"The Terrible Hound"

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The design process;


Outline and Coloring;

Adding; Veins, skin color, shading

Also the blank background if you want;

The hound and the research; "I did tons of research creating this animal, I went to museums such as St. Andrews aquarium, and osteology museums

and the final skull design that I decided upon was a mix, a mix or mammalian with boar or hippo like traits mixed, with some reptilian alligator traits, but I also like to think there's a whole lot of Trix, in there as well."

The color; "the color of the hound is something I decided on really early on and it never really changed, the lizard (another creature of mine that will be seen in this collab later on, also both creatures in my animation and art parts.) and the hound are the opposite of each other, life, death, good, evil. The lizard was always going to be natural colors, brown, oranges, and the hound would be the opposite, unnatural greens, purples, reds, blues."

The meaning of the hound; "the terrible hound is the monster lurking under your bed, she's the worry keeping you up at night till three a.m, she's your sadness and your fears and your horrors she's poison she's sickness and she's a horrible thing to experience but also a essential and healthy thing to experience, and a very essential and healthy thing to overcome."

((100% Inspired by Dead Sound's Merry Madness))

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