I'm Putting an Idea in Good Use

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So, I've had this idea for a while, what if Daisy and Waluigi fans came together to peacefully get what they want. I decided to start at Twitter, and at first, it wasn't working, but now after a couple minutes, I have one Daisy and Waluigi fan helping out. Which is incredible in my case. XD If you can help as well, that would mean a lot to me. If we can make this a big community, we can show everyone that there are civil and non-toxic fans that actually like these two characters for who they are. It's going to be hard, and there will be struggle between the two fanbases, but I believe we can get along, if we can see our similarities. This would be very incredible, and could go down in videogame history. Two fanbases that once hated each other, coming together to show that both characters deserve a chance to shine. I hope that it is possible, and that you can help by telling more Daisy or Waluigi fans from other sites or the same site as mine to make this community grow, please and thank you.

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