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"You owe me a month's worth of Crofters." Roman continued to groom his hair meticulously with a comb as he stood in front of one of his many mirrors in their dorm.

"Hardly fair!" Logan scoffed.

"Deny it all you want, my friend, but you've clearly got a thing for that Patton fellow- and by the way he lit up at your name, I'd say you have a chance here- if you come with."

"Of course I'm coming with." Logan rolled his eyes from where he sat on his bed, already dressed and ready to go immediately, meanwhile waiting as Roman looked over his letterman for stains, seeming satisfied a moment later.

"Only if I get the Crofters." Roman hummed.

Logan groaned, "Fine, you spineless son of a jackal."

"Disney references? You're learning." Roman shot a grin, while still keeping his eyes on his reflection.

"Whatever. Are you almost finished?" Logan sighed as Roman fitted his jacket to himself kindly.

"Aaaand..." Roman cuffed just jeans- these ones not stained with cheese- "Done!" He proclaimed.

"Wonderful, now lets go." Logan got to his feet.
He was wearing a dark blue shirt and black pants, which seemed formal in contrast to Roman's letterman and jeans.

The jock fixed his hair a final time before opening the door to their dorm, Logan hurrying off towards the elevators.

"How did you become friends with Patton again? That ginger?" Logan cocked an eyebrow.

"Ah, yes," Roman nodded, smiling slightly as he shut the door.

"I'm quite surprised they allowed a male and female to dorm. With all their heteronormative rules and such-" He murmured after they entered the elevator.

Roman's throat went dry. It hadn't dawned him until now that Logan would see exactly what The Ginger looked like- and that she was in fact a he- and that Roman has implied fancying him.

"Um uh-" Roman cleared his throat, "Oh boy, I'm feeling a bit hoarse actually...perhaps we should go back and get some uh- ibuprofen.."

"No need." Logan reached into his pocket, taking out a handful of pills until he sorted out an oblong red pill, handing it to Roman.

Roman stared at in awe, taking it as they exited the elevator, "How did you just...have this on you?"

Logan shrugged, "Most are to keep one awake- but also for headaches, ibuprofen can come a great deal handy."

Roman swallowed the pill dry. Even if his throat didn't hurt, it would definitely help the throbbing of his heart in fear- probably- as they neared Virgil's dorm, "P-Perhaps we should take a rain check-"

"The weather is fine." Logan stated.

"No, I mean- just not go-" Roman fried to slow dow , but Logan wouldn't wait for him.

"How ridiculous. We made plans, and we're to stick true to them." Logan shook his head, "Really, Roman, these are common mannerisms."

"Yes, but-"

Logan had already knocked on the door- it was too late.
Roman stared in horror before he gripped Logan's wrist, leaning in and whispering through gritted teeth, "Tell. No one...please-"

"Tell no one wh- wha- wh- oh.." Logan grew quiet as they were greeted by Virgil, carding a hand through his fiery red hair, "Can I help y- Roman?"

"Hello..." Roman mumbled through a sheepish grin, letting go of Logan's wrist, "Patton um...invited us over for dinner?"

"Of course he did." Virgil sighed.

"Don't act as if you didn't know!" Patton called from deeper in the room.

"Um, he's just finishing his hair and he'll be out." Virgil shrugged.

"Thank you." Logan dipped his head.

"Yup." Virgil whistled before turning to Roman, "So, are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

Roman blinked a few times before things seemed to click in his mind, "Oh! Oh- um- yes, of course." He cleared his throat, "This is my roommate, Logan."

"Logan, huh?" Virgil cocked an eyebrow, looking over the boy and nodding, "Alright- um, Virgil." He held his hand out awkward.

Logan looked at the hand a moment before taking his hand and shaking it, looking at Roman with wide eyes that told them they were definitely going to have a talk later.

Roman simply stared at his feet and bit his lip, heart pounding. So much for waiting to figure out his sexuality to tell Logan.

"Patt! Ready?" Virgil called behind them.

"Almost!" The voice of Patton squeaked.

Roman glanced over and saw Logan smile slightly.

A few moments later, Patton emerged. He was wearing a white dress shirt tucked into some khakis and a light blue cardigan around his shoulders, "I couldn't decide if I want to wear it or not so-"

"So you went with rich boy tennis outfit?" Virgil snorted.

Patton blushed with a shrug.

"It looks appropriate for the weather." Logan responded quickly.

Patton looked at him with a bashful smile, "Thank you."

Logan gave a quick smile back and nodded his head.

Roman clapped his hands together, "So! Are we ready?"

"Oh- yes!" Patton nodded, "Do you kids, and Logan, want to go to SandWich Hut or McDonalds?"

Roman shrugged, "I'm fine with anything."

Logan nodded in agreement.

Virgil rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, you have to have a preference- don't feel shy, make a statement." He used a mocking tone at the end of his sentence.

"Well, I-" Roman began.

"Three, two, one- choose! Now right now!" Patton squealed.

"uHRM MCDONALDS??" Roman stiffened up.

"Perfect!" Patton giggled, nodding towards the elevators, "Let's go!" He began to walk, Virgil and Roman hanging back as Logan didn't move for a moment.

"Come on, you silly geese!" Patton took Logan by the hand, pulling him forward.

Roman winked at his lithe roommate as he humbled forward with a blushing face and a roll of his eyes at the jock.

"Aaand I've been replaced." Virgil sighed, turning to Roman, "Ready?"

Roman nodded, walking in-step with Virgil as they headed for the other two, "I'm sure they like each other different than two roommates do."

"Oh, obviously." Virgil snorted.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it." Roman chuckled.

"You kidding? Patton took like an hour to get ready." Virgil grinned.

"Same with Logan." He smiled as the two ahead of them reached the elevator first, Patton talking Logan's ear off while Logan happily allowed it, "He never let's me get a word in when we're talking and look at him now."

"Well, I'm glad it's innocent." Virgil frowned.

"Um, yeah? Why wouldn't it be?" Roman awkwardly laughed.

Virgil shrugged, "Relationships get complicated."

Roman couldn't ask anymore questions at the time as the elevator doors opened upon their arrival.
He tried to make eye-contact with Virgil on the way down to the lobby, but it seemed that the conversation had been dropped- for the time being.

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