part 25

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Hi guys. Finally here is the final part. Hope you all will like it.

"Scene starts from laksh shouting ragini's name and he ran towards ragini. He pushed parinita hardly. Gun fall down from her hand and she stumbbled and was caught by a lady inspector. All others also rushed towards raglak and was tensed for ragini"

"Laksh:ragini. He hold ragini in his arms who were in pain. Her arm was bleeding as the bullet hit her arm slightly. Laksh was in more pain than her seeing her in pain. His eyes got teary. His heart was pinching"

"Laksh:ragini...baccha. I'm sorry. I...I don't...I was not...I was aiming her...she...she... he was fumbling. Tears rolled down from his eyes seeing the blood"

"He took out handkerchief from his pocket and tied it on ragini's arm to stop bleeding. She hissed in pain as soon as he touched her arm. It increased his pain. He looked at her painfully. Suddenly his expressions changed into angry one. He looked at parinita with blood shot eyes and in the next moment parinita falls on floor with a thud. She got shock and placed her hand on her cheek. She looked at laksh. Her cheek turned red as laksh slapped her hard. He was giving her death glares. All were shocked by his sudden act but no one felt bad as they all know parinita deserve it."

"Laksh:JUST BECAUSE OF YOU MY RAGINI GOT HURT. I HAVE SAID NA ONE SCREATCH ON HER AND I WILL KILL YOU. He shouts on top of his lounges and parinita got flinch. She gulps hard and started to sweat seeing the rage in his eyes"

"Laksh:YOU HAVE TORTUED MY RAGINI FROM STARTING AND NOW THIS. I WON'T LEAVE YOU. he again shouts and was about to go near her in anger but ragini hold him back as she knows in anger he can do anything and she doesn't wanted him to do something wrong"

"Ragini:laksh no ahaaa.... She suddenly shouts in pain as she extend her hand to hold laksh and he immediately stopped and turned towards her with worry"

"Laksh:ragu what happend..? Baccha it's paining Haan I'm so sorry. I should take you hospital first lets go come we will go to hospital come. He said with so much worry and restlessness while holding her shoulders"

"Ragini:no laksh I'm fine you... She was about to say but he didn't let her complete her words"

"Laksh:not a word ragini. I won't hear anything. Just come with me. I know it's paining you and its paining me more than you. Now come. He said and started going towards main door with her but stops and turned again towards parinita"

"Laksh:INSPECTOR ARREST THEM AND MAKE SURE I DON'T SEE THIS FACE AGAIN OTHER WISE I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WILL DO. He said to inspector but was looking at parinita with rage and she looked down with fear."

"Soon parish got arrested by police and was taken away from there. Parinita was scared while adarsh was in guilt and was ready for the punishment. Family members were still in shock and maheshwaris was hurt too. Specially ap and dp"

"Scene shifts to hospital where laksh was with ragini. As soon as parish got arrested laksh came there with ragini and doctor bandaged her wound and gave some medicines and advice her to take rest"

"Laksh:doctor ragini is fine na..? He was asking this question again and again for which doctor smiled seeing his love for her"

"Doctor:mr. Maheshwari I have said you already she is fine. No need to worry. The wound isn't that deep. If she will take rest and have medicines then she will be apsalutly fine. He said and laksh nodded and the doctor went from the room. Laksh looked at ragini and suddenly hugged her tightly and she got shock for a second"

"Laksh:I'm sorry ragini. I'm so sorry baccha. I'm so sorry. This all happend because of my anger. I shouldn't have shooted like that I'm so sorry because of me you got hurt. He said in a chocking voice. He was actually crying. His ragini got hurt from his hands this thought was stabbing his heart and he was feeling very guilty"

"Ragini:laksh plz it wasn't your fault. I know you were tensed for me. Whatever you did was for me only and I didn't got hurt because of you laksh but because of parinita she pulled me in beetween. It wasnt your fault at all. She said patting his back trying to made him understand but he was hugging her tightly and was still crying like a kid. She felt pain in her heart seeing him like that. She slowly breaks the hug and made him look at her holding his cheek with her one hand"

"Ragini: Plz dont blane your self. Plz i cant see you like this you know na. Plz it wasn't your fault laksh. I'm appsalutly fine see. Nothing happend to me na. Plz don't cry laksh. She said wiping his tears but she herself was crying. He felt bad and immediately wiped her tears"

"Laksh:no baccha plz don't cry. I too won't cry ok. See I'm smiling. You too smile na. He said while giving her a small smile and she too smiled. And they hugged each other lovingly. "

"After some time they breaks hug and ragini was about to came out of bed but suddenly she felt herself got lifted and she got shock with it. She found laksh holding her in his arms"

"Ragini:laksh what are you doing.? I have got hurt on my hand not my leg I can walk. She said but he didn't listen anything and started walking holding her in his arms for which she made faces at him and he smiled at her cute expressions"

"Scene shifts to mm where all family members were waiting for raglak. They were all tensed for ragini. Just then they heard car sound and they smiled and ran towards door of house and found laksh coming there with ragini in his arms"

"Ap:laksh beta what happend..? Ragini is fine na.?"

"Dadi:maari laddo. . You are fine na..?"

"Swara:ragini what doctor said.?"

"Shekhar:laksh there is nothing to worry na..?"

"Sharmishtha:laksh say something why are you standing silently.?"

"Sanskar:stop it. He shouts and finally all gets silent"

"Sanskar:if you all will let him then only he will say something na. You all are asking questions like bullet train not stopping for a second. He said being irritated with their continues questions and raglak smiled at their family"

"Laksh:dont worry everything is fine. Doctor said if ragini will take rest then she will be appsalutly fine soon. Nothing to worry. He said with a smile and all breath in relief"

"Sanskar:now plz let him come inside. He said making faces as they all were surrounding raglak on the door only stopping his way to come inside. All immediately moved aside and let raglak enter inside the house"

"Sanskar:lucky take ragini in your room. She should take rest now. He said and all agreed. Laksh smiled and took ragini in their room"

"Laksh came near their room and opens the door with his leg as he was holding ragini in his arms but there was only darkness in the room"

"Ragini:laksh switch on the lights na. She said making cute face and laksh smiled"

"Laksh:baccha just press this button. He said showing her a button near door. She nodded and pressed the button and slowly lights started turning on"

"As soon as the light spread in whole room ragini widen her eyes. She was shocked and surprised. She looked at laksh who just smiled in return and ragini again looked at their room blinking her eyes"

"The whole room was decorated beautifully with ballons and in beetween there was light lamp in which there was a image of raglak. She got amazed by all that"

"Her eyes then fall on the bed and there also bed was decorated by flowers and ballons and a teddy bear was placed there with welcome back written on it"

"Ragini smiled widely looking at it and looked at laksh being really happy and surprised"

"Laksh:after almost a month you came back in our room so welcome back to banta hai. He said with a bright smile and ragini too smiled"

"Laksh then came towards the bed and placed ragini on it very carefully and slowly and adjusted pillows behind her. She sat there and immediately took teddy bear in her hands"

"Ragini:awwww laksh this is so cute teddy And so soft awww  thankyou thankyou thankyou so much laksh. She chirped happily hugging the teddy bear with a big smile on her lips Feeling its softness while laksh was admiring her"

"Laksh:finally you came back ragini without you I was feeling so lonely in this room but now I'm feeling peace. Never leave me again baccha. He said sitting besides her on bed holding her hand in his"

"Ragini:I'm also feeling peace laksh after coming in our room. I'm so happy and I will never ever leave you again. She said beetween her tears and hugged him tightly. He too hugged her back with teary eyes. He breaks hug after sometime and kissed her forehead lovingly and both smiled at each other"

"Days passed and laksh was taking care of ragini alot. He was not letting her do any work. All family members were also pampering her alot. Gadodias were also visiting her every day and soon ragini becomes perfectly fit and fine so they decided to have a good family time. So Maheshwaris invited Gadodias for dinner. All were sitting together and chit chatting at mm. Swasan uttara and ragini were playing with chotu. They were very excited seeing a little child and was enjoying. Chotu was in ragini's hands when laksh also came there and sat besides ragini. He too smiled looking at chotu. Who was giggling and playing with ragini's chain. Laksh forward his hands to take chotu but suddenly stopped"

"Laksh:ragu he won't wet my shirt again na..? He said near raginis ear so that only she can hear it. And she giggled at that while laksh made cute angry face at her."

"Uttara:Bhai what are you saying to bhabhi that she is laughing tell us also na. She said with a teasing smile as she noticed them. Ragini was about to say but was intrupted by laksh"

"Laksh:nothing my dear sister. It's husband wife's talk. Your husband will also tell you when you will get married ok. He said extra sweetly and uttara made faces at him while ragini chuckled and laksh glared her cutely"

"Like this they spend a good family time together. Ragini was feeling very happy by being with her both family's after a long time and laksh was happy seeing her happy. Gadodias left after dinner and all others too went to their rooms wishing each other good night"

"In raglak room"

"Ragini was arranging cloths in cupboard when a pic fall down from it. Ragini looked at it and bend down to take it. She took the pic in her hands and opens it. A big smile came on her lips seeing the pic just then laksh came out of washroom and looked at her with confusion seeing her looking at a pic smiling. He came towards her and back hugged her"

"Laksh:who's pic is this that my wife is smiling like a mad looking at it.? He asked like a possessive hubby and ragini looked at him"

"Ragini:nothing nothing laksh. She said and was about to place the pic again in the cupboard but laksh stopped her"

"Laksh:what is their in the pic that you are hiding it..? Show me. He said and tried to get pic from her hand but she didn't let him"

"Ragini:ummm...laksh I don't want to tell you but now as you are insisting then ok. Actually it's my first crush...first love's pic. She said making a sad face which gave him heart attack. He was looking at her without even blinking. His face become pale"

"Ragini looked at him and suddenly started laughing. He was looking at her confused. Here he was getting restless thinking about her first crush first love and all that and she was laughing what is wrong with her. He thought and made faces at her. While she forward the pic towards him still laughing. He took the pic being confused then angrily looked at the pic but his expressions changed as soon as he looked at the pic. He closed his eyes looking away and then looked at her actually glared her and she stopped laughing"

"Ragini:laksh he is my first first love you know Aditya Roy kapoor. She said with fake sad face teashing him more and he looked away being irritated"

"Ragini:laksh your expressions haha you were looking like a baby who will cry anytime hahaha... She said laughing again and he glared her again"

"Laksh pulled her towards him holding her waist making her shock with his sudden act and she stopped laughing looking at him with wide eyes while he was smirking"

"Laksh:what you were saying Haan...your first crush....first love Haan... remember Mrs. Ragini laksh maheshwari I'm the only one who is your first crush...first love and everything understand. He said in a serious tone and in a possessive way. She smiled at that. She always loved his possessive side as it saws his love for her"

"Ragini:yes laksh you are my everything. You are my life. Mai jo jee rahi hu "wajah tum ho" she said lovingly and he smiled"

"Laksh:aur mere jeene ki "wajah tum ho" he said with same love for her"

"Laksh started coming closer towards her and slowly started kissing her lips. She closed her eyes feeling his touch which made her shiver and her heart beat faster. After some time they breaks the kiss and looked at each other with love. Laksh took ragini in his arms and placed her on bed and came over her."

"And Scene gets blurr."
Finally finished.

I completed this ff finally.

Now pls vote and comment this is last part guys.

I hope it wasn't boring.

Pls do tell me did you liked it..?

Pls guys give me your reviews.

Forgive me for my mistakes.

Bye bye guys take care.

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