Ghost Whisperer

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I opened my eyes again, in my room, no Sherlock, no Hogwarts, no fun. I looked at the clock, almost eight thirty. Wow, time sure does pass when you're interrogating your friend. I didn't want to be back here, in this completely Sherlockless world of boring. I sighed, sinking into my pillows with my head racing in my mind. Sherlock's story was still kind of disturbing, terrifying actually. The thought that anyone could do that to another person, six other people, and even trying to drown another was a lot to take in. I certainly knew that I could never kill someone in anyway, even if they were the worst mutant to ever rise from the gutter. I crawled out of bed, hiding the book once more. Now keeping that book safe was extremely important, if he was stolen from me in anyway not only would I lose my best friend now I'd be losing my sort of boyfriend. Had he wanted to kiss me? I think so, looking at my lips sent only one clear message and I was sort of looking forward to when that day came. I wandered out to the dining room, my stomach growling since I had missed diner. Mom and Harry were both absent, but my father was in the armchair once again, a beer in his hand.

"Where have you been boy!" he demanded, making me step back in surprise.

"I uh, was doing homework and fell asleep." I muttered.

"Your mom was banging on the door for dinner, and you didn't wake up to that?!" his face was red, I didn't know whether from anger or alcohol, but I knew it probably wasn't good. I wondered just how many he's had.

"Oh, uh, I guess I slept through it, I was beat." I lied.

"She was worried sick!" he yelled. I sort of hoped mom would come out here because at the moment I didn't know what he might do. He was very delicate and unpredictable when he was drunk.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it." I muttered.

"You bloody well could've, she was worried sick!" he yelled. I didn't know exactly what to say, so I tried to change the topic.

"Is there any dinner left, I'm pretty hungry." I decided.

"No, there isn't, dinner is at a certain time and you need to pay attention! If anyone could just fall asleep whenever they wanted this world would be even more rubbish!"

"Sorry." I muttered again, but I really was starving. I wished I had eaten more lunch, which I had spent listening to Greg talk and daydreaming about my next visit with Sherlock.

"YOU SHOULDN'T BE APOLOGIZING TO ME! SHUT THE F*** UP AND GO TO YOUR ROOM!" dad screamed, making me jump and scramble back to my room, locking the door again but only because I was afraid he'd come in here, ramming down the door. Dad had never cursed to his family like that, and it was a slap in the face really. I had no idea where mom or even Harry were, but I'd very much appreciate if one of them came to my aid. Dad scared me when he was drunk, and it was times like that one that proved just how scary he could be. My stomach growled again, so I dug around my junk drawer for anything to hold me over until I could sneak out. The only thing I found was a container of Tic-Tac's, throwing four into my mouth and hoping it would substitute for solid food. I sat at my desk, looking at the book and debating whether or not to write to Sherlock. I didn't know what he would be doing know, and I didn't know if there was a minimum wait time you had to wait after whatever happened between us, but at the moment I didn't know who else to talk to. I picked up the pencil and flipped through the book once again, staring at the page and wondering whether or not this was really worth Sherlock's time. Sure, he was drunk, maybe a little but on edge, but really was there really any harm to me? I sighed, closing the book again and stared at the curtains closed over the window. I really should give Sherlock his space, after admitting so much to me it felt like a sin to be bugging him so soon. I went back to my bed, still holding the book but switching off the lights, trying to ignore my growling stomach. I ate a couple more tic tacks as I lay there, staring at the ceiling and holding the book to my chest. If I could just sleep I'd forget that I had wanted to kiss a psychopath. The whole thing kept running through my head, so he was gay, that was quite obvious now, and he went after his crush's lover then? I guess that means it was that Moriarty guy that was in the castle with him, that's why he never comes out. So then he murdered Moriarty because he was mad at him all the sudden? It made sense I guess, but it was disturbing. Through all these days I had never known that he was actually dead. He was a spirit, trapped in this book voluntarily though, from the eighteen hundreds or something. That was why he was always there to answer me, no matter what the time. It also explained why he didn't seem to eat or sleep. What did I even want from him? He was my best friend in the world, but for some reason it took a tale of murder to finally make me drawn romantically to him. I mean yes, I've had thought before, with the whole astronomy tower and the hand holding and stuff, but today I had honestly wanted to kiss him, but he was either too scared or too shaken up. Was it me, did he not want anything more to do with me than friendship? I hope no, I really found that I liked him, a lot, and if he says no I really didn't want to go down the same path he did. Thankfully there wasn't anyone he could cheat with, except maybe Moriarty, but he had made it very clear that Jim wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. And it wasn't like I could drown someone who was already dead. I sighed, crunching down on the mints in my mouth and turning onto my side, burying my head into the pillows. Maybe it was best to try to clear my mind, and then maybe I could get a decent night's sleep. It took a while, and when finally my eyes closed by themselves my dreams were plagued with Sherlock, smiling at me, telling me how handsome I was, his lips brushing my cheek ever so slightly and his green eyes impaling my soul.

                When I woke up I dragged my feet a little bit, I didn't want to go to school, it was distracting me from what's really important, Sherlock. I went through my morning schedule, but instead of eating I wrote to Sherlock.

Good morning. Hello Mr. Watson. Dad yelled at me last night, I was scared. Why didn't you write to me then? I didn't know if you'd want to talk. I will always be here Mr. Watson; there will never be an inopportune time, as you now know I have nowhere else to go. So, you're actually...dead? By my own hand yes. Does that bother you? No, of course not. Life and Death are no different Mr. Watson, you just need to learn how to control yourself when the time comes. You put your soul into a book then? Why? To hope that maybe the nice people I knew existed would find me and redeem my worthless view on the world. And here you are now, so I see that debt fulfilled. I doubt I'm enough to make you look at your world differently. You're the only one who accepted me as I truly am. Well you're the only person around that I can actually trust to talk to, so I guess we're even. That means a lot to me. Is there any way you could come to this world? Yes, as I said before, but it is difficult and I don't think we're there quite yet. I'll do anything for you, I swear.  I believe you, but for now I think it is okay to be communicating like this don't you think? "John you'll be late!" Mom yelled through the house, making me groan.

Got to go to school, I'll hopefully see you later. I wrote, tucking the book in my backpack and running out the door. I regretted skipping breakfast the minute I got to school. My stomach was growling very annoyingly and I was starving. But I didn't want food as much as I wanted Sherlock right now, I wanted to talk to him and have him hold me close, tell me that I could stay with him forever.

"So did you find anything more about that William guy?" Greg asked as I sat down for lunch, eating as fast as I could in the hope that I could write to him a little bit more.

"No of course not, I was just really scared to find out more, as if I knew too much he was going to come and kill me." I lied.

"Oh, okay then. You got me worried; I thought something was really wrong." Greg sighed, biting into a very unappetizing looking chicken nugget. I had packed a lunch, so I practically devoured my sandwich.

"You're awfully quiet today." Greg observed.

"Yes well, I'm hungry." I lied.

"Is everything all right?" he asked.


"For some reason a one word answer doesn't cut it." Greg decided.

"Everything's fine, I just woke up late and missed breakfast."

"Long night then?"

"I thought a ghost was going to come and kill me, so yes." I growled, wanting him to just shut up for once.

"Well you're here in one piece, still trying to decide if that's a good thing though." Greg joked.

"Oh shut up!" I groaned, finishing off the sandwich and moving on to a bag of chips. Greg rolled his eyes but shut his mouth, at least for now. I knew it wouldn't last for a minute. I could almost feel the book against my back, calling for me to talk to him again. Would if I could Sherlock. My mind was pretty much set on one thing throughout the whole day, when I could get to talk to him. Unfortunately I couldn't get any space from Greg the rest of lunch, and I couldn't write to him throughout the entire day afterwards. All through English, the last period of the day, my mind seemed to be plagued with his beautiful face. It was bothering me very much that he had pulled away from kissing me, but I was sure there was a good reason for it. He was obviously scared of hurting me, he thought he was a complete psychopath, but at the moment I didn't care one bit. I would walk off the face of the earth if I knew he would be waiting down there with me. Finally when the final bell rang I almost ran to my locker, packing up and getting impatiently on the bus to wait for it to start moving. Not ten minutes later it stopped at my stop, letting me say goodbye to Greg and jump through the door, saying hi and bye to my family and locking my door. I lay in my bed, heart pounding in excitement. Finally I was going to see him.

I'm here, can I come? I wrote excitedly.

Of course you can. The light shone over me like a light from heaven. I was leaving this false world and going back to my world, where I was truly accepted and loved. 

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