The Bond of Warriors

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In the Ohwymi, a scorching desert where only the toughest survive. Even the plants. And here resides the most fearsome, the Ouginak.  Ouginaks are fearless warriors, savage beasts with no hesitation in combat, almost on pair to what Iops are, but they're distinct both in their motives and combat tactics, Ouginaks serve mostly roles of raw damage, tanking hits or sometimes debuffing too, they're also a sort of summoner, since a Bow Wow is their devoted companion on battles. And here is one special dog reside.  The ground started to shake. The shaking got bigger, and bigger, as something was coming.....But then stop, as a Scordion( a scorpion) walk by. But then the ground exploded, launching the scodion up into the air, where a giant sandworm burst out and eat it. It roars and looks around, picking up another scent it burrows following the scent. It leads to and unexpected bow wow. As it close in it's unaware of its location. Closing in the sandworm leaps out mouth open ready to devour. But a fast object grabs the bow wow and escape the sandworm. Before it can move a multitude of shadows revealed themselves. The sandworm was caught, it was on a rock bed where it couldn't tunnel.

???: now 

The shadows jump into the air, weapons ready. They attack with various slashes. The only cry was the sand worms. Once the battle over the sand worm was defeated. One of the shadow leapt on the beast, revealing to be an Ouginak. 

Ouginak: Let's Feast

The shadows now revealed to be Ouginaks, cheered as well. Time has past as they dragged the sandworm to their village. Once there the Ouginaks cheered while eating the sandworm meat, their party lasted till night, everyone was excited, except one.  One Ouginak was bust carring items. 

Ouginak: move it runt

One Ouginak pushed the runt of the pack. The runt grows as he carrie's it all the way to the temple where they he met one of the oldest Ouginak. 

Old Ouginak: what troubles you, Rex 

 Rex, setting down the items growled in frustration. 

Rex: I'm nearly old enough to be in the hunt but I'm still treated as a runt.

Elder: be patient young run, you will be ready in no time.

Rex: yeah, then why does everyone treat me like the same pup who arrived to their door step from the city.

Elder: well you are 

Rex: [sigh]you know what I meant

Elder: I do, even the chieftain agrees.  Be patient young one, your time will come, and beside someone is waiting for you.

Something shook the baskets behind the elder. A pair of eyes lit the dark side of the moon. 

Rex: oh no

A fast object rushed at Rex. His speed tackled him to the runt to the ground. It started licking Rex face. It was a bow wow with a long tail(he look similar to igole, I'm not sure on the colors). 

Rex: ok ok boy, I miss you too. 

Rex laughs as he plays with the bow wow. The next few days, it was time for Rex ceremony. On the stage rex stood there as the crowd started chanting. And before him came the Chieftain. She landed on platform holding a tarp covered item.

Chieftain: Young Rex, today is the day you prove you're a Ouginak Warrior.  As you know each warrior gets their weapon to match their warrior instinct. Are you ready

Rex: yes

She brings forth a tarp cover item. She removes them to reveal two swords. They were smaller compare to the massive swords used by others.

Chieftain: do you accept.

Rex: ughhh oh yes, I do, thank you chieftain.

Rex takes the blades. He was happy but could hear some of the Ouginak.

Ouginak: look at those puny blades, perfect for a runt

Rex growl but ignored it. The next few days Rex was apart of the hunts. They hunted creatures, but none of the big ones as they were to big for him. The latest hunts annoyed the young warrior. On one of his scouting mission. Rex ran across the desert, he jumps onto a rock and looks around. Then his bow wow appeared, ready to play.

Rex: it's not time, lightning

The pup, lightning,  growls at Rex, but then smells something. He runs to scent catching Rex attention, annoyed he chased after the bow Wow.  It lead him to a couple of cactus punks beating up on a person. 

Cactus: man this stinks, this knight didn't have anything on him. It's like he got robbed before us.

The vagus bandit then notice his small dagger.

Cactus: hey, that might be something....Argh!!!!

The cactus gets bite by lightning. The other cacti help, throwing it off him. They corner him. Lightning tilt his head until rex jumped behind him. Swords ready he quickly defeats the Cacti bandits making them flee.

Rex: those annoying little cacti. Hm

He spots lightning pulling on the unconscious knight. Rex grabs the knight and Carrie's him to the nearest shade. After a brief moment the knight awoke and drinks the water lended by Rex.

Rex: how long were out there, your lucky me and lightning were around when we were 

???: thank you friend, I been out there for days

Rex: no problem, kinda stupid to venture out here without a hood or something 

???: yeah I'll remember that next time.

Rex: so what's your name anyway

???: I glad you ask[he jumps up and shows his sword] I am Sir Percedal of Sadlygrove and this is my trusty pal Rubilax.

Rex: your weird dagger,

Percedal: actually it's a sword, hidden until I want it to.

Rex: oh you're an iop. I heard of you guys, knights that use demons as weapon, symbiotic thing right

Percedal: yeah and you 

Rex: oh, well I'm Rex, An Ouginak warrior, and this is lighting,  a bow wow with an attitude.

Lightning didn't wait to play with Percedal.

Percedal: wow I've never met an Ouginak, my master told me about your kind, you guys are fierce.

Rex: thanks.

The two began talking to each, they started forming a friendship.  Rex soon called Percedal Dally overtime.  They helped each other get stronger over the many days. One day Rex was heading out to meet dally, but was stopped by the chieftain.

Chieftain: going out again 

Rex: yes chief

Chieftain: I never seen you so happy when you were a young pup.

Rex: thank you Chief

Chieftain: did I ever tell that the day I met you I was looking for a new chief to take my place. And that was the same day a certain pup came to my doorstep

Rex: no, you never told me that

Chieftain:  yeah, and once I saw you I saw something great inside you, like our god has bless us

Rex: well you might be the only one

Chieftain: you think I don't hear the voices. I have been where you are, never forget who you truly are and remember your burning rage. 

Rex: yes chief 

He heads out to dally. Dally was sleeping under a rock slab. A rock fell on his head due to the stomping of Rex. They head to do more hunting. They were successful in catching multiple creatures. While they enjoying dinner rex ask dally something.

Rex: hey D, what are you planning to do

Dally: continue my journey 

Rex: wow that sounds great

Dally: hey, maybe you should join me.

Rex: I don't know 

Dally: it'll be great, us mighty warriors,

Rex: heh, maybe I still have a lot to learn

Daly: ah that's boring, the best way to learn is in the battle. What do you say.

Rex thought it over and looked at dally, he smiles as he they grabs hands.

Dally: this is now a bond between warriors 

Rex: yeah.

Filled energy the two continue their hunt. Later that day after eating a hefty meal the two were sleeping.  But suddenly they ground shook. Waking up the two, they look around. Then a sandworm burst forth before the two. They ready themselves until the beast roars, showing its dominance. It leapt at them with is gapping mouth. The sandworm attacks. Rex has leapt to the other side. The dust settles and Rex looks around.

Rex: dally, dally

He looks down at the hole and groans.

Rex: of course he gets eaten.

He whistle to call on a bow wow, but he gets lightning.

Rex: ugh, lightning, got track dally

Lightning tracks Dally down, and follows the scent, Rex chases after him. As they both run on all fours, they were closing in on the sand worm, but an explosion happen ahead of them. They slow down but continue forth. Once there they see the sand worm defeated an a hole in its side.

Rex: woah, dally was holding out on me

They walk closer but then lightning. Rex looks at him, not noticing the massive shadow coming out the worm. It steps towards them catching Rex attention, when he looks back, he sees a massive monster with slight resemblance of dally, and a third eye that look like rubi.

Rex: woah, so you must be rubi

Rubi: [laughs] that Right I'm Rubilax, I should thank you, if this iop didn't get himself eaten, I wouldn't have possessed him

Rex:[neevous] oh yeah, yeah, no problem, so if you can let dally go, we can go on with our day.

Rubi: I don't think so, I only got a taste of fun from the worm, an now I'm ready for to cause destruction 

Rex: that's not gonna happen, because there's two of us, an only one of you, right lightning 

Rex looks to his side, only to see lightning had runaway. He turns around chuckles nervously at his predicament 

Rubilax: I'm gonna enjoy this

He ready a punch, Rex pulls out his blades at the same time to block. The punch lands, launching Rex through the sand across the area. He is stunned by the impact. But senses Rubilax and jumps out the way from his stomp. He avoids several blows and deals his own. The blades were strong but not his body, only doing little damage to the shushu.  Rubilax retaliates by grabbing Rex. He delivers a powerful uppercut, sending him flying rink jumps up and punts Rex into rocks. Rex slowly gets up, sees Rubi land front of him, and readies his blades, he charges, only getting blindsided by Rubi fist. Rubi continues to pummel his opponent until he was unconscious. Rex was lying before him as Rubi chuckled. He grabs his head and laughs.

Rubi: am here I thought Ouginaks were strong and could rival even a shushu iop. Pathetic... little... runt.

He drops him and walks away. Rex looks as he leaves, he starts remembering past memories. Being called runt, weak, pushover. Then out of nowhere his eyes turn dark red. Rubilax continued walking until he hears a growl. 

Rubi: so your ready... for round... 2

He watches in horror as his for made twitching sound, getting bigger, muscular and consumed in red smoke.  Rubi saw only red eyes as what happened next, was too fast to describe. All that was heard, was a howl. The days past and Rex wakes up, he looks around and sees he's in the village, wounds on himself and being tended by the elder.

Elder: ah I see you're awake from your fight with the shushu.

Rex: yeah, but... I can't remember what happened, do you know what happened 

Elder: [pauses] from what these old eyes saw. The shushu flees after finishing his fights with you, greatly wounded. But better question is, what are you gonna do.

Rex simply sighs an falls alseep. In the middle of the night. Rex gathered his things and was ready to sneak out. Go out on his adventure. But before he could exit the gate the Christian stopped him.

 Chieftain: you leaving

Rex: yes, I want to explore the world, prove to people that I'm ready.

Chieftain: you never had to prove that, you are as strong as anyone here

Rex: I need to it to myself. I want to know there is more to me than a village runt. To be a warrior like my friend.

Chieftain:[smiles] follow me

She shows Rex to her room, there she shows him a very special treasure. 

Chieftain: good luck on your journey, remember we're only a howl away.

She hugs him one last time. The sun was rising, and we see Rex in a new suit of armor. The chieftain husband armor. He'll cherish this gift as he sets off for his adventure. But he was forgetting something. A bone hit his head, he looks around but then below seeing bow wow lightning.

Rex: lightning, no you're not coming.

Lightning growls and walks in front of him. Rex steps over him but lightning still persisted. Lightning then attacks him, making him pull out his blade. Lightning had bit the bite, now both looking directly into each other eyes. Rex sighs and puts lightning down.

Rex: try and keep up then

Lightning smiles and wags his tail, he runs up Rex and red on his shoulder. Rex sets out to his journey. Not knowing, he's apart of something bigger.

-End credits( they do this in the first two seasons).

We see Rex talking to us. By him lightning was running around.

Rex: greeting I'm Rex of Claw Tooth Tribe. We are Ouginak, a mighty race that rivals anyone. We are strong, relentlessness, vicious, terrifying...Ahh

He screams and looks to see lightning bite his foot. He kicks him, sending him flying.

Rex: to sum it up, we are the ultimate warriors, Great Allies, and Dangerous Foes.

He then sees lightning on his head

Rex: an so is this guy.

Lightning barks as the scene goes black.

Boom that's it for the chapter, Rex begins his quest and you see his lovable companion lighting, a black bow wow with purple stripes.  This happens year(s) before dally met Yugo. Rex were go through a change himself. Next chapter takes place after episode 6. Next chapter,  warriors reunited once again, but at bad terms in, Rex the behemoth.

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