Chapter 8: The life of the abyss knight.

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Mecha: Two chapters in a row?! Yep, but this is a bit of a filling chapter to fill some gaps. Enjoy it!

(Spoiler: This chapter is a little short)

(no ones POV)

It was a quiet night for our adventurers. No fights, no fleeing for their lives, no nothing. This is a camping night where they can rest and relax. 





Our adventurers had set up camp to spent the night in the forest and you decided to cook tonight. Eva and Amalia were sitting on an oak that Dally previously cut so they could sit. Ruel was lying on the ground, waiting for the food to be ready. Nora and Yugo were playing a card game together while they waited for the food. Dally, meanwhile, was every so often trying to steal some of the ingredients you were using to make the soup. This started to bother you and you hit him in the hand with the spoon that you were using to mix the ingredients in the soup.

(y/n): If you wait another five minutes, I promise you that you will eat the best soup you have ever ate in your life!

Dally: Awww. *Sigh* Fine, I'll wait a little more.

To make this soup, you used different things that you found in the forest. Some mushrooms that you found, that you verified that they were not poisonous. You used some berries, which you also checked that they were not poisonous. You used some flower petals that you found in the forest. And more and more ingredients that you found to improvise a soup. Basically, what a culinary artist would do. After a few more minutes, the soup had finally heated up enough and the mixture of the ingredients had already finished. 

(y/n): Guys, the soup is ready!

Ruel and Daly were the first to appear with the plates and spoons in hand. Yugo and Nora sat next to them, taking a couple of plates and spoons for themselves. Eva and Amalia sat next to Yugo and Nora, who passed them a couple of plates and spoons so they can use. You started serving the soup plate by plate. The appearance of the soup was somewhat simple, but the aroma and taste showed that a book should not be judged by its cover. All the members of the group took a good sip of the soup and smiles of joy grew on their faces.

Dally: You were right, (y/n)! This is the best soup I ate in my life!

Amalia: This is so delicious! I can feel how it warms the inside of my body!

Nora: (y/n), you are the best!

Yugo: I need this recipe, my dad would love to serve this soup in his restaurant.

(y/n): *Rubbing the back of your head*  Well, I improvised with what I found. I don't think I can help a lot with that, Yugo.

Ruel: Something so delicious can't be free.

(y/n): Yeah, you owe me a gourmet dinner.

Ruel: Some day of these, I will return that favor to you.

Eva: Where did you learn how to cook? 

(y/n): It was the only thing I could do in the castle on my own. The rest of the time I always had obligatory lessons to train my magic, practice with the sword, history of magic. It was a damn training session after another.

Ruel: The castle?

Amalia: Oh, that's right. (y/n) is the prince of his kingdom!

Yugo: Wow! You are a prince? That's cool!

Dally: (y/n)? A prince? I don't want to offend you, but you don't look like a prince. You don't look effeminate at all.

(y/n): Thank you?

Nora: (y/n) is not only the prince of his kingdom, but he is also the legitimate heir to the throne!

(y/n): Nora!

Nora: What?

(y/n): You know very well that I don't like to talk about that.

Yugo: Why not? 

Eva: I also wonder the same. I mean, unlike Amalia, who is always presuming that she is the sadida princess, you seem to try to hide that you are the prince of your kingdom. Why you do that?

(y/n): I'm ... I'm not sure if I should talk about this. 

Nora put a hand on your shoulder so you can relax. But suddenly, you felt a hand on your other arm and you saw Evangelyne putting her hand above yours.

Eva: (y/n), we are your friends. You can trust us, we promise not to laugh or joke about whatever is bothering you.

You looked at each of your friends and saw each one giving you the same look, confirming that they will not do anything inappropriate about this. You took a deep breath and looked at the campfire.

(y/n): In my family, in the (l/n) family, we are four members. Me, (y/n) (l/n), legitimate heir to the throne of the abyss. My little brother, Ryan (l/n), second heir to the throne of the abyss. My mother, (m/n) (l/n), queen of the abyss. And finally...

You stopped in your story, remembering your father and how horrible fatherly model he was. A shadow covered your face and you clenched your fists in anger. The others seemed to notice this and got worried a little.

Yugo: (y/n), Are you okay?

(y/n): *Sigh* And finally my father, Percival (l/n), the king and ruler of the abyss. He is also known as the meteor sword of the abyss. My father can be defined as a cold-hearted warrior. If an opponent can present problems in the future, he doesn't hesitate to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible. Not caring about the method he uses or the collateral damage.

Dally: He can't be that bad, right?

(y/n): That's what he does when he's not in times of war. But despite sounding like a horrible person, my father turns out that he had some favoritism between his children, resulting in me being his favorite son.

This confused everyone a little bit.

Amalia: But if you are his favorite son, then why is it so hard for you to talk about your father?

(y/n): Let me answer that question with another question. Tell me Amalia, your father gave you everything you wanted in a silver tray?

Amalia: Not at all!

Eva: Oh, really?

Amalia: Well... Maybe he gave me one or two things that I wanted. Where do you want to go with this?

(y/n): If I wanted something, I had to literally break my back and work to get what I wanted. Curiously, since my father didn't care too much for my little brother, he gave him everything he wanted. As if that were not enough, I didn't have many friends when I was little, other than the castle butlers.

Yugo: Why not?

(y/n): According to my father, the future heir to the throne has no time to waste with silly games and weak children. The first friend of my age that I had in the castle... was Nora. In fact, I think she was my only friend who wasn't forced to be with me.

Nora: That day was really crazy!

(y/n): Hehehe! Sure it was Nora, sure it was.

There was a minute of silence in which everyone said nothing, thinking about the story they had just heard about you. But this awkward silence broke when Yugo spoke.

Yugo: And why did your father choose you as his favorite?

(y/n): Because of my magic.

Everyone: Hmmm?

(y/n): Each of the abyss knights can control one type of element and both aspects of magic, light and darkness. But the royal family is far above normal knights, we can control all the elements. This makes us the legitimate monarchs of my kingdom, because we are the most powerful warriors. But besides that, I was the youngest abyss knight to use magic. At five years of age I learned how to use my magic, that is a dangerous age to have that kind of power. But even so, at that age I managed to easily master my magical abilities. 

Nora: For short, (y/n) is a prodigy of magic and he may become the most powerful knight of our type.

(y/n): That is exaggerating a bit, Nora. 

Time passed slowly. After a few moments, everyone had finished eating the soup. But the flames of the campfire were still alive and nobody was sleepy to go to sleep (Mecha: I'm a poet). The curiosity of others to know more about you kept them awake. Ruel took some water from a canteen to quench his thirst and once done, decided to continue with the previous conversation.

Ruel: So... What about your brother? Did your father hate him or something?

(y/n): My father was not interested in my brother at all. He considers him a weak and useless person because of the difficulties he has to use his magic.

Amalia: That's horrible!

(y/n): *Sigh* That's my dad. If it had not been because I took my brother's place on this mission, my father would have sent Ryan here.

Yugo: But why did you take the place of your brother?

(y/n): I think that everything we find so far on our trip can answer your question. My brother is not very strong, it scares me to think what would have happened if I had not taken his place in this mission.

Amalia: Awwww! That's so cute!

Eva: It's so sweet of you to take care of your brother so much. I'm pretty sure your brother will be happy when you come back.

(y/n): Yeah... When I come back...

The idea of knowing that you will not be able to return home is painful and sad. The only thing that comforted you was knowing that your little. brother would be safe. You took a deep breath and forced a fake smile on your face. Then, you got up from your place and you started walking towards a tree.

Nora: Where are you going?

(y/n): I'm gonna call it night and go to sleep. Goodnight everyone!

Everyone: Goodnight!

You laid your back on a tree and closed your eyes. Despite being the first to go to sleep, you stayed awake long enough to see others going to sleep, each one of them taking a different place to rest. 

(y/n)(mind): The mission to destroy the Eliacube is something I can not afford fail. But ... I don't think it's a bad thing to take my time to complete this mission, especially when I have such a good company by my side.

You opened one of your eyes and saw each of your friends sleeping with smiles on their faces. This made you feel a little better and you closed the eye you opened again. A smile formed on your face as you started to fall asleep. But this time, it was a genuine smile.

(y/n): *Yawn* Goodnight everyone. I hope our adventure lasts for a long time and it ends well.




(y/n): Hopefully...

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