Chapter 4

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Rain felt lazily from the sky, tiny drops of water splashing against the stone. Sheer Mountain looked out into the cavern while Wren, Finch and Sparrow happily behind her. The clouds overhead were gray, but they weren't bunched together. Hopefully it doesn't storm. Sheer Mountain watched the rain fall slowly. Finch, Wren and Sparrow hated storms, she didn't want them to have to suffer through that.

Sheer Mountain looked towards the fresh-kill pile, it was getting low. We need to hunt. She thought with a twitch of her tail. She knew that some of the Clan cats were out hunting, but Sheer Mountain wanted to get out and do some hunting herself. She stepped out into the slow rainfall and noticed Owlpaw talking with Nettle. It appeared that Nettle was testing her leg by putting pressure on it.

She walked around, her limp hardly noticeable as she moved. Feeling curious, Sheer Mountain approached the two cats. "How's it going?" Sheer Mountain questioned.

"Good." Owlpaw replied, watching Nettle. "Her leg is starting to return to normal."

"I want to put it to the test." Nettle mewed urgently. "I want to get out of the cave, I feel like I'm going crazy."

"You could come hunting with me." Sheer Mountain offered. Her relationship was Nettle wasn't the best, her animosity towards the rouge upon first meeting her hadn't quite died off yet. I want to show her that I don't hold anything against her.

"I'm not sure." Owlpaw shuffled her paws. "Your wound is still healing."

"We'll take it slow." Sheer Mountain promised. "She needs to get out and stretch her leg, right?"

"I suppose." Owlpaw dropped her head. "Just, be careful okay?"

"We will be, Owlpaw." Sheer Mountain assured the young cat, then turned to Nettle. "You ready?"

"Absolutely!" Nettle beamed, her eyes shimmering with excitement. "Feels like forever since I've been hunting."

"Then let's head out." Sheer Mountain turned towards the cavern entrance and Nettle followed quickly behind, only with a small limp. "We don't want to get caught in a storm." She looked up at the sky. "Though it doesn't seem like it will."

"It could always change though." Nettle replied as they walked down the sloped stone path. "And Owlpaw probably won't want me out that long."

"Right." Sheer Mountain nodded and they stepped out into the open air. The rain continued to fall steadily as the two she-cats ventured out into the field. Sheer Mountain wasn't quite sure what kind of conversation to hold with Nettle. I don't really know anything about her. Sheer Mountain honestly felt a little awkward in this situation.

"So," Nettle mewed, she also seemed uncomfortable. "Where should we hunt? You live around here, where's the best place to hunt?"

"I like hunting in the forest." Sheer Mountain mewed. "It's always full of prey."

"Lead the way." Nettle gave her a small nod and Sheer Mountain began padding towards the forest, Nettle followed close behind.

"If your leg starts hurting, let me know." Sheer Mountain urged

"Will do."

The two she-cats reached the forest and Sheer Mountain was glad to have some shelter from the rain. She raised her muzzle and breathed in the forest air, catching the scent of squirrel on the air. "You smell that?" Sheer Mountain asked Nettle.

Nettle sniffed the air and nodded. "I do. It smells close."

Sheer Mountain lowered her body to the ground and began tracking the squirrel, she focused intently on tracking her prey, drowning out everything else. She kept a keen eye on everything in front of her. She carefully avoided a stray branch on the ground, and as she crept through the trees spotted the gray squirrel att he base of the tree.

Sheer Mountain honed in on her prey and flexed her claws, tightening her crouch and preparing to leap. She licked her lips and waggled her tail, using all of her strength to leap forward. She pinned the squirrel to the ground and killed it with a swift bite to the throat. It died with a small squeak.

"Nice catch!" Nettle called, running up to Sheer Mountain. "You're a great hunter."

Sheer Mountain's pelt burned slightly at her compliment. "Thank you. I'd like to see you hunt though."

Nettle's eyes sparkled and she began sniffing the air and began tracking down some prey. Sheer Mountain caught the scent of a starling. Birds can be difficult to catch. Sheer Mountain noted. Will she be able to catch it with her bad leg?

Sheer Mountain silently followed Nettle as she tracked down her prey. Nettle's pawsteps were silent, her eyes intent. She slowly twitched her tail and seemed very aware of her surroundings.

She's a keen hunter. Sheer Mountain noted and kept watching her. Sheer Mountain spotted the starling perched on the ground, pecking at the damp earth, searching for worms. Nettle dropped into a crouch that was almost identical to Sheer Mountain's.

The starling's dark feathers reflected a blue light, and it was completely unaware of Nettle' presence. She has an injured leg, she hasn't hunted for nearly two moons and birds are incredibly difficult to catch. I wonder how she will do.

Nettle waited patiently, Sheer Mountain watched with interest. Nettle's haunches wiggled and she gave a leap. Before the starling could even spread its wings to fly, Nettle killed it. Impressive.

"Very nice." Sheer Mountain praised.

"Thank you." Nettle purred loudly. "I was worried I wouldn't be able to catch it, my leg feels so stiff." She stretched out her injured leg tenderly.

"You did a great job." Sheer Mountain assured her. She really did do a great job. Anyone else watching her wouldn't know if she was injured or out of practice.

"Thanks." Nettle looked back at Sheer Mountain, her voice genuine. She's an incredible fighter as well. I'll be happy to share a home with Nettle.

Without realizing it, Sheer Mountain began to think of the Clans. If I did join this Clan, would Nettle follow? Fear crept into her heart as once again she thought about her so called destiny. I wish I could just stop thinking about it.

"Are you alright?" Nettle questioned, pulling Sheer Mountain out of her thoughts.

"Yeah," Sheer Mountain sighed. "Just have a lot on my mind."

"Want to talk about it?" Part of Sheer Mountain really wanted to talk with Nettle about what was plaguing her mind, but she would never understand. Sheer Mountain wasn't even sure she understood what was happening.

"It's hard to explain." Sheer Mountain replied, brushing Nettle off. "Maybe later, but it's not something I can just talk about."

"Alright." Nettle seemed rather concerned. "Well if you ever want to."

"Thanks, Nettle." Sheer Mountain bowed her head.

In the distance, Sheer Mountain heard the low rumbling of thunder, causing the fur on her spine to rise. "We need to get home."

"Are you sure?" Nettle lifted her muzzle and sniffed the air. "We just got started, it's just a little thunder."

"It could get worse very quickly." Sheer Mountain flicked her her tail. "Wren, Finch and Sparrow are scared of storms. I need to be there for them."

"Alright," Nettle seemed to understand which Sheer Mountain was grateful for. "Let's get going then." With their two pieces of prey, Sheer Mountain and Nettle started the journey home. She could see the dark storm clouds moving in quickly as well as more thunder. I hope they're okay. Sheer Mountain began to panic as she thought about her kits and the rain fall increased.

We need to hurry. Almost forgetting about Nettle, Sheer Mountain began walking even faster as her pelt became more and more soaked. They crossed the field and the rain was surging down, a loud crash of thunder sounded overhead after a bolt of lightning illuminated the sky.

After what seemed like forever, Sheer Mountain and Nettle finally reached the stone slope. Sheer Mountain raced up the slope, dropping her fresh-kill on the pile before running to her cavern. Inside, Tumbleweed was inside keeping the three kits close. "There you are." Tumbleweed lifted his head as she raced inside.

Sheer Mountain shook her pelt which had been thoroughly soaked by the rain. "Sorry." Sheer Mountain dipped her head and approached Finch, Wren and Sparrow. They quickly rushed to her side and nuzzled into her pelt, even though it was drenched.

"We were worried about you, Sheer Mountain." Finch whimpered.

Sheer Mountain rasped her tongue over Finch's head. "Don't worry," Sheer Mountain purred. "Nothing could ever keep me from the three of you."

"That storm came on very suddenly." Tumbleweed mewed, Sheer Mountain noticed that his voice was dry. "It reminds of the storm from the night your mother died."

Sheer Mountain dropped her ears. "Why are you brining that up?"

"I've been thinking about her a lot lately." Tumbleweed sighed. "And I know you have to." Sheer Mountain looked at the floor. "She would be very interested to meet these Clan cats, I think. They seem very much like her."

"I suppose so." Sheer Mountain kept her voice low as the three kits drifted off to sleep.

"You know something I don't, Sheer Mountain." Sheer Mountain looked at her father in surprise. "Of course you don't have to tell me, but I know these cats want something from you." He let out a series of coughs, making Sheer Mountain feel nervous. "Whatever happens, Sheer Mountain," He cleared his throat. "I want you to make the choice you think is right, don't follow a path that you don't trust." Sheer Mountain stared at her father, she had never really heard him talk like this before.

"Where is all this coming from?" Sheer Mountain questioned.

"Call it an elder's intuition." Tumbleweed flicked his ears. "There's something more going on here, and I can tell that you're troubled. Don't worry about it too much, Sheer Mountain. You'll find the right path."

Even though Tumbleweed didn't know the exact situation, Sheer Mountain felt comforted by his words. With her kits at her side, Sheer Mountain rested her chin on her paws and closed her eyes. No matter what happens, I'll get through it as long as I have my family. She breathed out a comforted sigh as she drifted off into sleep. 

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