Chapter 13

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Owlpaw regretfully walked into the cavern after leaving the cliff. She couldn't see Sheer Mountain, so she just made a beeline for the den. I'll give Sheer Mountain some time to calm down, then I'll apologize. Maybe I can still salvage this. Her travel mates had already began settling down in their nests for the night, Earthpelt lifted her head as Owlpaw entered the den.

"How did your talk with Sheer Mountain go?" Earthpelt questioned as Owlpaw sat down in her nest.

"Not great." Owlpaw replied with a heavy sigh. "I learned that her mother talked a lot of cats in the stars, but Sheer Mountain thought she was crazy. I told her about StarClan but it just made her mad, she stormed off."

"So you've angered our only lead." Slatepaw mewed with a slight growl from his nest. "Remind me again why StarClan sent you the dream?"

Owlpaw winced slightly, but did her best to ignore the AshClan apprentice. "I'm going to bed, tomorrow I'll go apologize to Sheer Mountain and try and make this right." Her companions began muttering quietly, but Owlpaw just ignored them as she closed her eyes. I will make this right. I can't accept failure, not yet.


Owlpaw's eyes fluttered open, but she wasn't in her nest. She back on the cliff where she had spoken with Sheer Mountain. The stars shimmered overhead, it was as beautiful as she pictured when first seeing the cliff. However, Owlpaw couldn't really take a moment to take in the scene as she quickly realized she wasn't alone. The other seven Clan cats sat with here, looking around in confusion.

Leafdawn sat up, her eyes confused. "What is going on? Where are we?"

"We're above the cave," Owlpaw explained. "This is where Sheer Mountain and I spoke earlier."

"Why are we all here though?" Seedclaw questioned, his green eyes scanning the cliff.

"Because it's time you learned about what you've been searching for." A voice spoke and all heads turned towards the edge of the cliff. Owlpaw gasped as the same tortoiseshell from her past two dreams formed before them.

"It's you again! Owlpaw exclaimed, confusing the others even further. "Who are you? Why do I keep seeing you?"

The tortoiseshell dipped her head. "My name is Mosscloud, I am a former MoonClan medicine cat."

"I think I've heard your name before. When I first joined MoonClan I was told many stories about the past" Berryheart spoke up. "But why are you out here?"

"And why is a MoonClan cat guiding us when all the Clans are involved?" Fennelpaw added.

"Because I am the only StarClan cat who can venture this far beyond your territories, but that is a story for another time." Mosscloud explained softly.

"So you're going to tell us what we're on this journey for? What we're supposed to find?" Seedclaw asked hopefully.

Mosscloud nodded. "But first, I have to tell you a story."

"Seriously?" Slatepaw spoke up, twitching his ears. "Why do we need to listen to some story?"

"Patience, Slatepaw." Mosscloud bowed her head, Slatepaw rolled his eyes. "You'll see why in time" Mosscloud sat down and looked across the group of Clan cats. "Are you all familiar with the story of how the four Clans came to be?"

"Sunstar, Ashstar, Moonstar and Lichenstar all formed their own Clans and with the guidance of StarClan, the four Clans were built." Earthpelt answered. Owlpaw had heard the story before when she was younger.

Mosscloud nodded. "That's correct, but that is far from the beginning of the story." Owlpaw blinked. What more is there? "Before LichenClan, MoonClan, SunClan and AshClan, there were five different Clans." The Clan cats were all taken aback. Five different Clans?

"What happened to them? What were they called?" Leopardpaw asked in awe.

"The five Clans were called ShadowClan, ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan and SkyClan. Together, they lived around a vast, beautiful lake. The believe in StarClan and followed the same warrior code that you all do.

"These Clans faced many struggles in their lifetimes but it soon became too much. Over time these Clans began to fall apart. They lost their faith in StarClan and left the warrior code behind. In time, there were no Clans left.

"However, not every cat forgot the life of the code. Eight cats from the Clans stuck together. Some fell in love, and they had kits. As those kits grew up and had kits of their own, but soon the warrior code was left behind and forgotten.

"It seemed as if the time of the warrior Clans was a thing of the past, but those eight cats lived on in StarClan. They were on the verge of fading away forever, they came together and came up with a final plan to try and save the legacy of warriors. They wanted to rebuild the Clans.

"They looked for their descendants, cats who carried blood of the original Clans. They had mixed between four Clans but they had to try. These four cats would turn out to be Ashstar, with the blood of ThunderClan and ShadowClan, Lichenstar with the blood of ShadowClan and RiverClan, Moonstar with the blood of RiverClan and WindClan and Sunstar with the blood of WindClan and ThunderClan. Together these four cats were guided by StarClan and the four Clans you know were built."

Owlpaw was listening intently, the story was incredible but there was something missing, something that didn't make sense. "What about SkyClan?"

Mosscloud's eyes sparkled. "I'm glad you asked, Owlpaw. SkyClan had a strange history, in the Clans original territory SkyClan's home was destroyed my twolegs and the other four refused to help and SkyClan was driven out of their home, only to be destroyed and forgotten. Many moons later, an ancient ThunderClan leader rebuilt SkyClan, finding them a home away from the other Clans, in a gorge. However, SkyClan was once again driven out by the rogues but with the help of StarClan was guided to the lake where they rejoined with the other four Clans until they all collapsed.

"When the Clans began to break a SkyClan tom fled towards the mountains where he encountered a strange group of cats known as the Tribe of Rushing Water. They lived behind a waterfall and lived a strange life, but this SkyClan tom was welcomed and fell in love with a she-cat and together, they had kits.

"It is unknown what happened to the Tribe of Rushing Water, but what is known is that those two cats have descendants still in this world. A cat with the blood of SkyClan and the Tribe of Rushing Water."

"Okay this is great and all," Slatepaw grumbled, clearly nearing the end of his patience. Owlpaw was honestly impressed he stayed quiet for this long. "But I still don't know why you're telling us all this."

"When the Clans reached their new homes, the signs were clear. Five usable territories. Five trees in the gathering hollow. Five petals on the star-shaped flower in the center of the Spirit Garden. This territory was made for five Clans, not four."

"But there's only four Clans. " Earthpelt pointed out, Owlpaw noticed how confused her travel mates looked.

"StarClan requested two cats of each Clan to travel beyond the mountains in search of something unknown. Finally, you will be told what your mission is." Owlpaw's heart pounded in her chest. "Your mission is to build and bring back a fifth Clan." Owlpaw's jaw dropped, how in the world were they supposed to build a Clan? She couldn't even begin to wrap her head around the task.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Leafdawn said, clearly taken by surprise along with the others.

"It's going to be a challenge." Mosscloud's tone wasn't even close to being relaxing or reassuring. "But I will be there to guide you."

"So let me get this straight," Slatepaw stepped forward. "You want us, to find a bunch of cats who have no knowledge of the warrior code or StarCan, teach them the warrior code, find a subtable leader and medicine cat, convince them to give everything they know and walk the entire way back to the Clans and then convince the Clans to welcome a brand new Clan full of rogues, loners and possibly kittypets who will have to respect borders for the first time in their lives? Did I cover it all?"

There was a long moment of silence, Owlpaw didn't want to admit it but Slatepaw made several valid points. They had a huge responsibility weighing on their shoulders. How can we possibly do this?

Owlpaw couldn't possibly image this working out for them. The Clans had lived as four since the beginning. This wasn't the old Clans who used to live as five, the new Clans had never looked as five. There were no remnants of a Clan, just a single descendant for them to find.

"I understand that this an intimidating task." Mosscloud continued. "But you must continue with it. StarClan will help you succeed, and as for the've already found one."

"Who is it?" Seedclaw questione desperately.

Mosscloud rested her eyes on Owlpaw. "You already know where to find the answer to that question, Owlpaw." All eyes rested on Owlpaw. She blinked, thinking for a moment. I know where to find the answer? Owlpaw then remembred what Mosscloud had told her before. Look to the mountain, for only she can give you the answer you've been searching for.

"Sheer Mountain." Owlpaw mewed. "She's supposed to be the leader."

Mosscloud nodded. "Sheer Mountain is the SkyClan descendant."

"But Sheer Mountain doesn't believe in StarClan. She thinks that we're crazy." Slatepaw pointed out.

"She needs to be convinced." Mosscloud answered, waving her tail. She looked at Owlpaw once more. "That is your task, Owlpaw."

Owlpaw flattened her ears. "Why me?" I didn't do so well the first time.

"Sheer Mountain will be the most willing to listen to you out of all of you Clan cats. She sees something interesting in you."

"I doubt that anymore." Owlpaw sighed. "She got angry with me, she thinks I'm crazy."

"Talk to her some more, convince Sheer Mountain to open up her heart and mind to StarClan, from then on I can help more. You can do this, Owlpaw." Owlpaw swallowed nervously. There's so much riding on this, I have to convince a cat who hates the idea of StarClan to lead an entire Clan.

"You have received your message. You represent the four Clans, with this information go forth and complete your mission."

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