Chapter 26

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"So I start by giving them tansy if they develop a cough and isolate them in the medicine cat den. If it gets worse then I give them chickweed and my last resort should be to give them the catmint." Mountainstar recited to Owlpaw, pointing to each herb as she named it.

"Correct." Owlpaw nodded. "I also brought coltsfoot just in case, which can also ease coughing and feverfew will help reduce a fever if it arises."

"Understood." Mountainstar nodded.

"You learned this all very quickly." Owlpaw praised the leader. "Though I wish you didn't have to take on the roll of both leader and medicine cat." She said with a sigh as she carefully organized the herbs in a way that would be easy for Mountainstar to recognize.

"I know but I promise to take care of my Clan. They are busy hunting for our Clan, so I figured the least I could do was take on this responsibility until StarClan sends a new medicine cat. Which I hope is soon."

"Me too." Owlpaw sighed. "I will let you know as soon as I know anything."

"Of course." Mountainstar nodded, but something was still clearly troubling her. "What should I do about Riverstep? I'm not sure I could handle delivering kits."

When Owlpaw had gotten there Mountainstar explained that Riverstep had been expecting Antwhisker's kits, another thing they needed a medicine cat for. "She's still not due for at least a moon and a half. When it gets closer to that time I will ask Pebblestep and Honeyfrost to teach me the process and let me come here to stay, if we haven't found a medicine cat yet. If she somehow starts kitting before then, then have a warrior run to MoonClan camp to ask Oneflight for help. When I leave I plan on stopping by to let him know of the situation."

"Thank you, Owlpaw." Mountainstar dipped her head. "We are very appreciative of your help. I just hope StarClan hurries in sending us a new medicine cat, we can't have you being a medicine cat for two Clans at the same time."

"I hope so too." Owlpaw replied. "But I am happy to help." She made sure to look over the herbs. "But I think it's time for me to go back to SunClan, I would like to get back before sunset."

"Of course." Mountainstar nodded, but Owlpaw could see sadness in her eyes and it was the same sadness that Owlpaw felt internally. "Thank you again, I hope I can do enough to keep my Clanmates healthy."

"I believe in you, Mountainstar. Oneflight and Roseheart are always there to help as well." Owlpaw responded and Mountainstar nodded her head. The two she-cats stepped out of the den and into the open camp. The MountainClan cats were busy at work, keeping their paws busy. Owlpaw had enjoyed the day she spent in MountainClan, it reminded her of the journey and how comfortable and happy she had felt with the MountainClan cats.

"They all seem happy." Owlpaw said, looking over the warriors.

"They do." Mountainstar replied. "I still wish I could've done something for the five cats I lost."

Owlpaw shook her head. "There's nothing you can do about it now, soon Riverstep will give birth and MountainClan will have more warriors, and you will continue to grow, just as the other four Clans do."

"Thank you for your words of encouragement." Mountainstar took a deep breath, touching her tail to Owlpaw's shoulders. "You should get on the move before it gets late and cold."

"I know." Owlpaw looked up at the Clan leader. "Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it."

"Of course." Mountainstar dipped her head. "Travel safely, Owlpaw."

Owlpaw said goodbye to many of the MountainClan warriors who had been incredibly kind to her on her visit. She had enjoyed training Mountainstar on the usage of herbs, and she felt like she had a purpose within the MountainClan camp, but she knew she couldn't stay forever.

After saying her goodbyes, Owlpaw reluctantly turned her back on the MountainClan camp. Please keep them safe. Owlpaw silently prayed to StarClan. And send me a sign soon, they can't go without a medicine cat for long. She took one final look at the MountainClan camp and went on her way.

She padded through the snowy forest towards MoonClan territory. During her entire walk to the river she couldn't help but worry about MountainClan. She had asked around and no one had reported any signs of illness or coughing, but she couldn't help but feel like it was only a matter of time. Just give them a medicine cat before then. She pleaded silently.

Mountainstar had informed Owlpaw of a narrow part of the river that she could easily jump across the other side. She followed her directions and found the spot to jump. She winded herself up and leapt across to the other side. She decided to wait here to a patrol, she wanted to show respect to MoonClan and their borders.

She sat down and waited, but no patrol showed up. She wasn't sure how long she sat by the river but she could feel her paws getting painfully cold and her body started to shiver. She sniffed the air, the scent of frost burning her nose but in addition to the scent of MoonClan she caught another scent that caught her off guard. AshClan. Why do I scent them?

Unease started to spike in Owlpaw's belly, she rose to her paws ans started venturing towards the MoonClan camp. Something feels wrong. She walked quickly across the moorland, trying to keep a steady pace but her panic and speed only increased when she caught the sharp tang of blood on the air and as she grew even closer to the MoonClan camp, she heard the sounds of cats fighting. No. The sounds were the same of the vision Mosscloud had showed her and she began to feel the same sense of fear and panic rise into her.

Owlpaw broke into a sprint towards the camp, her little legs carrying her as fast as they could. She reached the camp at a much faster pace and skidded to a stop, kicking up snow as she viewed the horrors a short distance away. MoonClan was engaged in a violent battle with AshClan, she could see warriors from both Clans bleeding and injured as they fought and tore at each other. She stood frozen in horror, suddenly it felt as if her vision was coming true.

"What are you doing here?" A voice suddenly yelled, getting Owlpaw's attention. She spotted Oneflight standing apart from the battle, his silver paws tinged with blood from healing his Clanmates.

"I-I was visiting MountainClan, what's happening?"

"Riverstar attacked us." Oneflight's eyes were tired and scared. "Come with me, I need your help. I was going to use a warrior but you're even better." He turned but when Owlpaw hesitated he turned to look back at her with pleading eyes. "Owlpaw please!"

She broke out of her panic and nodded, following after Oneflight as they hurried into his den. Inside she saw Ferretpelt lying on his back. His stomach was exposed with deep claw wounds pouring blood. "Keep pressure on his wound with moss while I prepare the herbs and cobwebs."

"Right." Owlpaw listened to his command and rushed to Ferretpelt's body. She grabbed a nearby bundle of moss and pressed it onto the wounds, which instantly stained the moss dark red. She held the pressure firm, just as she had done in the past with Leafdawn and Nettleheart.

She watched as Oneflight worked quickly to craft a poultice. "Move your paws." He commanded as he hurried over to the injured warrior. Owlpaw removed her paws and the soiled moss, dropping it to the side as Oneflight applied the poultice to his wounds. "Get the cobwebs."

He motioned with his head towards the cobweb he had collection. Owlpaw quickly grabbed a large supply of cobweb and began applying it to the wound while Oneflight helped. Together they got the wound covered and patched up. Oneflight let out a heavy sigh once they finished. "Thank you, Owlpaw and thank StarClan you just so happened to be here at the right time."

"Why is AshClan attacking?" Owlpaw questioned now that Ferretpelt had been treated.

"We've been having issues with them and I suppose she's had enough." Oneflight lashed his tail. So that's why Blackstorm and Oneflight were acting tense towards each other.

"Oneflight!" Owlpaw heard the call of a MoonClan warrior and Ebonywing limped into the den, her jet black fur damped with blood as she heavily favored her left foreleg. She looked at Owlpaw with distrust in her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"She was visiting MountainClan and now she's here helping me." Oneflight said, guiding Ebonywing over to another nest where he began treating her leg. "Owlpaw can I count on you to help me treat anymore wounds that might come in?"

"Of course." Owlpaw nodded and looked out into the camp where the battle raged. She saw plenty of injured AshClan warriors, but she had to hope Blackstorm was nearby and treating them as well. What am I supposed to do here? Is this the war that I was warned about? How could I have stopped this when it wasn't even in my own Clan!

Owlpaw turned her head back into the medicine cat den where Oneflight was swiftly treating Ebonywing, she looked to Ferretpelt for just a moment before a rage-filled cry split the air. Owlpaw instantly snapped her head around and Oneflight rushed to the den entrance, nearly knocking her over. Owlpaw stepped out beside him, looking towards the source of the cry and what she saw turned her blood to ice.

Riverstar stood towards the center of camp, blood covering her muzzle and chest, her blue eyes betrayed shock as she looked down towards a lifeless black body at her paws. Shadowstar lay still on the ground, his yellow eyes opened wide but empty of any life. Beside him stood Violetfur, looking at her leader in horror. No no no. Owlpaw stood frozen in place looking at the lifeless body of the MoonClan leader.

"No!" Oneflight's wailed, his voice filled with pain and anger. The medicine cat sprinted across the camp towards his father's body.

"You killed him!" Violetfur shouted, her voice trembling with rage. "You killed our leader!"

"I-" Riverstar couldn't seem to speak as she took a step back from Shadowstar's body.

Violetfur let out another rage filled cry, her voice shaking and filled with pain and sorrow. Owlpaw watched as the MoonClan deputy lashed out, raking her claws across Riverstar's face.

Riverstar let out a cry of pain and jumped backwards, Owlpaw saw bloody slash marks across her muzzle and down the side of her cheek. "AshClan!" Riverstar raised her voice after recovering. She looked over the camp for a moment, her eyes briefly meeting with Owlpaw's. Owlpaw flattened her ears and ducked her head. "We're leaving!"

Owlpaw stood in disbelief as Riverstar and her warriors left in an instant, leaving nothing but crimson colored snow in their wake. Oneflight was slumped over by the body of Shadowstar. Why isn't he healing the wound? Unless... Realization hit her. That must have been Shadowstar's last life.

"Owlpaw of SunClan." Violetfur's spoke, her voice raw from her wailing, making Owlpaw tense up. "What are you doing here?" She weakly turned her gaze to the apprentice, all of MoonClan turned their attention to her as well.

"I-I was visiting MountainClan, I was going to stop by and tell something to Oneflight when I realized that there was battle."

"She helped me with Ferretpelt's wound." Oneflight spoke up.

Violetfur dropped her aggressive stance and dropped her head. "Thank you, Owlpaw." The MoonClan deputy flexed her claws into the snowy moorland. Owlpaw could see the pain written on her face as she looked at her dead leader. After a few moments she raised her head and looked over her Clan. "AshClan has crossed the line, Riverstar, has crossed the line. A violent, bloodthirsty leader no better than Echoheart, the very cat we helped her drive out." Owlpaw heard pure, raw rage in her voice. "And now she has claimed the life of our beloved leader." She stepped into the center of the camp. "Her actions will not go unpunished, she will regret the choices she has made today." The rage and pain in Owlpaw's voice filled her with fear and uncertainty. "If it's a war that Riverstar wants, then it's a war that she will get."

The word war twisted Owlpaw's heart. No. Her head snapped up towards the sky, and as the clouds cleared the now risen moon her heart filled with fear, making Owlpaw feel sick, The moon was red. No. This is what StarClan warned me about. A war between MoonClan and AshClan.

Violetfur had noticed the blood moon as well. "And it seems StarClan agrees with us." There was a dark storm brewing in her eyes, after a few moments she turned her attention back to Owlpaw. "Owlpaw we thank you for your help and I encourage you to tell Dawnstar what as happened here, what Riverstar did to our Clan." She looked over her Clanmates. "Swiftheart, Icepool. Escort Owlpaw home safely. We can take care of ourselves from here."

Owlpaw could barely move, she didn't know what to do. She couldn't yell at Violetfur to not wage a war on AshClan, especially not after Riverstar killed their leader. The best she could do right now was tell Dawnstar was happened and hopefully her leader could make a plan to find peace between the two Clans.


Swiftheart and Icepool escorted Owlpaw to the SunClan border and as soon as she reached it she broke into a sprint towards her camp. It didn't take her long to reach the camp and when she did her Clanmates looked at her shock. The first cat to spot her was Pebblestep who was sharing prey with Cinderflame.

Pebblestep met her gaze and saw the blood staining her paws. "Owlpaw what happened?"

"I need to talk to Dawnstar." Was all Owlpaw said and she sprinted across camp and into the leader's den. Inside Dawnstar was resting and eating prey alone. Both Pebblestep and Cinderflame followed her inside.

"Owlpaw?" Dawnstar quickly stood up and faced Owlpaw. "What's going on? Is that blood--"

"Shadowstar is dead." Owlpaw blurted out.

"What?" Dawnstar mewed in disbelief. "What happened, Owlpaw?"

"I-I" Owlpaw struggled to find her voice. "I was going to stop by MoonClan camp to talk to Oneflight about MountainClan's situation when I heard fighting. I ran to MoonClan camp and found AshClan attacking them. I helped Oneflight treat Ferretpelt and then I heard Violetfur call out. When I looked out into the camp I saw Riverstar standing over Shadowstar's body and Violetfur was yelling at her that Riverstar killed him. Riverstar retreated with her warriors and then...Violetfur declared war on AshClan."

Dawnstar let out a shaky voice and stepped backwards. "I thought that Riverstar had changed..." Her green eyes brewing a storm of troubled emotions.

"We have to do something! You have to do something! This is what StarClan warned me about! StarClan warned me about a war! We--"

"Owlpaw." Pebblestep raised her tail, silencing Owlpaw. "Take a breath, panicking isn't going to solve anything."

"Owlpaw," Dawnstar stepped closer to the apprentice. "I understand what you saw was terrifying, and it is. I knew Riverstar was violent, but to kill another Clan leader? I thought even she was better than that." Dawnstar sighed. "I know you want me to do something, but as of right now there is nothing I can do. I can't just tell Violetfur to not start a war on Riverstar and her Clan, they lost their leader and I can't change who Riverstar is."

Owlpaw flattened her hears and spoke in pure desperation. "But we have to do something. StarClan warned me about a war and I just saw it happen, with the blood moon right before my very eyes!"

"We will discuss this with the other leaders at the gathering, it is very soon and we will get it figured out before then. Something like this we need to approach delicately and calmly before we get either one of the other leaders enraged with us."

"But if we don't stop them then the Clans will be torn apart!" Owlpaw wailed, she felt so hopeless.

"Owlpaw." A gentle voice spoke and Pebblestep walked closer to her. "Dawnstar will come up with something and we'll get this figured out. It's scary, but there's not much we can do right now. Come with me, you're borderline in shock."

Owlpaw stared at Dawnstar with pleading eyes and the leader looked back at her sadly and sympathetically, but said nothing. Owlpaw let Pebblestep guide her out of the leader's den, feeling broken and scared. This is what StarClan warned me about and I can do nothing to stop it. What am I supposed to do? Why won't anyone listen to me?

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