Chapter 13

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Keith's P.O.V.
I watch in horror as Lance doubles over, coughing out blood. Then he falls back, letting out a scream of pain, a scream that pierces you inside, something you never want to hear from an omega, it means something is seriously wrong. Hearing it from Lance makes it a million times worse. My alpha instincts taking control over me, I need to protect Lance.

I pick up Lance and hold him close. Shiro and I rush to the infirmary, taking Lance to a private wing and calling for a doctor straight away. I refuse to leave his side, holding his hand and brushing his hair back.

When the doctor comes in I turn towards her and growl.

"Hello Master Shirogane and Master Kogane." She says "I'm Dr.Heather and I'm here to help Lance."

I can smell she is a beta which makes me feel better, she has long brown hair, green eyes and a soft smile. As much as I want to keep lance safe and away from people who might hurt him, she's a doctor and the only one who can really help.

"Fine, but don't hurt him." I say, backing off

She immediately gets to work, checking up on Lance's breathing and clearing his air ways tubes. She pulls up his top to reveal his stomach, which still looks extremely skinny and bony. Writing down something on her clipboard.

"Hmm that's not right." She mumbles

My heart sinks at her words and she stands up.

"I need to run a few more tests, including an ultrasound." She says

"Ultra sound? Those bastards who kidnapped him didn't-" I say furiously

"No, no nothing like that." She assures "It's just a standard test."

I breath a sigh of relief, knowing Kuro and Lotor didn't touch Lance or completely force themselves on him. I would have made them suffer if they did. While Dr.Heather gets some equipment ready I take a look at Lance, seeing the tubes in his mouth clearing his airways and allowing him to breath.

Shiro holds my hand and I hug him tightly.

"We just got him back, we can't lose him again." I say

"We won't lose him, we'll save him." He replies

Dr.Heather comes back and sets up the ultra sound equipment. Pressing it to Lance's abdomen.

"Hmm as I thought." She says to herself, writing down more things on her clipboard

Shiro and I stay silent. Wanting her to finish sooner. Lance seems to be getting better, enough so that the tubes have come out since he can breathe.

Dr.Heather finishes up her tests, turning back to us.

"Lance should be fine, his suppressants are what hurting him." She explains "He is obviously taking suppressants that aren't up to code and very dangerous. His uterus is experiencing consequences for this, it's unclear whether he'll be able to have children or go into proper heats however overall he should be fine."

My heart sinks for Lance, if he can't do those things he'll be shattered. I don't know what to do, we can only wait for him to wake up.

**Time skip to a few hours later**

Shiro's P.O.V.
I have just messaged Lance's friends, telling them what happened to Lance. I've said he's been at our house for the past few days because he is very sick. They seemed to believe that which is a relief.

I told them the address and said they can come over to see Lance. They said they'd come over straight away. I walk back into the infirmary where Lance is still hooked up to an IV.

"Mama?" I hear Lance whisper softly

"Lance it's me, Shiro." I reply

"I'm sorry you don't love me mama, I want you to love me." He says

"Shh Lance, I love you." I say

Keith gets back from the bathroom and walks over to Lance's other side.

"It's who I am mama, you said you'd always love me." Lance mumbles

This must be how Lance feels after being kicked out. It's so sad to hear it. Before Lance can say anything else his friends walk into the infirmary.

"Is Lance ok?" His friend Hunk asks

"He should be fine." I reply

They rush over to him, watching over and saying short encouraging words.

"Thank you for taking care of him." Allura stares "I apologise for our distrust in you."

"Yeah you aren't as assholey as I thought." Pidge adds

"We love Lance, we would do anything for him." I reply

Lance's eyes open fully and within seconds everyone is surrounding him, crouching down to not suffocate him.

"Lance? You alright buddy?" Hunk asks

Lance yawns and blinks heavily.

"Where am I?" Lance asks

"You're in the infirmary at our house." Keith says

"What happened to me?" Lance questions, looking around

"You became sick from your suppressants." I say

I explain Lance's situation, his friends exchanging worried glances. They spend a few hours by Lance's side before heading home. Hunk is the last person to leave, before he does he looks back at us.

"Thank you for helping Lance." He says "He's my best friend and I'm happy he's found people who make him happy."

He leaves quickly after this, allowing us to spend more time with Lance.

"So I really might not be able to have children?" Lance whispers

"We don't know for sure." Keith says

"Let's try to stay positive." I state

Lance nods and then looks back up to us.

"I didn't get to say this before so I want to say it now." Lance says "I love you too and I would love to be your boyfriend."

Keith and I both lean forward, hugging Lance softly. He hugs us back, smiling softly.

"Thank you for saving me." Lance says

"We would go to the ends of the earth for you." I say

"What a cheesy line." Lance chuckles

"I hate to interrupt this heat warming scene but we have the results of Lance's tests." Dr.Heather says, appearing at the door

Lance squeezes Keith and I's hand, holding his breath.

"There will be no lasting effects on your body, as long as you stop taking the suppressants you're on." She says "You should find some better suppressants prescribed by a doctor."

She leaves with a smile and I see the bright grin on Lance's face.

"I'm so happy." He says, wiping tears away "I'm so relived."

"Do you want children?" I ask

"Well not right now, but sometime in the future." He replies

Keith and I already know we'll give lance anything he wants, and I think he'll be an amazing parent. I know I'll enjoy getting him pregnant, but being parents one day? That's something I can definitely see in our future.

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