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At birth every newborn is pricked on the finger, the color of their blood will determine their future. Seventy years ago the first child to be born with white blood was brought into the world. Not too long after a slur of births followed, all bearing the odd cream colored blood. The ritual to prick a newborns finger was started not long after.
A specialized academy made to contain and study these unique individuals was created, any white blooded person would soon be sent to this facility. The building is equipped with incredibly advanced technology designed for the study of these people. The building replicates a dome like structure, the top half being a thick bullet proof glass whilst the lower half is steel plated walls painted white. Inside lay all sorts of building made to make those inside feel comfortable in their settings.
Over the past seventy years researchers have discovered that those who possessed white blood had much more stamina, intelligence and power compared to red blooded individuals. Not only that, white blooded humans had natural immunity to many illnesses, many were born with natural beauty and other odd symptoms. Though a new addition has yet to be discovered, one that even the white blooded aren't aware of owning.
Though, red bloods are beginning to find out the reality behind the academy and many are growing suspicious. An uprising is coming, and it may depend on you.

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