:Waist-Deep in Walmart: Chapter Twenty-Four

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 Tuesday morning I woke up overheated. Turning my head, I realized Anthony was dead asleep next to me. For a moment, I panicked, wondering what happened, but then I remembered we were sharing a bed. Relaxing slightly, I stayed in bed for a moment more before slowly sliding out of it. I padded across the chilly wood floor to the door and slipped through it, quietly shutting it behind me.


            I jumped in surprise, twisting around on my ankle to see Heidi smiling at me. “Good morning,” I breathed, returning the smile.

            “Morning. I would have never guessed you were an early bird.”

            “I don’t like wasting the day away by sleeping,” I informed her.

            “Unlike Anthony,” she chuckled. “Maybe you’ll be a good influence on him.”

            I grinned, remembering the time in Walmart when I’d tried to wake him up and he refused to. “Probably not. He sleeps like a log.”

            “Do you two sleep together often?”

            “No,” I responded quickly, shaking my head. “Not really. I mean, we have a few times, but that was because…”

            She raised an eyebrow. “Have you two had sex yet?”

            I blinked, taken aback by her bluntness. Although, I should have been used to it at that point. Last night’s dinner had been full of blunt remarks that nearly caused me to choke. None were directed at me and Anthony, though. In fact, the topic seemed to stray away from us. Mainly last night’s conversation was about school and what Caroline and I were doing for college. Needless to say, I received two knowing stares when I mentioned I was going to the same one as Anthony, but otherwise, we weren’t mentioned together.

            “Uh, no, we haven’t,” I finally responded awkwardly.



            Shrugging, she continued down the hall. “Maybe that boy has more self-control than I thought. Ellie, help me make breakfast, will you?”

            “Sure,” I agreed quickly, hurrying to catch up with her. This was my chance to get on her good side and hopefully convince her to let Anthony stay in Massachusetts.

            Fortunately, pancakes were for breakfast, and I was rather good at cooking pancakes. As I set about mixing the batter, and she set up cutting potatoes to make home fries, I started a conversation. “So I guess things have been a lot more quiet around here since Anthony moved away?”

            “Yeah,” she sighed. “Which is a good and bad thing I guess.”


            She glanced at me, a hint of a smile on her face. “Hopefully you don’t have a child right now—”

            “I don’t,” I interjected.

            “Good. But anyway, it’s hard seeing your only child grow up and want to move away. I knew it was coming, but it’s still hard.”

            Nodding, I measured out a cup of water for the batter. “Is that why you want him to move back?”

            “Want him to move back? Who said that?”

            I paused, turning to face her. “Don’t you?”

            She laughed. “What? No! He’s almost twenty-one. First of all, it’d be embarrassing for him to live with his parents, and second, it’s nice to have the house alone with my husband. And it’s also a plus not to have his rowdy friends over, destroying my clean house.”

            “Oh,” I said, furrowing my eyebrows. So it was just his dad who wanted him to move back?

            “Are you worried?”

            “About what?”

            “About Anthony having to move back here.”

            Nodding, I half-smiled at her. “Yeah. I don’t want him to move back.”

            She smiled. “So how long have you liked my son?”

            “I, uh…” For some reason, a blush spread across my cheeks. “I guess for about five months… But we’ve only been dating for about two and a half.”

            “Really? He’s liked you for about five months too,” she told me.


            “You probably don’t know this, but Anthony is a big Mama’s boy. He calls me at least three times a week, if not more.”

            I grinned. I definitely didn’t know that. “Aw, that’s cute.”

            “He’s been mentioning you for a long time,” she continued, smiling. “From the first time he saw you at Walmart.”

            A feeling of warmth washed over me. Anthony liked me enough to tell his mom about me? “Really?”

            “Yeah, and he’d always complain about how Julius threatened him into leaving you alone.”

            I rolled my eyes. “Julius is an idiot.”

            “A loveable idiot.”

            “A loveable idiot,” I agreed with a laugh. “I can’t believe Anthony talked to you about me. What exactly did he say?”

            She winked at me. “That, my friend, is a secret.”

            “What? That’s not fair!”

            “Oh, yes it is. It’s Mom confidentiality.”

            “Well, the son is sleeping, so you can tell me!”

            “I can’t.”

            “You can!”

            Laughing, she shook her head at me. “Not-uh, no way, Ellie. Anthony would be so angry.”

            “No he wouldn’t!”

            “Do you honestly think that?”

            I grinned. “He’d be embarrassed, but not angry.”

            “It’s the same thing to guys.”

            “No! Just tell me!”

            “I don’t—”

            “Why are you two making such a racket in the morning?”

            Both Heidi and I paused, turning to the door where Mark was standing, his arms crossed. My body tensed and I suddenly felt awkward. “Ah, sorry…”

            “What were you ladies talking about?” he inquired, stepping into the room. “Oh, pancakes. My favorite.”

            Heidi shot me a quick look. “Anthony.”

            “Of course,” he grumbled. “And you’re obviously saying how great it is that he is finally out of the house.”

            “That’s right.”

            “We’ll, he’s moving back, like it or not.”


            “He’s moving back,” Mark repeated firmly. “We need someone to take over the restaurant.”

            She sighed. “I’m not going to fight about this.”

            “Then drop it. Don’t put silly ideas into this poor girl’s head. Anthony has to move back,” he said, directing his words to me. “I’m sorry.”

            I blinked. “I, uh…”

            “Mark, that’s not fair,” Heidi protested. “Anthony—”

            “How many times do I have to repeat myself? We need someone to keep the restaurant chain going after I die. That may not be for quite awhile, but it’s better to get him trained now.”

            Heidi seemed to struggle with her words for a minute. “I—”

            “I’m not taking over the restaurant, or working there,” a new voice stated.

            Anthony entered the kitchen, his eyes hard, and a frown on his face. His messy hair stuck up everywhere, showing that he’d just woken up, but already he seemed completely awake and alert. And I knew why. Feeling a family argument coming on, I slowly slunk backwards, trying not to attract attention to myself.

            “Is that really how you should act?” Mark demanded, an edge to his voice. “We raised you. We housed you. We fed you. You should be grateful.”

            “I am grateful,” Anthony responded snippily, “but I’m not interested. I don’t want to be a manager of a restaurant. I have other things I want to do with my life, Dad.”

            “You don’t have a choice!”

            “I’m almost twenty-one! I do have a choice!”

            “So you’re going to ditch your family? For what? What’s so important in Massachusetts? More important than your family?”

            Anthony scowled. “Dad, I’m done arguing about this.”

            “I’m not. Not until you say you’re going to stay.”

            “Well I’m not!”

            “Then I’ll never be done arguing about it! There’s nothing in Massachusetts that’s not here, Anthony!”

            Anthony paused, his expression blank. Then he started laughing. “Are you kidding me? Of course there is!”

            Mark shook his head. “Yeah? Like what?”

            “Like, uh, I don’t know. Ellie?”

            Startled by my name leaving Anthony’s mouth, my gaze snapped to him. He stared back at me determinedly. Slowly, my eyes moved over to Mark, whom had his eyes narrowed at me. “That’s all?”

            “No, that’s not all. But she’s a big part of it. Ellie’s my girlfriend, Dad. You wouldn’t have left Mom to work for Grandpa’s company, would you?”

            “I’m married to her!”

            “You weren’t when you first dated!”



            “I need you here,” Mark said through gritted teeth.

            Anthony folded his arms over his chest. “Yeah? And my friends need me in Massachusetts. My job needs me. I need my education— a fine one, at that. I love the college I go to. I’m not moving back here and starting again.”

            “You don’t need to, it’s a family business—”

            “I’m finishing college!”

            “Don’t be selfish Anthony.”

            Anthony’s jaw dropped. “Don’t be… That’s it. Come on, Ellie.”

            I pointed to myself. “Me?”

            “Yeah,” he replied, strutting forward and grabbing my hand. “We’re going for a walk.”

            “We’re not done talking,” Mark told him, blocking his way.

            Anthony gave him a challenging look. “Well, that’s not up to you to decide either, Dad. Move.” Without another word, he brushed past his dad, dragging me in tow.


            “Mark, that’s enough!” I heard Heidi scold. “Listen to me for a dang second!”

            Not wanting to sit through another uncomfortable argument, I hurried to walk side-by-side with Anthony. “Where are we going?” I whispered.

            “Beach,” he grunted.


            Even though it was the early morning, the air was warm and salty. Anthony’s house was located practically next to the beach, so we managed to make it to the sandy beach in less than five minutes. No one else was out and about. The only sounds that met my ears were the sound of waves crashing, and the whistle of wind through the grassy dunes. Anthony’s hand tightened around me as we climbed up the boardwalk and onto the lukewarm sand. For a couple minutes we stayed quiet, enjoying the silence.

            I gazed out at the ocean in awe, amazed by its vastness. Having lived in Massachusetts my whole life, I’d only gotten to see one part of the ocean— the part surrounding cape cod. In the far out distance I could see a ship, slowly sailing along. It was peaceful.

            “Sorry about that.”

            “About what?”

            Anthony kicked at some sand with his foot. “Me arguing with my dad. I know it’s awkward when you’re with a friend and they argue with their parents.”

            “It’s okay,” I assured him, squeezing his hand. “I guess I was expecting it… just not so early in the morning.”

            “Me either,” Anthony chuckled. “Actually, I was thinking he’d bring it up the night before we left…. Not the morning after we arrived.”

            I winced. “That was partially my fault.”

            “And my mother’s, I’m guessing.”

            “Mostly mine.”

            He bumped his hip against mine. “I doubt that, Ellie. I don’t get why my dad won’t just let me be.”

            My lips curved down into a frown. “I can get where he’s coming from.”

            “Me too,” Anthony sighed. “I just don’t want to take over his business. I mean, what the hell. Can’t I do what I want with my life? That was his thing, and I have my own thing.”

            “Which is?”

            “Well, you already know. Teacher."

            I nodded.

             “I can’t really achieve that if I have to manage a restaurant, you know?”


            “And I couldn’t bare leaving you behind.”

            I elbowed him in the side. “Oh, don’t be melodramatic.”

            “I’m not.”

            I stared at him.

            He smirked. “Okay, maybe just a little.”

            “I knew it.”

            Sighing lightly, he released my hand and then wrapped his arm around my waist. I snuggled closer to him, resting my head against his shoulder. For a few moments we lapsed back into silence, watching the ocean.



            “If I did move back here, would you ever consider coming with me?”

            My heart skipped a beat. Why was he asking me that? “I… I don’t know,” I said honestly. “I’d have to think about it.”

            “I understand,” he responded.

            “Are you… are you thinking about moving back here?” I asked quietly, suddenly afraid of the answer. Wasn’t he fighting to stay in Massachusetts? Why would be thinking about moving back here? He couldn’t move back… Not when I finally got him. There was no way he was going to move back.

            “If I am?”

            I ripped myself out his arms, taking a step back so I could face him. His expression was passive, his eyes boring into mine. “Even though I understand you’re dad, don’t let him control your life, Anthony.”

            “Why not? I owe it to him, right?”

            “No! Part of being a parent is raising your child! It was a choice! Not a favor! Don’t let him use that against you. If you want to stay in Massachusetts, stay!”

            Anthony hesitated. “But…”

            “No buts!” I cried. “Anthony, I applied to WNEC because I wanted to go to college with you! I still want to go to college with you! If you move back here, that won’t be possible. I haven’t applied to any colleges down here, and there’s no way I could get accepted into one in two months.”

            He raised an eyebrow. “So you would follow me down here?”

            “Of course,” I snapped. “I don’t want to, but…”

            “But what?”

            “I just…”

            He grinned, taking a step closer to me. “You just what, Ellie?”

            “I don’t want to be away from you,” I murmured. “Not after we finally got so close…”

            “I agree,” he said, pulling me into a tight embrace. “I’m only joking, Ellie.”

            I froze. “What?”

            “There’s no way I’m moving back here.”

            He was joking? “Anthony!” I cried angrily. “I thought you were serious! Let me go!” Struggling to break free from him, I pounded on his back.

            Laughing, he just held me tighter. “No can do, Ellie.”

            “I mean it! Let go! You’re a jerk!”

            “I just wanted to see your reaction,” he told me.

            Giving up on my struggle, I clenched the back of his t-shirt in my fists, pressing my head against his toned chest. “It’s not very funny,” I mumbled. “Even though I would follow you, I really don’t want to.”

            “I want to stay in Massachusetts,” he assured me.

            “Yeah, but you’re dad seems really dead set on bringing you home.”

            “I won’t let him.”


            Anthony gently pushed me away from him, his green eyes piercing into mine. “Don’t you trust me?”

            I stared at him. “I do, but—”

            “He’ll come around eventually, Ellie. Don’t worry.”

            “I can’t help it,” I sighed.

            He chuckled. “I know. But you have to stay positive Ellie, okay? Just like when we were in Walmart. You were worried then, but everything came out okay, didn’t it?”

            “Because you were there,” I pointed out.

            “And aren’t I still here?” He gave me a knowing look, a broad smile spreading across his face.

            I couldn’t help but smile back at him. “So you promise you’ll stay in Massachusetts?”

            “I promise. You’d be too sad if I moved back, wouldn’t you?”

            “Would you?” I counted.

            He nodded. “Oh yeah, I’d be completely heartbroken. Especially if you decided not to come with me.”


            “It’d be hard to keep a long distance relationship with the person you love,” he informed me. “I mean, I’d definitely do it for us so you could apply, but I’d still miss seeing your face everyday. And…”

            He continued talking, but nothing was reaching my ears. With the person you love… Did that mean he loved me? Or was he just saying that? Could he love me? For some reason it seemed a little impossible. He was Anthony, after all. Just five months ago the only contact I had was sneaking glances at him in Walmart. Now…

            “Ellie? Are you listening to me?”

            “Do you love me?” I blurted out.

            He blinked at me.

            My cheeks grew warm. “Oh, God. I did not mean to say that! Shit! I’m such an idiot. Don’t answer that—”

            “Why not?” he cut me off.

            “I, uh…”

            All humor was wiped from his face. “Why shouldn’t I answer that?”

            For some reason, I found I couldn’t tear my gaze away from his. “I just… It’s… I mean, I…”

            “Do you love me?”

            Now my cheeks burned. “I…”

            “Because I love you,” he told me, his handsome smile returning. “Did I never mention that to you, Ellie? Oops, it must’ve slipped my mind.”

            Speechless, all I could do was gape at him. Wasn’t the girl supposed to say that first? Or was it only that way in my mind? I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact Anthony was confessing his love to me. “You’ve never said that,” I finally managed to choke out.

            He grinned. “Really? Sorry. I love you, Ellie.”


            “Do you love me?”

            Did I love him? Was that even a question? Anthony, the Walmart worker? Anthony, who helped me get through the whole ordeal at Walmart? Who stayed up while I slept just so I could sleep comfortably? Who always kept me positive? Who was completely adorable when jealous? Who had his own worries, just like I did? Who reminded me of a puppy? Who would never leave my head, no matter how hard I tried not to think of him?

            I started laughing.

            Anthony frowned. “What?”

            “Of course I love you, you idiot,” I told him, unable to stop a wide grin from forming on my face.

            “That’s good,” he responded, placing his hands on my face. “Glad to know the feeling is mutual.”

            “Naturally,” I murmured just before he pressed his lips to mine.

            For a few moments we kept it sweet and gentle, but then Anthony’s hands slid to my waist, tugging me closer to him. I pressed my chest against his, wrapping my arms around his shoulder. His tongue slid across my lower lip and I opened my mouth slightly, allowing him entrance. For some reason, he tasted of sea salt.

            Slowly, he lowered me to the sandy ground. My arms stayed securely around his neck, keeping him close. “You know what?” I started, dragging my eyes away from his lips so I could meet his gaze.

            “Mm, what?” he responded, pressing his lips to my neck.

            “I’m thinking sometime during this week we need to come back here again with a blanket. The sand isn’t really comfortable.”

            He pulled back and raised an eyebrow. “And what do you plan to do?”

            “Remember back in Walmart when I told you I was waiting for someone special?”

            “I do.”

            “Well, I think I found him.”

            The corners of his lips twitched. “Really?”

            “Yeah, which is why you should bring a blanket next time. Julius and I need to be comfortable.”

            He flicked my nose with his finger. “Funny, Ellie.”

            I giggled. “I thought it was.”

            “If it’s you and Julius, have fun with the sand. No blankets for you guys.”

            “And for us?”

            He grinned. “Well, I’ll make sure to bring a bundle of them.”

            I opened my mouth to speak, but instead, my stomach rumbled loudly. Embarrassed, I felt my face flush. Anthony laughed, rolling off me and jumping to his feet. He offered me his hand. “Come on, let’s go back and eat. I’m sure my dad’s cooled down by now. I know I’ve definitely cooled down.”

            I grabbed his hand and he easily pulled me to my feet. “What can I do to help him change his mind?”

            “Act like yourself.”

            “I doubt that’s enough.”

            “I can always just say we’re totally head over heels for each other,” he suggested.  “My mom would definitely root for us.”

            I laughed. “She already does, Anthony.”

            “I know. Hopefully she’ll convert my father.”

            “Hopefully,” I agreed.

            “Can I still stay at your place if they stop helping me pay rent?”

            Grinning, I nodded. “Of course.”

            By the time we walked back to the house, everybody was up and around the dining table, pigging out on the impressive array of food on the table. It was surprising how much was whipped up so fast. Julius called a greeting to me, his mouth full of scrambled eggs. I wrinkled my nose at him, disgusted at the sight. “Don’t talk with your mouth full!”

            “Don’t what?” he responded, his voice muffled by the food.

            I almost slapped myself in the face. “Never mind.”

            “Hey,” Anthony addressed his parents, dropping into a seat next to his Mom.

            “Welcome back,” Heidi responded brightly. “How was your walk?”

            He glanced at me, a smirk on his face. “Lovely.”

            “That’s good to hear.”

            “How was your talk with dad?”

            She beamed at him. “Actually…”

            “Did you know?” Mark asked, his eyes on Anthony. “Because if you did, you are in so much trouble.”

            Anthony’s expression fell. “Did I know what?”

            “Mark, even if he did know, it was my secret.”

            “Secret? What secret?”

            “Your mother is pregnant,” Mark stated. To be, it looked like he was trying to be annoyed about it, but the pride in his voice didn’t go unnoticed.

            Anthony’s eyes widened. “What?”

            Heidi scratched the back of her head sheepishly. “I was actually going to make the announcement near the end of the week, but I figured now was the right time…”

            “How? Why?”

            “Obviously you know how,” Mark responded awkwardly.

            “Ugh, gross. Don’t even…” Anthony trailed off, shaking his head. “Wow. That was… unexpected.”

             Heidi chuckled. “I know, but it’s good.”

            “Of course it’s good.”

            “I mean, for you.”

            Anthony gave her a crazy look. “I know… I want a little brother or sister.”

            “No, I meant—”

            “It means maybe our other child will have more interest in the family business.” Once again, Mark’s words were meant to be harsh, but the relief outweighed it. “So, don’t worry about it.”

            Anthony froze. “Wait, seriously?”

            “Seriously. You’re free to do what you want.”

            His gaze switched to me, his eyes lighting up. “So I can stay in Massachusetts?”

            “You can indeed,” Heidi responded brightly.

            “That’s great news!” he cried, suddenly grabbing me and hugging me around my waist. “Right, Ellie?”

            “Right,” I agreed, letting out a relieved laugh. All that worrying for nothing… “Right,” I repeated again, pressing his head against my stomach. Anthony wasn’t moving back. He was staying in Massachusetts. He was staying with me.

            “Ah,” Julius sighed loudly. “A fairytale ending.”

            Caroline snorted. “An ending? This is definitely not an ending.”

            “Right,” Anthony concurred. “It’s a beginning.”
            “Our beginning,” I corrected him, ruffling the hair on his head.

            He nodded. “Our beginning.”

            “A Julius, Anthony, and Ellie beginning…”

            My brother smacked him on the back of his head. “Julius, just shut up.”

            Julius pouted. “No fun.”

            I rolled my eyes. “College is going to be so much fun.”

            “Oh, it definitely is,” Anthony said, grinning again. “Most definitely.”


I'm so sorry it took so long to update this >< I've been with my friends. But finally, a chapter! I was only going to make it eight pages, but decided to be nice and do 13 c: Hope you guys liked it! Only one chapter left (which is kind of the epilogue). It'll be a short chapter though.... Eventually I'm also going to do another chapter of when they're in Florida. But I'm still figuring out on what.  

Anyway. Please, please, if you haven't, go vote A Surreptitious Relationship in the Watty Awards! It'd mean a lot :) If you use the Wattpad mobile App, you can vote too. All you have to do is go to your browser and go to the regular Wattpad site and go under the Watty Awards tab. It's really simple! Please go do that :) Thanks! 

Also, happy new year! And since it's a new year, there's going to be a new story! Keep an eye out for it ;) Also, for extras, like my fan page! Link in external link!

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