(oneshot)Wakiya x Experiment Valt Au: It's okay kitty

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Wakiya pov:

It was supposed to be a normal day but Shu told me a heartbreaking new with only two words: "Valt's missing". "What!? " I shocked and looked at Shu "How? When? How did you know? And Why? " I shaked him over and over. He told me that his mother saw Valt go out at midnight and never came back till now. We put a lot of posters about Valt's missing. No answer, no reply. I just feel hopeless.

It's been nearly a month since Valt's gone missing. I'm meeting with a group of scientists, they introduced me their place, it was peaceful and nice, a lot many beautiful animals running around. I also brought a lot of money about a billion if I saw something nice and pretty. Meh who care if it's cost much, I have plenty of money to pay. At their place it was nice till I saw their secret, they also experiment on human but why they look so happy? I was about to run but they asked me "oh, you don't want to see our newest experiment? " I was about to said no till I saw Valt! "V-valt? " "W-wakiya? " He asked if it was me, his voice tune were small and hard to hear it clear.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!? " I angrily asked him. "Oh just experiment on him" I looked back at Valt, it's looked like they experiment a lot of DNA on him, I can see he has a pair of cat ears and a cat tail. His face were dull, his eyes were dark and looked like he has no soul. He was skinny, TOO SKINNY! DO THEY EVEN FED HIM!?

"Wanna buy him? " a male scientist put on a mischievous smile at me. I glared at him and asked "how much? " "just a billion dollars" I had no hesitate and thrown the money into his face and take Valt. "You forgot about this" a female scientist throw me a weird stuff "what is this? " "a shock collar" I got mad "ARE YOU INSANE!? " "Wait you're not buying him to make him become your slave? "

B*tch! What the f*ck!? Are all these scientists are out of their mind!? "of course no! " I carried Valt and bring him into my car, then I called Hoji to called the police for me to investigate this crazy lab.

I brought him into his house to show to his mother that he is safe now. Valt immediately hug Chiharu and his siblings with no hesitate. His mom asked me to take care of him for a while, I mean why not.
Then I brought him into the BC Sol. He still scared but he still happily hug them.

Right now at the present,

"Oh Jesus Christ! Do they even fed you? " I ask him while bringing him some soup. I swear if he say no or shake his head-

"No.... They just don't fed me at all.. " I grit the teeth, a mad expression appear on my face. THOSE MF B*TCH! I SWEAR THEY BETTER DIE AND GO TO HELL! "WHAT?HOW LONG!?"I look back at Valt with a scare face looking at me " I don't know... Nearly a month I think... Since the day they kidnapped me they didn't let me eat at all, the only thing I drank was rain water.. " I record all of that and send to the police. I look at Valt again and see he is really scare "Are you gonna bring me back to them? Please I will do anything! Please don't bring me back-" Before he finish his sentence I immediately hug him, this is not and never the Valt I wanted to see, all I wanted is the cheerful and naive Valt, is that too much to ask? What did they do to him? "Don't worry, it's okay Kitty, I won't and will never bring you back to them. I promise" he just hug back and cry.

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