How Nintendo could Announce Waluigi for SSB5

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Alright, I have a good feeling that Waluigi will be announced this time. If not, the game isn't pertect, simple as that, also we need a Waluigi Pinball stage. The other Mario characters wanted are Daisy, Geno, Paper Mario, and Caption Toad. Even though I would like Geno be in it more, I think Daisy would join beside Waluigi instead. But how could they announce them, that's why I'm here today. So, as we see in the first trailer, it at first looked like a game for Splatoons, but it turned out to be SSB. So I think we could assume they're going to do the same with the other character reveals.

So, Waluigi and Daisy are on a tennis court, making it seem it's a trailer for Mario Aces, Daisy truck shots, then Waluigi uses his super shot to break her racket and wins the match, but then it turns dark, and they both turn to see the emblem, the other playable Mario characters and the Squidlings jump in front of them and Mario gestures them to join the fight. Daisy runs over and hugs Luigi, knocking him to the ground and Waluigi high fives the others, also as well giving Wario a noogie. Then both Daisy and Waluigi looks at the person that's watching the trailer, Daisy waves bye while Waluigi does finger guns, and the part we saw in the last trailer at the end of the logo and the year comes up, and we lastly hear Daisy and Waluigi say, see you next time.

So, that was just for fun, I hope you liked it, and happy Mario day, I'll see you all later.

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