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It's finally here.
It'd been three days since the McDonalds encounter and Roman was still moping a bit.

"If you wait too long, you'll make things more awkward." Logan hummed as he tied his worn, black-converse, then sitting up and fixing his dark blue, nearly black, shirt, currently tucked into pitch-black dress pants.

"How long is long?" Roman groaned.

"Saturday?" Logan suggested, heading for the door.

"Where are you off to?" Roman leaned up on his bed with the cock of an eyebrow.

Logan paused as he grabbed a dark gray jacket, throwing it over his arm, "Out."

"I figured that much." Roman sat up all the way.

Logan opened the door with a quick shrug, "With some folks."

"Patton?" Roman snorted.

Logan sighed, "I wasn't going to be as careless as to flaunt romantic affairs in your face after-"

"Romantic affairs?" Roman was grinning.

Logan glared, "Yes?"

"As in a date?" Princeton stood up and sauntered over to his roommate, "When did this happen?"

"M-McDon-Donalds." Logan stuttered out.

"Figures even you get a date before me." Roman sighed.

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" Logan scoffed.

"You're as stiff as a twig and you're going out in attire that's fit for a band kid who's dressed for a performance." Roman clicked his tongue, slapping Logan on the back.

"Well, I- you don't know- he-"

"Oh, but perhaps that Patton kid likes you like that, huh?" Roman elbowed Logan who squeaked and glared daggers at him.
Roman held his hands up defensively and took a step back, "Have fun with your boyfriend."

"He's not- he isn't my boyfriend!" Logan scoffed.

"The way that kid looks at you? You'd better tell him that."

"He's a year older than- whatever, goodnight." Logan  sighed and briskly exited the dorm.

"You kids have fun!" Was the last thing Roman called fo the boy with glasses before the door to their dorm shut, and it was back to bed for him.


Logan cleared his throat multiple times from where he stood, outside Patton's dorm room, determining how he should knock on the door. After several minutes of muttering to himself, judging how one would knock, the door itself opened, revealing a flustered Logan with his fist in the air and back straight, ready to knock on the door and instead finding a grinning Virgil with a blushing Patton behind him.

"I couldn't stand to watch you try and knock one more time." Virgil snorted before turning around and motioning Patton forward as Logan glared at the ginger, then looking down at the blonde fondly.

"I-It was awfully cute." Patton giggled gently.

"Y-You saw?" Logan's shoulders drooped as an even darker blush took hold of his features.

"Well, I was waitin' for ya and- yes-" The blonde took Logan's hand with a smile, "Ready?"

"Yes.." Logan sighed, giving Patton's hand a gentle squeeze.

Patton returned the squeeze quickly before turning his head to Virgil, "You sure you don't want to go out somewhere while we're gone?"

Virgil snorted, now sitting on his bed, "Like where?"

"Roman's having a Disney marathon in our common room." Logan pointed out casually, making Patton look at him suspiciously.

"Yeah, I'm sure he'd love to see me." The ginger flopped back into the bed.

"I really think he would." Logan's tone grew soft, surprising the angsty college student who simply gave him a look before waving at Patton, "Be safe and use protection."

"ViRgIL-!" Patton squeaked, slamming the door shut with a curt sigh, followed by a sheepish grin directed at Logan, "He- um- he just- likes to tease me is all-"

"I've noticed."

"So..." Patton began walking down the hall with the other, "You think they'll hang out..?"

"I hope so." The brunette snorted, "God knows they need it."

"Well, I'm glad it hasn't stopped you from hanging with me." Patton beamed, pressing his cheek to Logan's shoulder.

"Nothing could keep me from hanging out with you, Patton."


Roman sprawled out onto the common room couch, into his second Disney movie. Logan and Patton had been gone for about an hour and a half now and the teen was feeling lonelier by the second. The only thing that seemingly comforted him was his bag of Doritos on his chest, puffs of orange scattered along his red sweatshirt and dark gray sweatpants evidence of him eating the chips.
The current movie was Hercules. They were at the part where Hercules had just toppled the marketplace over, making Roman scoff as he saw the look of disappointment on the other's face, "Lord do I feel that."

"Feel what?"

The response made Roman jump and let out a squeal, clutching his chips in the entirely dark room, only the TV illuminating the face of a select ginger, hands in the pockets of his jeans as he looked at Roman with a cocked head.

"Wh-When did you get here?" Roman mumbled.

Virgil shrugged, "I lurk."

"Well c-could you not lurk so creepily? You're like- like a creepy cookie-"

"Gee thanks. Would you mind moving your feet? I'm not sitting on top of your legs but I will sit in front of the TV if you don't."

Roman couldn't help but grin slightly before he shuffled upwards into a slouched sitting position.

"Thanks." Virgil mumbled as he took a seat where Roman's legs had just been, leaving about two or three feet between himself and the other boy, "So...why Hercules?"

Roman blinked a few times in thought before smiling, he loved answering questions about Disney and about himself, "Well, he's an unlucky hero who finds the best in himself when he's at his worse- it has a good message and astounding songs- that being said, most Disney movies do."

"Most?" Virgil scoffed in disbelief.

"Name a Disney movie that doesn't have good songs." Roman cocked an eyebrow at Virgil.

"I'm not saying they're bad I'm just saying, some are better than others."

"Like what?"

A heated debate launched that seemed to go for the rest of the first half of the movie, all in good humor as it resulted in laughter and the inching of the two closer to the other.

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