Chapter 11

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Six months later, Scott had Joanna sitting along his elbow in perfectly winter proof attire. She wore a insulated big, black coat stamped with powerpuff girls that had a furry brown hood. She wore black sparkly gloves, big boots for her feet, and ear muffs. Scott was waiting for the bag. He, as well, was in winter gear. Outside was covered in snow from head to toe. There was ice patches on the ground that once was not there. The curtains were blocking view of the bright white scenery resting outside. Leonard came dashing down the stairs with a large, heavy bag in his arms.

"I got everythin' that ya need," Leonard said. "at least the thin's ya don't have at your house."

"I got tv," Scott said. "she is goin' tae be okay with that. Like Steven Universe, The Amazin' world of Gumball, and Teen Titans. She loves it!"

"I love gem wives," Joanna said.

"Did Scott train ya to say that?"Leonard asked.

"No,pa," Joanna said.

Leonard looked up toward the man.

"Just make sure that she doesn't eat chocolate," Leonard said.

"I learned from last time," Scott said. "she'll be fine, doctor."

"Just what I need to hear," Leonard said, with a reassured smile.

"I have been meanin' to ask, is this another date with Spock?" Scott asked.

"Pock!" Joanna said.

"She loves him, tae," Scott said.

"So do I," Leonard said. "No, yes, sort of. It's for a different kind of gatherin'."

"Legal?" Scott asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, that gatherin'," Leonard said.

"Good luck with it, Len," Scott said.

"Thank ya," Leonard said. "Love ya, pumpkin," Leonard planted a kiss on the child's forehead. "be good for Scotty."

"I will, pa," Joanna said, nodding her head.

"I will brin' her back tae night," Scott said, lifting up the child's hood over her head that had a hat on."enjoy yer night alone with Spock!"

The scotsman made his way out leaving the good doctor behind inside the lonely, silent house.

Leonard came into the dining room to prepare the meeting with the lawyer. The table was rounded and some of Joanna's breakfast was still left behind. He had to clean the mess up. Leonard was thankful that he had gotten a day off. Spock had evaded questions about the names of his species and he wasn't quite ready yet to take him to his civilization, yet. A part of Leonard thought that Spock was from an alien planet. Dancing with Spock felt like they were flying in eternity when really it was not the case. The odd man preferred not to fly. A part of Leonard thought it was because the man was grounded to the floor. And he perhaps saw that there was no logic in flying when he didn't enjoy it. Leonard was going to change that. Leonard looked down toward the photograph that he had taken with Spock in the photobooth at the fair a few months ago. Leonard cleaned the table off with the wash cloth including the seats. He put new cushions on the chairs. The doctor sat down then put his hands on the table placing them together. The doctor closed his eyes, cleared his throat, then reopened his eyes to face the lawyer.

"To protect my daughter," Leonard said. "and ensure she has a well taken care of future before she steps through those doors.

"Do your heir have different needs such that you're thinking about a division of your assets that's other than equal?" the lawyer asked.

"Her financial needs is a priority," Leonard said. "that's her needs."

"Hmm," the lawyer said, with a nod. "How important are tax issues?"

"Very," Leonard said. "I want her to have enough that she won't need to pay out of her own pocket."

The lawyer jotted down a note.

"Are you concerned about the effect of the inherited wealth on your heirs?" the lawyer asked.

"No," Leonard said.

"Are you trying to provide for your kids' or grandchildren's college and/or a house?"

"College," Leonard said. "she can afford herself a home. Someway, she'll figure it out."

"Are you here because you're worried about your retirement?" The lawyer asked.

"No," Leonard said. "I have a secure retirement. Everythin' is in order."

"Do you need guidance with respect to life insurance issue or protecting assets from creditors, lawsuits and marital discord?" the lawyer asked.

"No," Leonard said.

"Do you expect to remain in your current state of residence and do you have any real estate or second homes in another state?" the lawyer asked.

"Hmmm. . ." Leonard said. He looked back. The plans he made with Spock after Joanna went to college. "not for lon'," he quirked a smile. "I got a heritary house in the suburbs in Georgia, Atlanta."

The lawyer nodded, jotting down on the padd in their hands.

"Now to the most important question," the lawyer said. "Who should fill the roles of executor, trustees for each type of trust, guardian for minor children, and who will act as an agent under both a financial and medical Power of Attorney?"

Leonard rubbed his forehead feeling all the emotions pouring down. He had been dwelling on this for over six months. Kirk was already back on duty with his shoulder no longer in a sling. Scott was all over the concept of babysitting and baby proofed his flat for Joanna. Christine had respectfully not been asking as had Nyota, happily married, to each other. His mind returned to his situation, to lead to his daughters happiness, the one that brought him here face to face with a lawyer. It was the most important question in his life, at this moment, feeling emotional for his daughter. Who would take care of her when something went wrong? Who could he always rely on without fail? Leonard briefly closed his eyes then reopened them. He felt Spock's presence enter the room and a hand place itself onto his hand then squeezed Leonard's hand. Warm, comforting emotions tore through the thriving living link between the two men. The lawyer did not make a sound only looking at him in slight awe yet not phased.

"Puzhu-tor nash-veh du," Spock said. "T'hy'la."

The End.

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