Chapter 8

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Lance's P.O.V.
I groan, waking up surrounded by unfamiliar scents. I'm being held down by something but not too tightly. I sit up and take in the scent of cinnamon, nutmeg, smoke and cloves. This is Shiro and Keith's scents, where the hell am I?

I sit up and realise I'm being held by the two alphas. I look around to see I'm in a very fancy looking bedroom. I'm in a large king sized bed with red and black sheets. The room I'm in seems to have a dark theme. There's a black couch that looks so comfy, a large tv over a fireplace, a few doors that probably lead to a bathroom and a closet.

This must be Shiro and Keith's house. Damn I knew they had a lot of money but it's different seeing it actually in front of me. I don't know why I thought I could be with them, I'm just to different. I mean they're clearly in a happy relationship and I don't fit in with that. I'm a broke college student and even though we're basically the same age there so much better off than I am.

I really should go, I had a rest and I've imposed on them enough. I shouldn't have shown how weak I am, I shouldn't have passed out at work, oh yeah, I passed out at work. I guess it was just exhaustion.

I'm carefully climb out of the bed, moving slowly as to not wake Shiro and Keith up. They look so peaceful when they're asleep. I wonder if they found out the truth about me, would they still have taken care of me and helped me? Probably not.

I find my shoes by the door and I put them on. Taking one last look at Shiro and Keith I walk out of one of the the doors, thanking my stars it is a door leading to the hallway. I look down the hallway and see someone wiping down a statue. Jesus they have butlers and maids? How rich are they?

"Umm excuse me." I say walking up to the person

They turn around and I see it's a guy a little older than me. He has light brown hair and green eyes, definitely a Beta.

"Hello master Lance." He says "How can I help you?"

"Where am I? I want to go home." I state

"You're on the north end." He replies "Are you allowed to go home?"

"Why wouldn't I be allowed to go home?" I ask "Can you give me directions home or not?"

"Master Shiro and Master Keith said you could leave right?" He asks, looking nervous

"I don't care what they say, I want to go home. They don't own me." I growl

As if Keith and Shiro would try to keep me here like a caged bird, I don't like this guy at all.

"I can give you directions." He says "Where's your house?"

"How about you give me directions to Altea Academy and I can work it out from there." I say, realising I don't want to give away my address

He writes down the directions on a piece of paper and shows me the front door. My phone is in my pocket so I see the time, I don't have classes today but I still have work. I need to get back in time for my shift.

I follow the directions and after an hour of walking I've arrived at school and from there I walk home. On the way I get a message from Allura that I don't need to come in today. I'm not working tonight either so I guess I get another day off. I need to stop taking days of, not working doesn't pay the rent.

I can finish up some work and have a proper sleep tonight. My stomach grumbles as I walk into my apartment and I look in the fridge. I have some apples which are a little bruised but I eat one any way. Then I go to the bathroom and take a suppressant pill. I feel a little sick after taking it but I suck it up.

Shiro's P.O.V.
I wake up, expecting Lance and Keith in my arms except I only feel one body. I open my eyes to see Keith in my arms and an empty space between us.

"Keith wake up." I say, gently shaking him

"What is it?" He groans "Where's Lance?"

"I don't know, he wasn't here when I woke up." I reply

His shoes are gone and there seems to be no reminders that he was ever here. Where did he go? Doesn't he know his place is right between Keith and I? That he doesn't need to go back to that horrible apartment and instead stay with us? Did he just leave or did someone help him? He couldn't have worked out the way by himself.

I walk into the hallway and see Aaron, one of the butlers cleaning the statues.

"Oh hello master Shiro." He says "Mister Lance went home."

"Went home?" I exclaim "How did he know the way?"

"I told him, he said he wanted to leave." Aaron replies

"You let him leave?" Keith asks, appearing from  the doorway "He could have been attacked or passed out again."

"I'm sorry, he said he needed to go home." Aaron says

"Get out, you're fired." I growl

Aaron scowls and crosses his arms.

"You can't fire me because some whore omega decided to leave." Aaron says

"Don't call him that, now leave before I make you." I say

Aaron storms away and I turn back to Keith.

"Let's try messaging him and see where that goes." I state "Lance has every right to leave but I'm worried about him."

"Same, especially with Lotor out there." Keith replies "We'll find him, don't worry."

"And we'll make him our omega." I say

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