Chapter 2

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Keith's P.O.V.
A club, more specifically a strip club is not the place I expected to have an important meeting about supply and demand for drugs and weapons but I don't get to make that choice. Shiro told me that if I want him to come to call him but I think I'll be perfectly fine alone. All I know is the person I'm meeting with is called Varkon.

The second I walk through the door of the Galra club my eyes are drawn to one of the customers. A man with white hair and a clean, pressed suit. It's the same man from the café. How strange, maybe it's a coincidence. He seems to be staring intensely at something, I follow his eyes and see he's staring at one of the dancers.

Tan skin with white lace over the top, chocolate brown hair with crystal blue eyes. There's no possible way that could be Lance. I make eye contact with him but he quickly looks away. That has to be him, but what is he doing here?

He walks up onto the stage and grabs the pole, beginning to move around the pole until he pulls up and spins. His movements are fluid and elegant and I find my breath catch in my throat. I can't look away. The way he moves is so amazing, so perfect.


Shiro and I have been searching for a third in our relationship a while, something about Lance draws me to him. Shiro and I are both alphas, we love each other but we need an omega to love as well. I think he'd be perfect. I think our instincts are matching.

Instinct matching is what happens with people who are supposed to be mates. Our bonds are stronger and our instincts are more prominent. An alphas desire to protect is stronger, an omegas desire to allow an alpha to take care of them is stronger. Shiro and I's instincts matched soon after we met and we fell in love straight after. When instincts match falling in love is inevitable. It's like a soulmate bond.

I need to tell Shiro about this, if his instincts match as well then we've found our perfect match. I continue watching Lance until he finishes his routine and hops down off the stage. I pick up my phone and send a message to Shiro that I want to show him someone. He messages back that he'll be here in a few minutes.

Shiro's P.O.V.
I get a call from my boyfriend Keith that he wants me to meet someone, the way he worded it, it sounds like it's not a business partner or associate. I'm excited to meet whoever it is, maybe it has something to do with Keith and I finding a third.

I head to my car and start driving to the Galra club, arriving quickly. I park my car and walk through the entrance of the club. Once inside I find Keith sitting on a barstool sipping a glass of some drink. He looks up to see me and beckons me over.

"Hey Shiro." He says

"Hey Keith, who did you want to show me?" I ask

"I went to the café earlier today and I met someone, his name was Lance." Keith explains "I didn't expect to see him again but when I came here I noticed a person that looked exactly like him dancing. I can't explain it but I think our instincts matched, like yours and i's did.

"So someone's caught your attention?" I ask with a smirk "And I suppose you want me to see him as well?"

Keith nods and takes another sip of his drink.

"He's over there." Keith says, subtly pointing at a boy with tan skin and a white lacy outfit showing off his legs and body

I find myself staring at him, how could someone be so beautiful. He has to be an omega, but what is an omega doing here? Taking a second looks he's to skinny to be healthy and he looks tired from the way he's slightly slouching.

"He's beautiful right?" Keith asks me quietly

I nod and turn towards him.

"What should we do? Asking out a dancer when they're working isn't the best idea." I reply

"There's another problem." Keith says "You see that man with the white hair? He was at the café and now he's here, I don't know if  Lance knows him or not but I don't like the look of him."

When I see who Keith is pointing at my breath catches in my throat. I know exactly who that is.

"Keith, that's Lotor Daibazaal." I say "He's the leader of the second most powerful mafia group, if he's with Lance then it's dangerous to get involved,"

"But Lance doesn't seem to know him, I doubt he's even noticed Lotor has been watching him." Keith states

"We'll need to keep a close eye on them, hopefully you're correct." I reply

"I need to have my meeting with Varkon." Keith says Want to come?"

"I'll stay back and keep an eye on Lotor and Lance." I say

"Ok, I'll see you in half an hour." Keith replies, walking to where the private rooms are

I turn back to Lotor to see him make direct eye contact with me but he doesn't make a move, I'm guessing he doesn't know who I am since not a lot of people know what I look like, however I can't be too sure. I know Lotor is more sneaky than what meets the eye.

Lotor's P.O.V.
I watched Lance's entire dance, I don't agree with him working in a place like this however I know he's only here for money. Surprisingly Lance wasn't the most interesting thin that happened tonight, Shirogane and Keith are here.

For what reasons I don't know however I know they must have recognised me, they also watched Lance. They seem to be infatuated with Lance, how cute, but they don't have a chance. I need to make a call...

I step out of the club to a back alley and dial the number of my boyfriend.

"Hello?" I hear him say once he answers

"Hey it's me, remember when I told you about that omega who works at the café and the club?" I ask

"Yes." He replies

"I think it's about time we make him ours." I say "We need to move fast, there's two other alphas who have taken a liking to him, you'll be interested to know who they are."

"It wouldn't happen to be Shiro and Keith?" He asks

"It is, so what do we do?" I ask

"Threaten them, of that doesn't work then we'll need a new plan." He says

"I understand, Lance will be ours." I say, hanging up

Shiro and Keith don't stand a chance, there's no way I'm letting Lance get away from us. They can try to take him but they won't succeed, Lance will be our omega, not theirs.

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