vylad and I are indeed mates," I say, but my curiosity got the best of so I ask,"Are you also werewolves?" Garroth and Zane shake their heads 'no' and say,"No, but.. We aren't going to explain now, we need to find Vylad!" I say,"Yes," and started to command the pack to find their lost Luna.

One Week later!

~°V Y L A D°~
It's been a week, I think. I been abused, tortured, and starved. It's been quiet when all of a sudden the most excruciating pain came over, I screamed. I hear my bones popping, and replacing. I keep scream, yelling, but no one comes down. After about the fives minutes of the excruciating pain, it stopped, I stand up to realized I'm on paws, pure white paws. I move over to a cracked mirror, it's supposed to, every time we look at it, make up feel ugly, unwanted, and worthless. Once at the mirror, I do a wolfy gasp, I'm pure white! Pure white wolfs are rare! Every century there's a new white wolf, with abilitys! A few seconds later the horrible pain comes back, it feels like someone is dragging a knife in different patterns all around my body. Then, a minute later, it stops, I look at the mirror to see a bunch of blue and green swirls and patterns all around my body. It doesn't last long because then I hear a door open, causing me to panic because I don't know how to shift back! 'Vylad, my name is River, I'm your wolf, we'll talk more later, but to shift back think of yourself, human.' I do as I'm told and soon I'm back to my human self. 'Thanks, River,' I say to River. I look at the door to see Dylan standing there. "Let's have more fun, shall we?" Then he brings me to the torture room. A a hour and a half later, I lose all consciousness.

~°Vylad's Dream°~
I open my eyes to a beautiful field of flowers, in the middle is a women, in a stunning white dress, floor length. "Hello, Vylad, my name is Selene, or more commonly known as the Moon-Goddess," I heard about her, her angelic voice so mesmerizing, she is worshipped by most werewolves, and since I am one, I bow my head, in respect. She laughs and says,"Don't bow, my child." I look at her and ask,"Your child?" She laughs and explains,"Ever wonder why you are a werewolf, but Garroth and Zane aren't?" I just nod. "It's because you are my child, a child of the Moon-Goddess. That's why your wolf is white, your are powerful! Your not just a werewolf, your also part vampire, angel, fae, witch, werewolf, and, of course, human. Your powers consents of healing, teleporting, mind reading, shape-shifting, including your wolf, you can also make your scent disappear. Your also bigger than every wolf. You can also control others, there's many more powers you'll learn. Your main powers base on earth, water, air, fire, ice, and aether. Aether means the clear sky or the upper regions of air beyond the clouds. But, there are many more." She finishes, leaving Vylad gaping. "I will be giving your wolf the knowledge how to use them, so he can help you along the way. But, now it's time to go, I'll visit soon. Bye." Then everything starts to fade away...


~°V Y L A D°~
I wake up, startled. 'We need to leave! Think of Garroth's house! Quickly!' River yells in my head, which I do. I feel a rush of wind and energy, then I'm inside Garroth's house, in the middle of Laurance, Garroth, Aaron, Zane, Travis, Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and Dante. I look at Dante, and mutter words I thought I would never hear,"Mate!" Then blackness consumes me...

~°D A N T E°~
Garroth, Zane, Laurance, Travis, Aaron, Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and I are all plaining how to get Vylad back. When, all of a sudden, the energy in the air shifts, wind blows, making everyone shut their eyes. When we open them, I gasp, because sitting in fronts for me is Vylad, weak, full of bruises, scars, and blood, his blood. Then he looks at me, and mutters,"Mate!" Then passes out. "Vylad!" I yell, running to him, pulling him close. "Get the pack Doctor!" I demand, using my Alpha voice. A few seconds later the pack Doctor runs in. "Will Vylad be OK?!" I demand. "H-He-He-" he stutters. "Spit. It. Out!" I demand, again. "He's healing! Faster than a normal werewolf!" He spits out. "He's already fully healed! Just only minor damages!" My pack Doctor, Scott, says. All of a sudden Vylad's head snaps up, smacking his head with Scott's, slaps Garroth and Zane, then runs out of the house, with inhuman speed might I add. I look at Garroth and Zane's faces, which holds shook, worry, confused, and hurt. "W-What happened?" Garroth asks, instantly getting comforted by Laurance, same with Zane and Travis. I respond to Garroth's question by saying,"I-I don't know..." We then hear a scream, making me run after Vylad...

~°V Y L A D°~
I can't believe Garroth and Zane would lie to me about being apart of their family! That I was adopted! Tears are rushing down my face. I scream my frustrations out, collapsing to the ground. 'Mate,' River whimpers. I turn around to come face to face with Dante. "What's wrong?" Dante asks, worried evident in his voice. I just whimper and wrap my arms around my mate, which he returns.

After about five minutes like this I pull apart, looking at Dante. "Let's go back," Dante suggest, which I agree to. When we walk in his house I realize he's a werewolf, 'River! How do I hide my scent! I don't want them to sense my power!' River then tells me how, which I quickly do. Phew! "Vylad! Why did you slap us?!" Yells Zane, which I just whimper and bow to. 'We are the most powerful human on Earth! And you bow down to your step-brother?!' River yells, making me flinch at his tone. But I retort to Zane by yelling,"Why didn't you tell me I was adopted?! Or you Garroth?!" 'Our eyes are going to change! Because of our power! It might hurt! It should only last a minute or two, this is what the Moon-Goddess told me.' River tells me, which then, quickly after, I end up in my on the floor, whimpering in pain. "AHHHH!" I scream. Everyone looks at me, worry and confusing flashing in their eyes. I scream again, then the pain subsisted. Everyone looks at me and gasps. "Y-Y-Your e-eyes!" Garroth stutters out. "T-They're s-s-silver!" Zane finishes. "Yea?! I also shifted! Two weeks early!" I yell. "M-May we see your wolf?" Garroth asks. 'River? Should we?' I ask, which causes River to scream,'YES!' "Yes, you may," with that said, I shift. Soon the room is filled with gasps. I growl and look at Dante. 'Dante!' I yell in his head, making him jump in the air, screaming.  "Who said that?!" He demands, making do a wolfy laugh. 'I did Dante, remember me? Name's Vylad? Ring a bell,' I ask Dante in his head, making him look at me with wide eyes. I shift humans, fully clothed. I hear Dante growl, most likely expecting me to be naked, because when he looks at me he gaps. "Shut you mouth, you might catch flies," I playfully tell Dante. Which causes him to growl. "Let me introduce myself! My name is Vylad Ro'Meave, son of Selene, or more commonly known as the Moon-Goddess. (Cue wide eyes and floor dropped mouths here!) I'm part vampire, angel, fae, witch, werewolf, and human." I make my scent reappear! "My powers consents of healing, teleporting, mind reading, shape-shifting, including you wolf, I can also make my scent disappear. I'm also bigger than every wolf. I can also control other's body's, there's many more powers. My main powers are based on earth, water, air, fire, ice, and aether. Aether means the clear sky or the upper regions of air beyond the clouds. But, there are many more I'll learn in the future." I finish, quoting what Selene told me. I look at Dante, who's frozen with shock, and smirk. I teleport behind Dante and say,"Are you going to say something or?.." I ask, making Dante jump up, screaming, again.

What is going to happen now? Will Vylad accept the Luna title? Or will Dante reject him? Will Vylad forgive his step-brothers for not telling him he's adopted? Read on to find out!! Have a Rossome day and stay Rossome!!!   Bye!!

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