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Doyoung was exhausted.

He had never dealt with a serial killer who pressed so many of his buttons. The second interrogation had gone pretty smoothly, but the prisoner had managed to catch the detective off guard several times. He wasn't sure why his head hurt so much coming out of that prison. Maybe he was working himself too hard, just as Jungwoo had said. The younger tended to be right most of the time with what he said.

It would just be a great relief to all of Doyoung could wrap up this case soon and expose the criminal, Yoonoh, for all that he'd done. The easiest part of catching him had been done, now he had to lock him away and ensure he'd stay behind bars for many years to come. That was always the goal with each case he received. The first interrogation tended to display whether there were any chances for rehabilitation with the killer. Yoonoh had done a pretty good job at securing his fate with the first few minutes of them meeting.

The detective did his best to push away at his feelings of exhaustion as he drove home. His Grandmother would no doubt be tired herself, having spent all day cleaning for other families. Each day, Doyoung returns home with the hopes that she will give him the news of her final retirement. Yet today proved to provide no difference as he pulled into the driveway. He walked into the shared house to find his Grandmother making a pot of tea.

"Ah, Doyoung," She smiles weakly as she sees her grandson entering the kitchen. He walks over to her and gently squeezes her shoulders before taking over with pouring the tea into the mug which she had already prepared. Once it's filled, he picks it up and places it on the coffee table in front of where she tends to sit in the afternoon to read her books.

"Jungwoo dropped by earlier."

This phrase catches Doyoung off guard as he pauses to gaze at his Grandmother in shock.
"What did he have to say for himself?" He asks her as he loosens then tie around his neck.

"He said to get dressed nicely and be ready to be picked up at 7 o'clock sharp," She grins as she repeats the words he no doubt spoke when he was here. "He took me to the Lee's house so I didn't have to catch the bus."

"That was very kind of him," Doyoung finds himself smiling gently as he hears of the tasks his boyfriend had completed whilst he was with the serial killer at the prison.

The detective says no more before heading to his room in order to get ready to leave the house in a mere two hours. He chooses to slip into a pair of ripped, dark blue jeans which he adorns with a long sleeved, purple sweater. He doesn't bother to put gel or to do anything fancy with his hair as he just leaves it as it is. The next few hours, he spends on the couch beside his Grandmother, reading over Yoonoh's case files again, in case he missed something.

The two hours passed quickly and soon there was a knock at the front door. Doyoung kissed his Grandmother on the cheek as he told her not to wait up before going to answer it. Standing outside was Jungwoo, dressed in black trousers with a white shirt that was untucked, leather jacket over the top. His blonde hair looked quite fluffy as it was parted down the middle.

"Ready?" He asks as he extends his hand out to the older.

Doyoung simply smirks as he intertwines their hands, silently agreeing as the pair leave the house, getting into Jungwoo's car. It wasn't a too much of a surprise, having the younger taking him out to dinner. Whenever Doyoung had even slightly sunk into his work a little too deep, Jungwoo would make it his priority to distract the older, hoping to try and relax him somewhat.

They arrived at a BBQ restaurant which held many special memories for the pair. It was where Doyoung had first asked Jungwoo to be his boyfriend. They'd been on five dates by the time this one came along. Ever since, they did their best to eat within the walls of this place on all their anniversaries. Of course, this didn't stop them from coming here on other occasions—such as tonight—either.

The waiters nodded in greeting, smiling as they led the pair to their table of choice, one by the rear window which held the a view of the night sky above the city. Doyoung doesn't have to look at the menu and neither does his boyfriend and they place their order for the the typical set of meats and sides which they get.

"You're pushing yourself too hard," Jungwoo speaks up once the pair have had a chance to sip at their glasses of wine, deciding they'd used up all their possible small talk for this evening. "Yoonoh is a hell of a killer, you can't blame yourself for not being able to crack him instantly."

"I'm supposedly one hell of a detective, Jungwoo." Doyoung frowns, swirly the wine within his glass. "By the second interrogation I also have something. Even if it's just a hunch, but with Yoonoh...I have nothing."

The pair pause their conversation briefly as the waiter walks over to their table again. They smile at the man who begins to grill the meat. Placing the plate filled with all the food down beside it, he asks if they need anything else before walking away, keeping a mental note to come back and check on the food every minute or so.

"They never caught Jack the Ripper or the Zodiac Killer. I think they'll cut you some slack if you take a few more than two interrogations fo sign away some bastards life," The blonde haired male exclaims, clearly getting worked up by the topic.

"They never caught those two killers simply because they were two blind to face the facts which were right in front of them. There were too many theories and still are now. I'm not saying I'd be able to close those cases. The thing is," Doyoung leans across the table as he softens his voice to be just above a whisper. "Yoonoh has been apprehended and that's the hardest part. Everyone has put their faith in me, the families of those 25 victims are currently restless as they wait to receive the news that I've managed to send the prick who killed those they loved, to prison where he will spend the rest of his miserable life."

"You always let the pressure of all the external factors drive you up a wall. It's unhealthy," Jungwoo remarks, slightly bitter.

"I don't think I'm the one being driven up a wall at this point in time, Woo," Doyoung voices tightly, taking a long sip from his glass of wine.

No further words on the topic are shared as the waiter walks over, continuing with the preparations on their meal. He places a pile of cooked beef which ready for eating towards the edge of the grill before starting to grill some vegetables along with another set of meat. Doyoung silently places several pieces of the meat on his plate before adding a few of the sides. Jungwoo does the same, the atmosphere between them has become almost awkward as they eat the food.

"This is good," Jungwoo mutters, an attempt for small talk. Yet Doyoung merely nods. Not giving his partner the satisfaction of a response. The lack of responses ended up leading the younger to apologise after the meal. He didn't mean to upset his boyfriend and had only wished to provide him with some sort of distraction.

"I understand that and I appreciate that," Doyoung explains as he pulls his wallet from the pocket in his jeans. "But, you have to remember that being with me means you accept the ways that I work my cases. I've been in this business for much longer than you and it shows. I take on the external pressures from all the families of the victims as they are truly the ones who we work for. Whilst protecting the country, we are also striking revenge and seeking closure for these people. Fancy wine and fancy beef isn't going to change that."

Jungwoo gulps, moving his gaze to be on his empty plate as Doyoung leaves the table to pay.


The dinner which was meant to be a distraction had ended up leaving a quite tense atmosphere between the two detectives. This certainly wasn't as bad as a full blown fight though. Those always ended with screaming, swearing and if they were out of the house, one would call a taxi home if not drive away. No words would be shared for several days until someone finally allowed for the guilt to chew away at them enough to apologise. Fights were much scarier then the simple misunderstanding which had occurred that night.

Doyoung didn't let it affect him as he got ready the next morning. He had work to do and his relationship was not going to interfere with that. One of the first agreements which the pair had made upon getting into a relationship had been, that no matter what was going on between them, the case always comes first. It's unprofessional to date a coworker, it would be stupid to make it worse by falling into the typical tropes of doing so. At least, that is what Doyoung believed.

He wasn't to see Yoonoh today. It was meant to be a day where he could solely focus on the files of the case, and prior precedents, basically looking over everything again in hopes that something new will come to light. The detective needs to figure out how he can push the killer's buttons in a way that would convince him to give answers. It didn't matter how he did it, Doyoung just needed to get something from the dark haired male. This case was proving to be more than a simple challenge.

That's when it refreshes in his mind. Upon the first interrogation, that picture of the victim seemed to have really gotten to Yoonoh. His entire posture had gone rigid as he'd caught a clumped of the mutilated woman. Based off the prior cases which the detective had been on, the killer always acted in that kind of way whenever they were reminded of a kill against someone who they cared for.

Opening his file, Doyoung shuffles through the list of victims until he indeed discovers the woman from the other day. Her license photo has been slipped under a paper clip which holds all of the papers on her case together.

Jung Haerin
36 Years Old
Spouse; Jung Byungho
Children; Jung (Jaehyun) Yoonoh

This woman was his mother. The first photo which Doyoung had chosen to show, simply a random choice, happened to be the killer's mother. Based off Yoonoh's reaction, he cared for her deeply. Killing her mustn't have been an easy task. Which leads to the question as to why he did it. Based on her age when she died, the prisoner would have been around 17 years old upon committing this murder. At the same time he killed his father. It was a double murder which had shocked the entire country.

No one had realised that this was the beginning of a killing spree.

The files didn't contain anything about what Yoonoh's childhood up until 17 was like. Haerin's file mentioned that she had an addiction to heroin throughout her school years. Yet she had managed to give up the drug in order to protect her baby once she fell pregnant aged 19. Her partner aged 19 also.

Her own parents were drug addicts, her mother hadn't bothered to put a hold on her heroin habits when she was pregnant, aged 16. Haerin, consequently, was born with a weak heart. She was kept in the ICU at the hospital for almost a year whilst the doctors fought to save her. Once she had healed up, her mother had overdosed. Her father didn't want anything to do with her, which led to her being sent to an orphanage. There was only one account of abuse which she had suffered through the adoption system. Her first family consisted of a older woman and man who already had their own little girl. The father raped Haerin when she was merely 12 years old. She told the teachers at her school after they discovered her covered in bruises. She was thrown back into the system where she got adopted by a single mother. This woman was kind and took proper care of Haerin. Yet, she couldn't do anything as the young girl found herself gaining an addiction to her mother's choice drug at 14.

She only met Byungho when she was 17. They were quick to pursue a relationship which resulted in her pregnancy two years later. On her 20th birthday, the pair married in order to hold a solid front for their newborn son.

Byungho's upbringing had been the complete opposite of his spouse's. He was born into a wealthy family who had been planning to have him for over four years. His mother was 32 by the time she birthed him. His father was a strong figure in his life. They had a tight bond and went on father and son trips each year. Until his father got into a car accident when Byungho was 13. This rendered him paralysed from the waist below. Byungho didn't know how to deal with this and he certainly didn't take it well as he discovered heroin. It didn't take long for him to gain his addiction. Just as Haerin had done, he strived to successfully become clean whilst she was pregnant. He cut his parents off as he didn't want to have to face the trauma of seeing his father strapped to a chair.

Their lives seemed to be working out okay until Yoonoh reached the age of 4. Parenthood for such young parents was beginning to prove a strenuous task. They had both been forced to find full time jobs instead of being able to pursue higher education. Byungho was the first to fall back into his love for heroin, as it helped him cope with all the stresses of being a father and a husband. Haerin refuses to do so as she didn't want her son to grow up without a mother as she was forced to do. Byungho lost his job when Yoonoh has turned 6, making it extremely difficult to pay for the young boy's education. The overwhelming stresses of being the only providing an income for two people was quick to become too much for Haerin as she followed her husband in the relapse into heroin.

This was were the files weren't clear. The initial investigation upon the time of these murders had uncovered this much information on both parents. Yet once Yoonoh hit 6 years of age, no one knows what happened.

Somehow, the family had managed to pay for his education as Yoonoh had attended all his years of school up until the date which he slaughtered his parents. Teachers from his school admitted to seeing no bruises or any signs of abuse on him whilst he was there.

It could be a smart move to take Yoonoh to his childhood home, the small house which he used to take the lives of his parents. For other cases, doing just this had worked a treat. Doyoung had never needed to even consider using this method. He had always held a strong belief that detectives were merely out of options when they took the prisoners to the crime scenes. Being in this predicament had started to shine a light on how these different methods all work to achieve the same outcome.

To do this, he would have to look into whether the house still stands. Once securing the location, he'd have to pay a visit to his boss in order to gain permission to produce a warrant.

Doyoung didn't waste any further minutes as he flicked through Haerin's files in order to find her address. He plugged it into the search bar of his computer and was pleased with the results which it brought up. The house has been on the market for over three years. It was sold soon after the murders took place but those owners felt uneasy after living there for a while. At first they tried to rent it out yet no one had wanted to live there. Now they fight the endless battle of trying to sell the property.

This meant that all the detective would have to do is contact the real estate agent and book the space for a few hours. He wouldn't specify exactly who he was bringing with him as he knew it would attract unwanted attention.

Having secured the availability, Doyoung leaves his desk, heading to the boss' office. He hadn't even knocked as the middle aged called for him to enter.

"Ah Doyoung," he exclaims as the raven haired male walks in, closing the door behind him. "What brings you here?"

"I want to put in a request for a warrant," Doyoung speaks firmly. "I want to take Yoonoh to the house where he killed his parents. It is of my belief that this will aim in provoking him to reveal more of what he has done and will aid in making him answer my questions."

There is a pause as the middle aged man lowers his gaze from the detective who is still standing, opting to gaze at the screen of his computer which is currently turned off. Doyoung makes no move to say anything else as he just stands, hands clasped behind his back, thumbs nervously fiddling with each other.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" The older finally breaks the silence. "Yoonoh is a very dangerous man. If the public were to learn of your choice to take him out of prison, even for a few hours, you have to understand that you would be removed from the case. I cant risk the public or media finding out."

"I know, they won't find out. I plan to hide him well within the safety of my car. No one will be able to see him through the tinted windows. I'll dye his hair if I have to but he won't be revealed," The detective states.

"You'll need to take another officer with you. That prison guard, Johnny, he would go with you."

"I don't think that would be necessary," Doyoung retorts immediately. "I think I've proved myself more than capable when it comes to keeping killers under control."

The detective knew he had struck a nerve within the latter as he spoke. Around a year ago, a man with a gun had managed to make his way into the building after having shot dead two civilians at the mall. He tried to shoot up the station but Doyoung was able to hold him back. His boss knew that he was one of the best fit in order to control Yoonoh. He knew that the other had it within him. Which is the only reason which he gave in.

"Print the warrant for tomorrow."


Doyoung couldn't hide the smirk from his features as he walked down the hall of the prison. Johnny wasn't sure how to act around the surprisingly, chipper detective. He practically skipped through the security gates. Whilst it wasn't odd for the officer to have a day here or there where he was quite joyful, his mood was never quite this uplifted.

"I'll be out here, watching as per usual," The guard explains just as they reach the interrogation room. Except, Doyoung doesn't enter as he presses the palm of his right hand against the door, stopping the other from opening it.

"There'll be no need," The raven haired male begins. "Turn off the cameras and your voice recorders. I'm trying the privacy tactic on him."

Doyoung had used this method before. He would promise the prisoner that it was the mere two of them and anything he would say would not be held against the other. It was a pretty efficient method when it came to figuring out how to crack the facade of these killers. Johnny was hesitant to allow the detective to use this method. He only allows it as Doyoung promises he is recording through a device which is attached to him. Being the skilled officer he is, Doyoung can also be trusted to physically defend himself need be.

"Are you recording?" Johnny asks, brow raised in question.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" Doyoung remarks with a lop sided grin.

Johnny says nothing else as he walks over to the switch board for the recording equipment. He keys in his passcode. 4723 8955. Over the years, many visits to this prison in particular has led to Doyoung being able to memorise the code of the guard. The older does not know of this, no doubt he would file for it to be changed if he knew.

"If you don't mind, I need you to close the blinds on the one sided glass. Can't risk anything," The detective adds as his hand moves to grasp the handle of the door.

"You know better than anyone else that it is impossible for those on the inside to know about the visibility from the opposite side of the mirror," Johnny seems hesitant to complete this part of the method. He had never been required to do so in the past.

"I want this guy locked up for the rest of his life, just as everyone else does. For that to occur, the blinds must be closed," Doyoung laces the last word with quite a bit of venom which startles the guard.

The detective before him could be quite intimidating when he wanted to be. Johnny wasn't a fool enough to keep pressing buttons to see how far he could go before the detective completely turned on him. Sighing in defeat, he moves to the mirror where he draws the blinds to a close. Doyoung merely smiles at him before stepping into the room, closing the door behind him again.

Yoonoh raised his head and smiled slightly as he witnessed the raven haired male's entrance. He doesn't open his mouth to speak any greeting as he seems to be waiting for the older to speak first.

Doyoung takes his typical seat across the table for him, placing a a few files on the cold, metallic surface. The smile on the other's features is quick to turn into a frown as he watches the detective opening the file of his mother.

"Hello Jaehyun," Doyoung greets with a grin, resting his hands on the table as he leans back in his chair. "Today is going to be quite different than our other sessions. Do you recognise this woman? I showed her to you on day one."

An expression of confusion appears on the prisoner's expression, yet disappears a moment later as takes a look at the photo of the person who raised him.

"Yes, I do," He admits. "How does this make today any different? I thought you were meant to be helping me?"

The detective chuckles lowly as he sees the dark haired male cocking his head to the side, glaring at him with a gaze of genuine interest in what is taking place.

"I'm getting you out of here," Doyoung mutters as he leans across the table, sliding the file along with his movements in order to make it appear as though he is showing it to Jaehyun. "I have managed to get the recording set up turned off for now, the one sided glass has been blocked. I still need to somewhat pretend to be doing my job as I know Johnny well and he is probably peeking through those blinds as we speak."

Jaehyun frowns, moving his eyes to steal a glimpse at the glass which has been poorly disguised to blend into the wall. A solid white, wooden frame holds the shape of a large rectangle on the wall, almost as though it were holding a painting.

"I have a warrant to take you to a crime scene, an attempt to get you to answer my questions," The detective ignores the other's expressions. "If you are prepared for this, I just need to show the guard my piece of paper and you're out with me."

"I can't answer your questions, you'll lock me away," Jaehyun refuses as he pushes the paper away. A look of disdain spreading across his pale features.

"You don't have to. You just have to trust me on this," Doyoung maintains a steady tone.

Jaehyun locks their eyes together and simply stares upon the other for several moments. The silence between them provides the prior with the ability for full concentration as his mind goes over everything which the detective has just told him. Not having the words to respond, he slowly nods in agreement as he chooses to go along with the latter's choice.

"Very well then," Doyoung gathers his files once more as he places them all back into his bag. He rises from the table and heads over to the door. "Hang tight for me."

A final smirk and he is gone.


It wasn't difficult to get Jaehyun out of the prison. Johnny was prepared to tackle Doyoung to the ground when he first heard the words leave his mouth. Yet, upon seeing the warrant, he had no choice but to assist taking the prisoner out to the detective's vehicle.

The awkward silence which was quick to occur as soon as Doyoung began the drive. Jaehyun had no idea what he was supposed to say. He was still highly confused as to who this person in the driver seat was. Again he was acting as he had upon their hook up a few days ago. Yet, the person who had initially been at the first interrogation was polar opposite to this one. Jaehyun had never heard of an officer who was this way.

"You don't have to be cautious with your speech anymore," The detective breaks the silence. "No one will be hearing us."

"Forgive me if I'm quite sure what you are yet," Jaehyun responds, keeping his focus on the road ahead of them.

"What I am?" Doyoung laughs. "I'm a normal human as you are, Jaehyun. Unless there is something you need to tell me?"

Jaehyun chooses to not respond to this. It seems to take hours before Doyoung eventually turns off the main road and onto a side street. The prisoner isn't lying when he says he has no recognition of their location. The road leads them up a constant slope until it turns into a gravel driveway. He had most certainly, not killed anyone up this way. He barely even recognised the fact that they were still within Korea. The house which soon came into view was one which the prisoner had only ever heard of or seen in the movies. It seemed to have a castle like exterior, the walls towering over anything on the outside. It was safe to assume that the building hadn't been occupied for years, even from the outside. Windows were broken, the garden was untidy and clearly wasn't maintained.

The entire space had a particularly eerie vibe to it. Especially as Doyoung put the car into park. Opening the door, he steps out and walks around to Jaehyun's side. He assists the younger out of the vehicle where he then moves to remove the hand cuffs from the individual.

"I'm not going to kill you," The detective smirks softly as he chucks the metallic bracelets into his car again. "You are going to reside here for a while. I lived here as a child and the property has remained under my name for a significant amount of time. No one will be able to find you here. It gives us complete privacy."

"The warrant only allows for me to be out of prison for five hours. They'll realise something is wrong if I don't return and you're the person who took me away," Jaehyun rightfully argues.

He doesn't move as he watches the detective turning around, walking a few paces away before crouching onto the ground in order to pick up a fallen brick. The raven haired male examines the heavy object before moving his gaze to meet with Jaehyun's yet again.

"You escaped."

He states with a shrug. Jaehyun doesn't have time to process what has occurred as the older, without any further hesitation, raises the brick and aims.

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