Fighting Like an Old Platonic Couple

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I'm back.
Hello again Mr. Watson.
Greg called, so I'll have to leave soon.
Whatever you want.
I don't want to go out, but I know my mom would want to know why, and Greg would be all annoying about it, so I have to. I'd definitely spend the rest of my day with you.
Yes, I'd love to spend my day with you as well.
Isn't there anyone else you can talk to there?
Everyone that's here very much dislikes me. I thought you said that you like everyone there?
I never said they liked me.
Complicated girlfriends in there?
So much worse. I've never really had time for relationships, I thought I told you that.
I think we were too wrapped up in my problems than yours. But you did say something about a crush you had.
Ah yes, what a terrible thing, a crush. You never know what you'll do for someone until you can't have them.
Then you do more.
I can say from experience I didn't take that little piece of advice very well.
What happened?
A sob story for another day.
Yet again...
Are you upset with that?
No, no you're fine, but you know absolutely everything about me and I barely know you.
You're the only person who knows I exist, is that not enough?
I guess it's a fair trade off.
One day you'll stumble on the truth, and if not I'll tell you eventually.
Don't be mad, sometimes living in the dark is better than seeing the light. It makes things a lot more exciting.
I'm not mad, I can't be mad at you.

That actually made me laugh Mr. Watson, but there hasn't been a person in my life that hasn't been mad at me.
I don't see how, you're the kindest person I know.
Not in some people's eyes. Like the bloody head master for one.
Well they're all idiots, and maybe it's a good thing you're out of there. Who knows, if you hadn't been expelled would we have even met?
No actually, you're right maybe it is a good thing.
Have I ever been wrong?

Hahahaha oh yes you have. I've seen your math work remember?
Oh ya... it was a joke anyway.
Good, because all your answers are also jokes.
You do know I can just shut this book and leave you alone right? I will not take this abuse.
Oh Mr. Watson, you are quite funny. You're not going to leave, and both of us know that. I took a moment just to sit there, not writing anything or touching the book at all, trying to scare him.

I know you're there, the book is still open. I still didn't answer though, hoping he would get all sappy with an apology or something. But instead of an apology, the book started to glow from the middle, and I was transported once again to Hogwarts. This time though, I was sitting on one of the library desks, on a pile of very uncomfortable books. Sherlock was standing with his arms crossed but a smile on his face in the middle of the aisle, trying to look all dramatic or something.

"Told you." He pointed out.

"And I also told you to let me alone, I need to go outside and if Greg comes knocking I'll be in a coma!" I pointed out, hopping down from the desk and standing my ground. This time though, he was taller, so I kind of wanted to stand on a chair or something to have the high ground.

"You're cute when you're angry." Sherlock decided, making my anger seem to fade with confusion as my cheeks glowed.

"Thanks? But really, I need to go and I'd like it if you'd tell me before taking my soul." I debated. Sherlock just smiled at me more, making me do my best to keep my scowl.

"You're like a little hedgehog. An angry one though." Sherlock said, stepping closer and ruffling my hair with one of his soft hands. I ducked away from his hand, and he just laughed at me, but pulled his hand away once again.

"Is playtime with Greg really more important than me?" he asked with a pouty voice.

"No, of course not, it's waking up in a hospital bed with an ADD machine on my chest that worries me." I pointed out.

"No matter what's going on you always make me laugh." He said with a smile. I smiled sarcastically, trying to give him the bloody hint that I'd love to go now. "But if you really need to go, I can't hold you here against your will. Any chance you'll come over tonight though?" he asked hopefully.

"Of course I will." I assured, wanting to comfort him in some way. He looked like a little kid, sulking because his mommy had left him at daycare or something.

"Then go on then, I'll miss you." He said with a little laugh, and the glowing light returned me back to my room. It felt like I was just sleeping or something, the book on my lap and my head in the pillows. Thank god I made him leave me, because as soon as I returned the doorbell rang. I knew it had to be Greg, he was the only person that would come around. I heard mom answer, two sets of voices talking for a little bit before I was called to the living room. I took the book, burying it under all of my covers because I didn't want Greg to find it, walking out into the living room, where Greg was sitting on the couch, watching the football game without any invitation. 

"About time! Where were you?" he asked with annoyance. Oh, you know, in the fictional land of my magical pen pal, nothing new really.

"In my room, I know it's hard to believe." I growled.

"Don't you sass me young man!" Greg defended.

"Oh great, now I have two mothers." I grumbled, sitting in an armchair and frowning at him. I heard my mom clear her throat from the door way, and I just smiled innocently. "Love you mom." I added, making her smile and return to the kitchen. It seemed like she cooks all day, not that I was complaining, all of the meals were fantastic.

"So I called before, I guess you had some project, what class?" Greg asked curiously.

"Oh, uh, English." I said quickly.

"Ya, well, that's funny because I've got the same teacher and don't have any project." He pointed out.

"Well, uh, lucky I guess." I mumbled. Greg looked at me suspiciously, but sighed.

"So, biking, basketball, looking through that creepy book again?" he shrugged.

"No book. I don't even know where that thing got to, probably somewhere in my closet, let's go biking." I decided.

"Good with me. Mrs. Watson, we're going biking!" he called, strolling out the door and letting the screen door shut in my face. I followed him with a quick good bye to my mom and wherever the rest of the family is hiding. I grabbed my bike out of the garage, jumping on and chasing him down the street. We rode into town, riding around the park and trying to jump over the rocks and stuff. All that came from that was a lot of falling, but we were able to keep going, nothing but some brush burns. We stopped at the corner store, Greg buying us both sodas and we sat on a park bench, people watching and talking about nothing in particular.

"I'm already done with school." Greg sighed, sipping his soda and kicking a rock at a wandering pigeon, who took off in terror.

"It's miserable, how come I've got no classes with you?" I groaned.

"Because the school board looks through the lists of people someone hangs out with and makes sure to jam them into the worst possible classes." Greg pointed out.

"That must be it." I agreed.

"What about you and you know who?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Oh, no, she's not in any of my classes, I guess I'm just not too interested." I shrugged.

"Not interested! She's been your crush since I can't remember when!" Greg said with shock.

"Well, I guess I've moved on." I decided.

"Oh come on! Who else is there for you?" he said with a little laugh. I had no idea, I really didn't, but thinking of Mary didn't make my heart hurt like it used to. That blind love I had for her seemed to be wandering off, but to who I didn't know.

"I don't know, no one yet I guess." I shrugged. Greg looked disappointed; one of his favorite games was to torture me about Mary and try to get me to talk to her.

"You're such a liar." He decided, making me groan.

"Sherlock com..." I stopped, realizing what I just called him.

"Who?" Greg asked curiously.

"No one, I don't know where that came from." I lied quickly.

"Is this Sherlock your new crush? Never heard that name, is she cute?" he laughed.

"No! I've never met a Sherlock before, and if I did I doubt anyone with that name could be attractive." I defended. Lies, total lies, Sherlock was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. Greg just continued talking, obviously not really caring about what I had said. After a while the soda cans were empty and the time got later and later. Eventually we decided to call it quits, jumping back on our bikes and riding back home with tired goodbyes. I dumped my bike in the garage and went slamming through the screen door, announcing my arrival with boredom. I just wanted to talk to Sherlock at the moment; I didn't really care about dinner.

"John honey you're late, diner was a while ago." Mom said, walking out of the kitchen with a dish towel.

"Oh, sorry, we got pizza, I forgot you had something prepared." I lied, waving halfheartedly and walking swiftly to my room.

"I'm beat, goodnight!" I called, shutting the door and locking it. I grabbed the pencil from my desk and unearthed the book from the mess of covers, burying underneath so it if someone walked in, they'd think I'm asleep.

I'm back, I want to come to Hogwarts. I scribbled anxiously. There was no response, just the light glowing in the book again, making me sigh in relief. I didn't know why I was so desperate to see him, but right now I just needed to be with him. When the light faded I was back in Hogwarts, thank god, in the hallway again. I didn't see Sherlock until I turned around, where he was leaning with his back against the wall and his arms crossed in a sort of model pose sort of thing.

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