:Waist-Deep In Walmart: Capitulo Deiciocho!

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Thump. Thump. Thump.

            With each quaking thud of the bass, my glass of water slid a little further toward the edge of my desk. My heart was thudding along with it as well, creating the feeling of someone playing drums on my vital organ. I tried to concentrate on my laptop screen, attempting to block out the noise. Unfortunately for me, my room was located directly over the living room, where the colossal Sony speakers were placed.

            “Poppin’ bottles in the ice,” I sang along absentmindedly, “like a blizzard— no, Ellie! No singing. You have to write this essay.”

            Scrunching up my forehead in annoyance, I stared determinedly at my laptop. I’d totally forgotten about the essay on Icarus and Daedalus that was due the day after we were able to return to school. To make things worse, the myth was only a page long, which made the topic harder to write about. There wasn’t enough information on them to compose a compare and contrast essay.

            The sound of my door opening caught my ears and I turned, ready to snap at whoever was interrupting me this time. At least three giggling couples had already barged in on me, searching for a room to make out and who knows what else in. “Get out,” I started, narrowing my eyes at the tall figure entering.

            “It’s Anthony,” Anthony notified me, holding up his hands in defensive, an attractive grin splitting across his face. “You sound moody.”

            “Of course. I have an essay due tomorrow and I haven’t even written three words.”

            A pitying look came into his eye and he walked over to my desk, placing his hands on my shoulders and squeezing them. “Maybe I can help. What’s it on?”

            “Icarus and Daedalus.”

            “Ah, Greek mythology.”

            “You any good at it?”

            He smirked. “Absolutely not.”

            Sighing, I let my head fall onto my keyboard. “I’m doomed.”

            “Take a break,” Anthony suggested, spinning my chair around so that I was facing him. “The party’s pretty fun.”

            “That’s because you know everyone,” I pointed out. “You go to college with them.”

            “Actually, I only know about fifteen of them,” he retorted, giving me a sheepish look. “The Facebook group said feel free to invite people.”

            I half-smiled. “Awesome. A bunch of drunk people I don’t know, nor does my brother, are in our house.”

            Anthony chuckled. “If you’d like, I could stand guard at your door so no one will interrupt you.”

            “I don’t really mind that. It’s the sound.”

            “Ah,” he responded, frowning. “What about this?” Without waiting for my response, he placed his warm hands over my ears. “Can you hear?”

             I smiled, nodding at him. “Sadly, yes.”

            He pouted a little bit and dropped his hands. “Damn.”

            “I’ll be okay,” I insisted, taking his hands into mine. “You should go have fun. Go dance with some drunk college girls.”

            “I only want to dance with you,” he told me, tugging me onto my feet and placing his hands on my waist. “Wanna dance?” he inquired, pushing his hips against mine.

            Grinning, I shook my head, doing my best to put space between us. “Anthony, I told you. I have to do my essay.”

            His eyes glinted wickedly. “Are you sure you don’t want to?”

            “I’m sure.”

            Without warning, he let go of my waist with his left hand, tilting my face up and pressing his lips to mine. After the initial shock of his soft kiss, I was surprised to realize he didn’t taste like alcohol like I’d expected. I tried to push him away, but his kiss and touch were too addictive. Instead of pushing, I pulled him closer, my arms going around his neck and my hands into his soft hair. He nipped my lip, asking for entrance, and I opened my mouth a little, allowing our kiss to turn French. Once his hands started roaming up my shirt, I forced myself to break away from him.

            “Am I distracting you too much?” he asked, sounding a little disappointed.

            “Sorry,” I apologized.

            He shook his head. “Don’t apologize. I don’t want to get in the middle of your school work. That kiss was more than enough to satisfy me,” he added with a grin.

            I blushed a little bit. “That’s good.”

            “You’re cute, Ellie,” he complimented, ruffling my hair. “Really.”

            “You’re cute too,” I responded.

            He smiled at me. “Thanks.”

            “Now you go have fun,” I ordered, shooing him away with my pale hand. “Maybe if I finish I’ll come down and check out the guys— I mean check out the party.”

            Grinning, he shook his head. “Okay. I guess I’ll see you if you come down later. I’ll make you a drink.”

            I turned back to my computer with a nod. “Sure.”

            “Oh, and Ellie?”


            “If someone bothers you, tell me. I don’t want any drunk guys hitting on you or trying anything. If they do, I’ll sort them out for you. There’s people here of all ages. Generally nineteen year olds are the worst. They’re the freshmen. So have your phone ready. I’ve got mine.”

            Taken aback at his thoughtfulness, I spun around to stare at him. “Uh, sure. Thanks.”

            He gave me a thumbs up. “Anything for you, Ellie.”

            The door closed behind him as he exited and I sighed deeply, once again refocusing myself to my laptop screen. It wasn’t fair. I didn’t want to be cooped up in my room while Anthony and everyone was downstairs partying. Even if I didn’t know any one, it would still be fun to dance and hang out with Anthony.

            “The faster I get this done, the faster I can go have fun,” I said out loud, placing my fingers over my keyboard. “Now the differences between Icarus and his father are…”

            Half an hour later, my essay was still only a quarter way done and I was completely frustrated. Downstairs the bass was still pumping and I was up here with a severe case of writer’s block.

            And I needed to pee.

            The song blasting from the speakers turned from some crappy rap song to You Make Me Feel and immediately my foot began tapping to the beat. In a split-second decision, I decided to take a short break from my essay and make a bathroom trip. And say hi to Anthony along the way.

            I closed my laptop, heading for my door. Just before I left, I paused, glancing at myself in the mirror on the wall. A grimace crossed my face at my messy reflection. There was no way I was leaving my room looking like a slob in sweatpants and a formless camisole. Retracting my steps backwards, I passed my desk and came to my dresser. Only wanting to change out of my slop clothes and into something a little more presentable, I just grabbed the first things I saw out of my dresser— a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a tight-fitted white camisole with a beaded trimming. After throwing them on, I left my room and descended down into the party.

            The overbearing scent of alcohol met my nose and I nearly gagged, unaccustomed to the strong smell. There was a group of rowdy boys at the bottom of the stairs, nearly yelling to be heard over the music as they chatted with each other. Two of them seemed to be playing mercy. I slipped by them unnoticed, my heart starting to beat a little faster in my chest. I’d never been to a college party before. All the once my brother went to were ones I wasn’t allowed to go to with him, so it was a little intimidating to be around older people.

            “Hey cutie,” a masculine voice said, slipping an arm around my shoulder. “What are you up to?”

            I twisted around to face the man , my body tensing in surprise. It relaxed significantly when I realized it was only Julius. “You scared me,” I accused him warily.

            He grinned, showing off his white teeth. “My bad.”

            “God, you reek,” I told him, waving my hand in front of my nose. “How much have you had to drink?”

            “Not enough,” he informed me casually. “I still remember who and where I am.”

            I shook my head at him. “You damn alcoholic.”

            “Hey, it’s no fun getting drunk if you don’t do it right. I can’t even feel a buzz. Here, let’s go get a drink,” he offered, gripping my elbow and tugging me in the direction of the bathroom.”

            “No, Julius,” I protested, struggling to pull my arm out of his grasp. “I’m only down here to use the bathroom.”

            “If that were true, you would’ve used the bathroom upstairs.”

            I hesitated. He was good. “Okay, I was going to say hi to Anthony too.”

            He rolled his eyes. “You just saw him yesterday.”


            “Oh, that’s right. You have that silly little crush on him.”

            “It’s not silly,” I said defensively. “Now let me go, Julius.”

            Finally obeying me, he released my arm. A frown appeared on his face and he crossed his arms. “Fine.”

            I frowned back. “Don’t be a brat.”

            “Yeah, yeah, sorry,” he apologized, running a hand through his hair. “He was in the living room last time I saw him. Should still be there.”

            “Thanks, Juju,” I responded, offering him a tiny smile.

            He half-smiled back. “No problem, El.”

            I squeezed in-between a pair of guys making their way into the kitchen and started for the living room. As I walked, I looked around, realizing how tightly packed with people my house was. There were at least ten people in the narrow hallway and fifteen in the dining room. More than half of them were guys, too. I recognized most of them—hey were on my brother’s lacrosse team—, but I couldn’t place names to faces. A few waved to me as I passed and I waved meekly back.

            “Ellie!” a cheerful voice nearly screamed to me as soon as I stepped into the living room.

            I paused, searching the room for the source of the noise. My eyes landed on a familiar blonde— my brother’s ex-girlfriend Angela. As I took in her outfit, I forced myself not to make a face. She was showing double the amount of skin than she was wearing clothing. I wasn’t sure whether or jean shorts were indeed shorts or just jean underwear. On her torso was a tight, bright green tube top that showed over he skinny physique… and made her breasts seem bigger than they really were. “Hi, Angie,” I greeted her, raising my voice to be heard of the deafening music.

            “It’s been so long!” she gushed loudly, awkwardly hugging me with one slender arm while her other was preoccupied with holding her plastic up of what I assumed to be alcohol. Judging by her breath, at least. And the faint pink tinge on her cheeks.

            “Yeah, it has. How have you been?” I asked politely.

            She giggled. “Oh, you know. Busy. There are a lot of parties in college.”

            “Well, Umass is known for them.” It was a fact.

            “You look so adult now,” she told me, her eyes raking over my body. “That outfit makes you look hot. If I was a guy, I’d screw you.”

            I forced a smile. “Thanks, Angela.”

            She blew me a kiss. “I’d love to talk more, but I promised my boyfriend I’d meet him out back. For some alone time, if you know what I mean.” She elbowed me roughly in the arm and gave me a wink.

            “Have fun,” I said through gritted teeth, trying not to rub my tender skin. Her elbow was pointy!

            “Bye, Babe.”

            Finally free of the drunken girl, I stumbled a few more steps into the living room. Immediately someone slammed into me, nearly knocking me off my feet. “Sorry,” the person slurred, latching their hand onto my arm to steady me. I shot an annoyed look at the strange man that’d ran into me. Even though I’d regained my balance, he was still holding onto me. Judging by the beard on his round face, I figured he was one of the guests of a guest.

            “Thanks,” I said calmly, ripping my arm out of his grasp. “I hate drunk people,” I muttered as I escaped, entering the tangled mass of bodies that were dancing to the music.

            The easiest way to move through people dancing was to dance along with them, so I began jumping in beat with the song that was now playing. My eyes were peeled for Anthony as I avoided the grinding couples and the few young men acting out a mosh pit. Finally I located him by the speaker, fist pumping with my brother and a few members from their lacrosse team.

            “Hey!” I called over the music, tapping on Mason’s shoulder. “Mason!”

            He glanced at me, a frown flitting across his face. “Who are you?”

            I gaped at him. “I’m Ellie!”

            “Oh, Ellie!” he responded, then furrowed his eyebrows. “Yeah, still don’t know who you are. My girlfriend?”

            Scrunching up my face in disgust, I shook my head as the boys surrounding us burst out laughing. “Try your sister,” one of them (Tristan, maybe?) informed him.

            Now recognition flashed in his eyes. “Oh, Ellie.”

            “Yeah,” I said flatly. “How are you this drunk already?”

            Anthony held up his hand sheepishly. “I challenged him to shots.”

            “You don’t look drunk though,” I pointed out.

            “Julius was the other contestant,” he explained. “But Julius can really hold his alcohol.”

            Mason wagged his finger at me. “Nellie, you’re supposed to be writing your laptop.”

            Tristan snorted while I slapped my hand to my forehead. “Essay, Mason. My essay. God. Lay off the drinks. You’re going to kill yourself.”

            “Maybe you should unwind yourself,” Tristan said to me, smiling flirtatiously. “I’d be happy to dance with you.”

            “She’s already got a dancing partner right now,” Anthony interjected smoothly, throwing a handsome smile at the lacrosse player. “Maybe later.”

            Tristan shrugged. “Sure thing, Bro.”

            “Care to dance?” Anthony asked me.

            “Um, actually, I just came down to say hi and use the bathroom,” I explained to him. His face fell drastically, causing my heart to jump out to him. “Wait! I can take a break. I don’t mind.”

            It lit up again, having him yet again remind of a puppy. “Really?”

            “Really,” I swore, holding out my hand. “Come on, let’s dance.”

            “Okay!” he said excitedly, leading me to the mob of students still twisting in the middle of the room.

            Just as we started dancing to the unknown song, it ended, the first few chords of Stereo Love slicing through the air. Anthony glanced at the DJ. “Not really upbeat, but I can make it work.”

            “So can I,” I responded, grinning.

            He spun me around so that I was facing away from him and then pressed up against me, letting his hands slide down my arms, to my torso, and down to my waist. After planting them on it firmly, he began to sway my hips to the beat of the accordion.

            However, he seemed to be rhythm deaf.

            Smiling, I placed my hands on his and slowed his swaying down so that it matched. “Sorry,” he apologized, his breath caressing my ear. “I don’t listen to this song often.”

            “It’s fine,” I responded, laying my head back on his shoulder so I could look up at him. “I like it like this.”

            “So do I.” Grinning, he pressed me tighter into him. “I definitely do.”

            Becoming more and more into the music, I began to sway my whole body, lifting my arms into the air, my hand trailing down Anthony’s face on its way back down. Eventually I broke away from him, deciding I wanted to face him. “You know, Ellie. I thought you’d be one of those people who kept a two foot space between her and her dance partner,” he commented teasingly.

            “Hey,” I protested.

            “Not that I would’ve cared,” he continued, running his hands down my side. “I think it’d be cute.”

            I raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

            “Yeah. For you, at least.”

            “Yeah, well, none of my friends dance like that and I didn’t want to look like a loser when we go out, so I forced myself to get over my embarrassment,” I told him, bringing our bodies closer again. “Everyone dances like this once you hit junior year.”

            He chuckled. “That’s true.”

            When the song ended I moved away from him, trying to cool myself down. Dancing close to people made me hot, quick. Not letting anyone have a break, the DJ switched the song straight to More by Usher. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my hips and I stared at Anthony, surprised when I realized his hands were still at his sides. Glancing over my shoulder, I realized it was a young man I didn’t know. His hair was short and red and his cheeks were covered in freckles. Judging by his boyish face, I figured he was a freshman. As I studied his face, I almost laughed at his high cheek bones and long nose.

            “Hey,” he greeted me, taking my smile as a acceptance to dance with me.

            I tried to pull away, but he held me tighter. I turned to Anthony for help, but he just smirked. “When it Rome, do as the Romans do.”

            “What?” I responded.

            “Just dance,” he told me, swinging his head back and forth. “If you only dance with me that won’t be as fun, right?”

            I hesitated for a split-second before nodding. It wasn’t every day a guy who I’d probably never see again wanted to dance with me. But I wasn’t going to let him grind against me. Twirling around, I faced my front against the stranger who was pressing his body up against mine. Now that it wasn’t Anthony I was dancing with, my embarrassment was starting to get the best of me, and I wasn’t dancing as loosely as I was before. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, hoping that would help me. It worked. With my eyes shut, I forgot about my self-consciousness, and danced to the best of my ability.

            Hands began to travel down my sides again and I let it slide, assuming it was Anthony. I sucked in a sharp intake of air as I felt the hands squeeze my backside. My eyes shot open and I realized the ginger was grinning widely at me. I immediately grabbed his hands, moving them higher, a blush forming on my cheeks. “Don’t do that!”

            “Why not?”

            “Because her boyfriend is right behind her,” Anthony interjected, pulling me back against her chest. “And you don’t randomly group girls like that.”

            The redhead frowned at Anthony. “Dude, buzz kill.”

            “I think I’m going to go to the bathroom now,” I uttered quietly, escaping Anthony’s grasp. On the inside, I was berating myself. What was I thinking? Why was I dancing with strange, drunk guys? That was the stupidest idea ever!

            “Ellie!” I heard Anthony call after me. “Wait!”

            In my rush to leave the living room, I crashed into a girl carrying to red cups. Both spilled onto me, soaking my shirt with alcohol. “Eww,” I groaned, the stench filling my nose.

            The girl glowered at me. “Bitch! I just got those!”

            “Then go get new ones,” I snapped at her.

            “Ugh!” she cried in frustration. “Fine!”

            I peeled my damp shirt away from my skin, wrinkling my nose up in disgust. “This is so gross.”

            Anthony appeared at my side, his lips pressed together tightly. I could tell he was trying not to laugh. “You okay?”

            “Fine. I just don’t like the smell.”

            “No, I mean about that guy.”

            I waved him off. “It’s fine. It’s not like he hurt me. I just think it’s creepy. And right in front of you too…”

            “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

            “It’s fine,” I reiterated for the third time. “But I’m done dancing, I think.”

            The corners of his lips turned down a little bit. “Do you want a drink?”

            “I’m not a huge fan of alcohol.”

            “There’s some strawberry wine,” he tempted me, putting on his best puppy dog look. “I had some earlier. It’s pretty good. Please?”

            Unable to say no to his adorableness, I nodded. “Okay, okay. One cup. And only wine. I won’t get in trouble for drinking that if my parents ever find out about this.”

            “Awesome!” Anthony responded, gesticulating with his hand for me to follow him into the kitchen. “One cup.”

            Surprisingly, the kitchen table was empty, so after pouring two plastic ups of wine, Anthony and I sat down at it. I took a cautious sip of the tangy liquid. Usually it was hard to find a wine I liked. “Oh, good. This tastes good,” I sighed in relief.

            He grinned. “It should. I picked it out.”

            “You knew I liked wine?”

            “Nope, but I know your brother does so I was hoping you do too.”

            I laughed. “Well it’s a good thing I do then.”


            “Are you a heavy drinker?” I asked, genuinely curious. “I want an honest answer.”

            He trailed his finger tip around the rim of his cup. “Honestly? No, not really. I mean, once in awhile I’ll get drunk. But usually I don’t like to. I hate when I can’t remember the night. It’s scary.”

            “That’s why I don’t want to get drunk!”


            “Yeah. Just the idea is scary. Like, there’s so many possibilities of what could’ve happened. I’d hate that.”

            Anthony nodded. “Exactly. But I do like to feel a buzz when I go to parties.”

            “My brother likes to get wasted,” I said with a wry smile. “Julius too.”

            “I know,” he laughed. “I’m their designated river usually. I don’t mind though. I’d rather see them home safely than drink.”

            I rested my elbow on the table and placed my chin in my hand, leaning closer to him. “That’s kind of you.”

            “Yeah, I know—”

            “Anthony! Anthony! Dude!” Tristan shouted, coming running up to the table. He noticed me and paused. “Oh, are you busy?”

            Anthony frowned at him. “Kind of. Why?”

            “Gary and Nick are going to have a bike race outside down the street. And they’re completely wasted.”

            “No way!”

            “Yes way! They’re going to get started soon. Do you want to watch?”

            Anthony wavered, his eyes switching from me to Tristan. I could tell he really wanted to.

            “Just go,” I told him. “I should go finish my essay.”

            “Are you sure?”

            “Positive. Go.”

            A brilliant grin flashed across his face. “You’re amazing, Ellie. Definitely the best.”

            Blushing, I shooed him away. The two took off out of the kitchen and I picked up my cup, deciding to take it upstairs with me. I used the bathroom upstairs before returning to my room. My laptop seemed to be smirking at me as I placed my cup of wine down next to it. I had the sudden urge to throw it across the room.

            “First thing’s first,” I stated out loud. “I need to change my shirt.” It still reeked.

            I swiftly peeled off the foul smelling camisole and tossed it into my laundry basket on the other side of the room. Since I figured I wouldn’t be leaving my room again, I decided to change back into the clothing I was wearing before. My skinny jeans weren’t exactly comfortable to sit on. I slipped out of my pants and began pulling on my sweatpants, nearly losing my balance as I lifted my right foot to put it through the leg hole.

            Just as I put it through the hole, my bedroom door burst open. My breath caught in my mouth and I quickly pulled my sweatpants up the rest of the way. Covering my chest with my hand, I swiveled around to face the door, my face aflame and my heart racing.

            “Shit, Julius, don’t you know how to knock?” I demanded, relief filling me at the sight of my neighbor.



            He staggered forward a little, his arms crossed over his stomach. “I don’t feel good. I drank too much.” As if to emphasize the point, he let out a drawn-out, disgusting burp.

            “That’s your own fault,” I told him, my eyes searching for the ground for my shapeless cami. It was lying by Julius’s feet. “Julius, grab my shirt.”

            “Ellie! Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”

            “You just noticed? I was in the middle of changing when you so rudely burst in. Now give me my shirt,” I ordered.

            Julius bent down, nearly falling forward, and snatched my shirt off the ground. Watching him walk while drunk was quite the sight. Part of me wanted to laugh at his unsteady steps, and part of me felt bad for him and wanted to help him. The amused part one out. He could at least make it to me.

            He stopped about two feet away from me and I held out my hand. “Thanks.”

            “What’s that?”

            “What’s what?” I asked, following his gaze. “Oh, the cup? Wine.”


            “Anthony brought it.”

            Julius frowned. “Anthony did?”

            “Yeah,” I responded, a small smile crossing my face. “He thought I’d like it since Mason does…”

            “I know you like wine.”

            I nodded. “Yep.”

            “I also know you prefer dark chocolate over milk. And you hate white.”

            “Julius, can you just hand me my shirt?” I said, growing more and more uncomfortable by the second. Especially since his eyes were now dipping down lower than my eyes.


            “No?” I repeated, surprised.

            He shook his head, putting my camisole behind his back. “No,” he said again, taking a step toward me.

            “Are you okay?” I inquired, trying to ignore the quickening of my pulse. “I mean, aside from the part about you being drunk.”

            “I came into the living room earlier.”


            “I saw you and Anthony dancing.”

            My cheeks flushed. “Oh…” That wasn’t good. My mind raced for an excuse. “It’s not what you think, Julius…”

            Julius’s jaw set. “Really? It’s not what I think? Tell me what it is then, Ellie. You’re not the type of person who would dance like that with just anyone.”

            “Umm,” I hesitated, my eyes looking everywhere but Julius. This wasn’t how I wanted him to find out about Anthony and I. I wanted to tell him by myself when I was ready. When I was ready to turn him down completely. “I guess I had too much alcohol—”

            “You don’t drink,” he cut me off, now nearly chest-to-chest with me. “Why are you lying to me?”

            “You’re drunk.”

            “I know what I saw!”

            “Julius, please—”

            Before I knew what was happening, Julius had wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. “Ellie, I love you.”

            My heart stopped. For a second I thought I was going to pass out. “Julius, don’t say that,” I whispered into his chest. “You’re just drunk.”

            “Your true feelings spill out when you’re drunk, so they say.”

            “No, you’re not thinking correctly.”

            “I know how I feel,” he said roughly, pulling away so he could look into my eyes. “I love you, Ellie. Why don’t you believe me?”

            I clenched my fists, trying to control my breathing. “Stop it, Julius.”

            “I’ll prove it to you.”

            “Julius!” I cried as he pushed me backward, my knees buckling as I hit the edge of my bed. My back hit the mattress and before I could erect myself, Julius pushed on my shoulders, holding me down. “Stop it!”

            He shook his head. “You liked me too at one point.”

            “Not anymore,” I told him, shaking my head. “I’m sorry, Julius. I don’t anymore. You know I like Anthony.”

            “You still have feelings for me,” he stated confidently, his brown eyes searching mine. “I know you do.”

            “Please get off me,” I begged. “You’re scaring me.”

            “Scoot up more,” he instructed, hooking his hands under my armpits and pulling me further up my bed.

            I struggled to sit up. “Julius! Seriously!”

            Instead of releasing me, he straddled me, permanently pinning me down. There was no way I could knock him off me. He had to weigh at least seventy pounds more than me. “Why don’t you believe me?”

            “I believe you,” I told him, swallowing nervously. “About everything. Except the part where I still like you. I like Anthony now. He likes me too. I didn’t want you to find out like this though. I didn’t want to believe that you liked me. I’m sorry, Julius.”

            “I told you I don’t like you and him together,” he snapped at me.

            His tone caused me to start. His words made me angry. “It’s not up to you, Julius! You turned me down and I moved on! I’m sorry, but it happened!”

            “I didn’t like you then!”

            “I don’t like you now!”

            “You do,” he insisted, lowering his head, his hair falling into his face and tickling my face. “I’ll show you.”

            About two years ago, I’d always dreamed of Julius kissing me. I’d even fantasize about it in school. Back then I really had loved him. But now my feelings for him were completely gone and him kissing me like this made me felt sick. I kept my face completely still, not responding in anyway.

            “Ellie, kiss me back,” he demanded.

            I shook my head. “No.”

            He kissed me again and pulled away seconds later. “Ellie!”

            I clenched my teeth. “No!”


            “You know why!”

            “But Ellie…” The tone of his voice broke my heart. He sounded so… hurt.

            “I’m sorry, Julius. I don’t like you anymore. I’m really sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.” I blinked rapidly, trying to hold in the tears that were forming at my eyes, but someone they escaped. “I’m sorry, Julius.”

            The blonde stared at me for a moment, his face softening. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”

            “Ellie, where do you keep the band-aids— what the hell?”

             My gaze shot to the door where Anthony was standing, his eyes wide. “Anthony—”

            “Are you crying?” he asked, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. “Julius, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

            Julius abruptly rolled off of me. “Nothing.”

            “That didn’t look like nothing,” Anthony growled at him, marching up to my bed, raising his fist.

            “It’s fine,” I said quickly, my heart racing in my chest. Julius deserved the punch it looked like Anthony was about to give him, but I couldn’t bare to watch it. Julius was drunk… he didn’t know what he was doing. He probably wouldn’t remember it in the morning.

            And I’d have to tell him once again…

            More tears formed in my eyes and rolled down and I wiped them away, biting my lip to keep from sobbing.

            “Ellie,” Julius started.

            “Get out,” Anthony ordered, his hard gaze on Julius. “I’ve got this. Now get your drunk ass out of here and don’t come back until you’re sober.”

            Julius gave me one last look before nodding, pushing himself off the bed and heading for the door, but not before throwing me my shirt which I quickly pulled on. “Okay.”



            “Sleep it off,” Anthony said, frowning at him. “Don’t do anything else you’ll regret. Mason’s room is free. I’ll tell him you’re in there.”

            Julius nodded. “T-thanks…”

            Anthony turned back to me, taking a seat on the edge of my bed, placing his hand on my cheek. “Are you okay, Ellie?”

            “He loves me,” I whispered, putting my hand over his and gripping it. “He told me he loves me. I had to tell him I was dating you. He was so heartbroken…”

            “He was drunk.”

            I shook my head. “No. He understood. He was so hurt… and I have to tell him all over again tomorrow. When he’ll actually remember. Anthony…” My heart clenched at thought of telling Julius again. I’d never broken a heart before. Was this what it felt like? It was worse than how I felt after I found out my ex was cheating on me. Was it because Julius had always been my best friend? Because we were so close? It wasn’t fair. Why did he have to fall in love with me? Why did he have to reject me when it mattered? Things would have been completely different…

            Anthony leaned over me and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. “It’ll be okay, Ellie. We’ll tell him together.”

            I blinked. That was right. I had Anthony. One day, Julius would find someone for himself. But I was the one who had to set him free. “Okay,” I said, drying my tears with the back of Anthony’s hand. “I can do this. We’ll tell him flat out.”

            “He’ll be a big boy about it,” Anthony promised me. “Julius is emotional when he’s drunk. One time Mason was telling him that he hit a squirrel on the way to the party and he cried for about half an hour.”

            I smiled. That sounded about right. “Thanks, Anthony,” I said, letting out a long yawn.

            “Scoot over a little bit.”

            I did as he asked, making enough room for him to lie down next to me. “I have to write my essay.”

            “I think you should take the day off of school tomorrow,” he suggested. “That way you can write it with a clear mind.”

            “Hmm, sounds good,” I decided. I’d actually been juggling that idea earlier. “Are you spending the night?”

            “Do you want me to?”


            He smiled at me. “Then I guess I am.”

            “But, um… I just want to sleep next to each other,” I admitted quietly.

            “That’s fine,” he responded, grinning at me. “That’s more than enough for me.”


Yay! New chapter! Hoped you guys liked it ;D A lot of you figured you had Julius all figured out... so I threw in this bit of personality to shake things up a bit ;) 

Anyway. Now I have to write LALS. Totaloo! 

P.S For some reason my italics aren't working so... boo.

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