Chapter 2 how we met

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Emperors P.O.V

I wake up and put on my clothes and grab my weapon, I have a turf war today and I hope the team is any good. Prince sprints down the hall and slams into my door.
"Come in."
"Oh yah ummm I found the team that we were up against, it's team purple!"
I look at Prince and he smiles at me before showing me a paper with all the battles on it, and he was right, we are up against team purple.
"Oh cool."
"Are you okay brother?"
"Yah, I'm fine..."
I'm really not, my queen left and now I'm all alone, Prince looks at me concerned about my resent break up with Lusy, and sits on my bed.
"Are you sure brother?..."
"Yah, I'm sure..."
I get up and grab all my stuff, I don't want to talk about it because I know I will get emotional and I don't want anyone to see me like that, I go outside to escape from Prince as I get a bit sad, but now is not the time for that, I call my team over and I drive to inkopolis square and the entire time Prince is trying to talk to me, but thank god I'm good at not making eye contact.
When we get over to inkopolis we try to sneak in so no one will crowd us like they always do, but before we know it we are surrounded in screaming fansquids, I try looking over the crowd to find a way out, but instead I see a purple inkling, she is not crowding me and my team, she is just, sitting there, "wow she is very hot!" I say not knowing that I said it out loud.
"Who is?"
Prince asks very curious about my gaze and starts to look where I'm looking to see who I'm looking at.
"N-no one!"
I push him back a tiny but and get a thought...
"Wait am I in love?! No I can't be!"
Prince walks away and I'm left staring at the purple inkling. She glances up at me and I quickly look away.
I walk over to her.
"Oh hi mr narcissist."
"Woah big words to a king."
"There he goes again."
She rolls her eyes and pulls out her squid phone.
"So why aren't you crowding us like everyone else?"
"Unlike most squids I don't chase after fame."
"What about the king?"
She stares at me and has a slight glare.
"In love aren't you."
She slaps me.
"Fucking idiot."
She walks away and leaves me standing there. Que sad meme music as it zooms up on my single tear!
Prince walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. The girl looks back and she looks happy, she runs over.
Prince does a smile and blushes a light yellow.
"Can I have a picture?!"
She pulls out her squid phone and goes to take a selfie with prince, I go to join but she pushes me away.
"Not YOU!"
She finished the selfie and gives prince a paper with her number on it.
"Text me sometime!!!"
She skips off.
"Wow prince, bringing in the big ones..."
"Sorry brother..."
"Don't worry, at lest you got her number."
I watch as she skips off.
I just wish I could win her over somehow...
I look over and see her go into a ranked battle.
"Are you up for some ranked battles?"

Hey guys!
Sorry if you don't like the colour of your team! It's just that I have lots of og characters that are on team purple and they are your teammates so yah.
I hope I captured the character of Emperor well, this is my second x reader fanfic so I hope you liked it!
Stay fresh!

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