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I grabbed the echo flower before I felt a sudden bad feeling that hit me like a brick. My worry and anxiety towered over me. I flew out of my position, and quickly said to the flower;


I opened a portal and threw the echo flower to the other side. I closed it imidietly and started to run to the lab that I use to work in. It was left abandoned for some reason. There were quite a lot of rumors about the lab but I knew the truth behind it. I busted down the door and ran to the control panel for the whole lab. It was dark but I had the whole place memorized in my head. I used the control panel to turn on the lights in the whole building. I then opened a drawer and tried finding the file I was looking for. It wasn't in there so I looked somewhere else but kept struggling to find it. "WHERE IS IT!?" I growled, mad at myself that I've forgotten where I've placed all that important info. I opened the portal to the barrier and went threw. I didn't see anyone on the other side. "DELL!? IF THIS IS A JOKE, QUIT IT! THIS IS SERIOUS!!" I yelled. Honestly there was no where of hiding unless Dell learned how to use invisiblity but I knew Dell so he wouldn't be pulling pranks in a time like this.

For 5 whole minutes of waiting there was no response from the otherside so I just ran off back to my lab with the portal I left open. I heard a disaster from outside. Yelling, screaming, crying. He had already arrived... Last time it took him an hour and a half but this time? 25 minutes! I quickly ran outside only to see a huge trail of blood and bodies everywhere. It scared me.. I fell on my knees and held onto my hoodie I was wearing, fear towered over me. I cried, curling up. Then everything went extremely silent. Then I heard him. I quickly hid, not looking to where he is. I heard him going towards the lab and in it.. why though? Then I remembered the portal I left open, I got up and ran towards the lab after he left but I stepped on something under me, shattering it. I look down and took my foot off it...

It was Kelly's necklace

It was stained by blood which scared me more. I would be sitting here crying but I need to stop that disgusting, murderous, bloody hell!! I ran into the lab and already saw that it went through the portal. I jumped threw it right behind him but the thing is....

H e
W a s
A l r e a d y
O n
T h e
O t h e r
S i d e
O f
T h e
B a r r i e r


EDIT: I realized I placed the wrong information to the wrong book-.

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