Chapter 19

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Just one day left. Owlpaw reminded herself. Have to make sure that everything is ready to go. She and Cocoa had spent the last five days not only studying herbs, but collecting them as well. Owlpaw wanted to make sure they had enough for the whole trip, no matter how long it took. It will probably take longer since there's so many of us. Owlpaw noted. We need to be prepared for injures. Last time Berryheart had gotten injured, but now Owlpaw was more skilled. And I have Cocoa with me, even if she is still learning.

"So what herbs are we going to give everyone before we leave?"

"Sorrel for appetite, daisy to relieve pain, and burnet and chamomile for strength."

"Good." Owlpaw purred. "Could you point those out for me?" She easily picked out sorrel and the daisy leaves, but struggled with the burnet and chamomile. She's good at remembering names and what they do, but not what they look like. Owlpaw pointed out the other herbs to Cocoa and left her to study them a little bit. The future Clan cats were all gathered around together, eagerly whispering and talking about their hopes for the future.

They had all begun to settle in quite well. They were making friends with each other, and they all seemed to get along. Even Sheer Mountain and Nettle were getting along with them as well. Sheer Mountain still seemed to be a little awkward, but Nettle fit right in. They'll become a true Clan soon. Owlpaw thought happily, but fear still weighed on her mind. She worried about the new Clan, she hoped that they would be accepted by the other Clans, and that they wouldn't have any problems. What if there's a fox or badger living in their territory and no one knows?

Owlpaw's thoughts began to race with anxiety, she had so many fears clawing at the back of her head. She glanced at the Clan cats who are also mingling and talking with the future Clan cats. Are they as worried as I am? Owlpaw questioned, wondering if she was the only one who was concerned. In the past four days, her travelmates had been talking about how excited they were to go home.

They were sharing the best parts of Clan life with the Clanless cats, making them even more excited. I'm excited to return home too, right? Owlpaw had barely been thinking about home lately, her heart and mind had been so focused on building the Clan and preparing them. She missed her family of course, but when she got back she would have to ask Pebblestep and Honeyfrost if she could become a medicine cat apprentice.

She wasn't sure if they would even let her. Does a Clan really need three medicine cats? Owlpaw fretted. What if they tell me no and I'm forced to live my life as a useless warrior? She shook her head. Pebblestep and Honeyfrost would never do that. Owlpaw had to convince herself. I'll become a medicine cat and I'll truly be on the right path. Owlpaw took a deep breath, desperately trying to calm her fears.

But I'll miss these cats. Owlpaw dropped her head. She had become so close to Sheer Mountain as well as Nettle and Cocoa. Cocoa is so unsure of herself. Owlpaw noted. Will she be able to confidently serve her Clan, even with such little training? I'm not a real medicine cat yet. Owlpaw's claws scraped the stone. But Mosscloud is. Cocoa had told Owlpaw that Mosscloud had continued to train her in her sleep. Owlpaw glanced up at the pale gray sky, clouds threatening to rain. I just hope that these fears will go away. Owlpaw sighed and tried to come up with something useful to do, but Cocoa was busy studying herbs. I could always go gather some more.

Owlpaw started to head to the cavern entrance when Leopardpaw approached. "Where you off to?"

"To collect some more herbs for the journey." Owlpaw explained.

"Want some help? We just got done training Spider's group. I could use some peace and quiet, it's become so loud here."

"Sure." Owlpaw's heart lifted at the thought of spending time with a friend. Not to mention, us Clan cats will be separating too. The two apprentices padded down the stone path into the field.

"I can't believe we're so close to going home." Leoaprdpaw mewed. Is that all any cat can talk about?

"Yeah," Owlpaw breathed out, trying to not let her emotions show but failing miserably.

"What's wrong? Aren't you excited?"

"I am, I am." Owlpaw did her best to convince Leoaprdpaw, and herself as well. "I'm just worried, I guess. I'm worried about how the Clan is going to fare once they're on their own. They'll have borders and rules for the first times in their lives."

"I think they'll do just fine, Owlpaw." Leopardpaw purred. "They're already kind of following the warrior code as best they can. I even saw Hazel giving thanks to StarClan for her prey."

"I know, I know." Owlpaw shook her head. "I'm just anxious."

"It makes sense." Leopardpaw mewed. "You out of all us put the most energy into this mission. We all did it together, but I can't help but feel like this was your mission."

"My mission?" Owlpaw was confused by her words.

"We're training them and we've been hunting, but this entire time you've been doing all the work. You had to convince Sheer Mountain to join us and you brought us Cocoa and have been training her even though you're not even a medicine cat apprentice yet. It makes sense that you're heart is so dedicated to this Clan. You've built this Clan, Owlpaw."

"I guess." Owlpaw dropped her head, her pelt burning. "I just did what StarClan told me to do."

"And you did a great job." Leopardpaw brushed her tail across Owlpaw's pelt. "This is a story they will tell for seasons to come, long after you and I are gone. A tale of the four warriors and four apprentices who built a Clan, but one of them, a little SunClan apprentice who recruited a leader and guided her to StarClan. I know your Clanmates will be impressed."

Leopardpaw's words were reassuring, but Owlpaw was still anxious. "You really think they'll do alright?"

"I do." Leopardpaw nodded. "They've been shaped by warriors, they'll become great warriors in their own time. I know it."

Owlpaw took a deep breath to relax her mind, and decided to set her focus on gathering herbs instead. She and Leopardpaw padded over to the river where they began collecting marigold. The river was flowing slowly today, Owlpaw caught a glimpse of her reflection and stared into the surface. "It's hard to believe I almost died in this river." She spoke up.

"That was scary." Leoardpaw replied. "All of us were convinced you were gone for good, until Sheer Mountain showed up. I've never seen a cat move like that. It was incredible."

"That's where I met Mosscloud for the first time." Owlpaw explained. "But I didn't know who she was at the time."


Owlpaw nodded. "She told me I had been in that spot before. I think she meant I had almost died before, because when I was kit I did die, but Pebblestep brought me back to life."

"That's incredible." Leopardpaw flicked the surface of the water with her tail. "Looks like you've been touched by StarClan your whole life." Maybe. Owlpaw thought, getting lost in her reflection and thoughts. Why me, though? Why did StarClan chose me? Do my siblings have great destinies too? Or just me?

"Let's get this marigold back before you fall in again." Leopardpaw nudged Owlpaw gently, pulling her from her thoughts.

"Right." Owlpaw mewed awkwardly and picked up the bundle of marigold that she had collected. The two of them started back towards the cavern and Owlpaw took in her surroundings. This is one of the last times I will ever see this place. She thought. She glanced towards where Nettle had made her cave while she was injured, and back towards the forest where Raptor had almost killed Owlpaw. This place has become like a home to me. Owlpaw thought. So much has happened, I'll be sad to say goodbye to it. She couldn't imagine how Sheer Mountain was feeling about it either. This actually is her home. I hope she'll be okay.

Owlpaw and Leopardpaw reached the cavern and Owlpaw took her bundle of marigold and stepped into the cave where Cocoa was studying her herbs still. She looked up and looked at the herbs. "What is that? Wait! I know, it's marigold!" Owlpaw purred at her enthusiasm and set the herbs down. They had quite the large pile. We have more than enough.

"Good job." Owlpaw praised the she-cat and stared at the herbs for a moment before sitting down by her nest. Since more cats moved into the cavern, the cave where the Clan cats slept had become incredibly crowded with everyone else. As a medicine cat I'll be sleeping in a den with Honeyfrost and Pebblestep. Owlpaw noted. And any sick or injured cats.

Owlpaw tried to imagine what her life would be as a medicine cat. Leaf-bare would be here soon and she would have to work hard to keep her Clanmates safe and healthy. I'll help birth kits, and treat battle wounds. There's so much more to learn that what I know. Owlpaw was genuinely excited to learn about it. She just had to find a way to fight her anxiety about the new Clan and focus on her future as one of SunClan's medicine cats. This Clan isn't my whole life. Owlpaw reminded herself. My future is still vast, so much can happen and I have to be ready for it. 

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