"The truth lies behind the barrier Dell, just remember that"

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I yawned as I woke up. I blinked twice before smiling happily. I flew outta my bed and quickly grabbed my pencil and went to the kitchen. I made my breakfast and ate it before I knew it. I checked on my brother to see how he's doin'. Since he was still asleep, suprisingly, I quietly close the door before rushing out of the house. I waved at the other humans and monsters that were nearby. The fallen humans has actually been spared as soon as they were seen. Us monsters are comfortable in our home underground so we didn't really care about the humans coming in and going out without getting harmed or their souls being stolen and we didn't care about escaping our home! Anyways, I walked towards Waterfall as fast as I can. I went to my hiding spot I have and picked up an echo flower that was laying around. "Let's see what's the message for today!" I said excitedly and waited for the echo flower to talk to me...

"Remember what's around you, ya idiot!"

I giggled at his words. He still thinks I'm imagining everyone's existence, huh? HE really needs to see everyone around him. I turned on the button at the top that's on the pencil and drew open a portal. It activated so I went inside it. When I entered I looked around. Just as normal, a grey void that faded to a yellowish greyish colour the more you look up and the barrier.. that separates the two worlds. WAIT! This is not the barrier you think it is! It does separate the humans and monsters but in the other side is humans that has magic! They were also sealed down here but since there was still a difference between the monsters and the magical so we sealed a barrier to separate the two. Yes, we call the humans with magic, magical. They're quite rare humans. The barrier is like glass so it was see trough. And I was able to easily my friend, Dell! It is a femanime name but Dell is definitely a male.

"Dell!" I said excitedly, happy to meet my best friend once again. "Hey there Eraw! Did you get my message?" Was the first thing Dell said. "Buddy, you're pushing everyone away. And when you do, you can't see them anyone! That's why you keep telling me they don't exist"

"Look around yourself!! Are you blind!?"

"I'm not, I'm telling the truth! They are my creations, Dell! I would have realized that they were gone!"

"Looks like you haven't!"

"But Dell!-"

Before I got to say another word Dell left. I stood there in silence and blinked twice before I sighed. I sat down and grabbed my pencil before drawing an echo flower. It popped into reality and fell onto my hand.

"The truth lies behind the barrier Dell, just remember that"

I said into the echo flower before I opened a portal into the other side of the barrier and left the flower over there but didn't go through the barrier myself.

¿Will he ever learn the truth?

(In this part he still has his normal body instead of it being missing)

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