Issue 1 of 3 - Ringleader

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December 24th. The day before Christmas. A day that J. Jonah Godfrey will forever mark in his calendar as Armageddon. He didn't even do that the day his alliance with Dark Titan fell short. For you see, this was the day Central City will open its greatest tribute to the Wall-Runner!

Peter Allen was browsing the selection of rings the local jewelry store had. He was anxiously waiting for the clerk to pick up the ring he commissioned weeks ago. He was going to spare no expenses, because he wanted to make that night something special. That night, 5 years prior, was when he first told Mary Jones West, or "MJ", about his double-life. And that was the same night the two made their relationship official.

No matter how much he messed things up, or how bad things got for him, she always stuck by him. He fantasized about this moment ever since he was 6, and it was finally about to happen.

In less than 12 hours, he would ask her to marry him.

"This is really happening..." Peter said, almost hyperventilating. "I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"If you were, you'd be vibrating at a different frequency..." Cisco Leeds, Peter's best friend and 'Guy in the Chair', replied. "And, dude, this is just picking out the ring. Nothing's happening yet..."

"How can you say that, Cisco?!" Peter asked, his grin not leaving his face. "I've been waiting for this for as long as I can remember! And now, I think we're finally ready. Since she got the role in that soap opera and her podcast started getting her money, we're both good financially, and and and--"

"Is this the ring you commissioned, sir?" The clerk said, after what felt like years in speedster time. Peter was in awe at the ring he was presented with; the ring part was simple, no inscriptions or anything. He got good advice from an old friend of his who was... very good with rings. But the real eye-catcher was, of course, the jewel in the center. The jewel was a ruby and shaped like a Black Dahlia flower. A reference to both the murder, and the necklace he got MJ during their first date (which in and of itself was a reference to the murder).

"Yes, I... it's perfect... Thank you so much for this..." Peter said.

"No need to thank us, sir. The joy we bring to young couples such as yourselves is thanks enough..."

"Aww..." Cisco and Peter said before they looked at each-other and realized what the clerk had meant. "What?! Oh, no, we're not... it's not..."

"We're not the happy couple..." Cisco said, finally getting his cojones together.

"Oh..." the clerk said. "Apologies. But either way, that was just flowery nonsense. The real thanks we get are our payments. That would be $3,500, sir."

"Uh... I have a coupon from Stark Enterprises that goes up to $5,000, can I use that?" Peter asked, handing his coupon to the clerk.

"How did you...?"

"Mr. Stark and I are sort-of friends..." Peter said.

"As in he doesn't immediately scowl at him whenever they talk..." Cisco elaborated.


"Well, who am I to say no?" The clerk said. He took the coupon and gave Peter his change and the ring. "Best of luck, and merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" Peter and Cisco said before leaving the store.

"You got it, man!" Cisco exclaimed with a huge smile on his face. "So how about we celebrate and calm your nerves with a few rounds of Star Wars Battlefront, eh?"

"I wish I could..." Peter lamented. "But I have to be at the museum in... 2 minutes ago... I'll talk to you later, pal!"

Peter and Cisco did their overly-complicated secret handshake before Peter ran into the nearest dark alley. He put the ring in the breast-pocket of his coat and put on his web-shooters before pulling out a different ring. He put it on his finger and extended his hand forward, causing the ring to pop open and a swarm of microscopic nanobots (that Peter perfected from blueprints from StarkTech) spread across his body, engulfing him in his costume.

"Museum, Jefferson, F.E.A.S.T., dinner with MJ, proposal..." Peter recited his schedule for the day before disappearing in a blur.

"Looks like the doc was right..." a man wearing an electrical company jacket with the name tag Max Mardon spoke into a communicator in his ear. "The bug is some loser named Peter! And he's planning on proposing to his girlfriend tonight!"

"Ooh hoo hoo! This is going to be fun!" James said from the other end of the line.

"Yeah..." Max said, his eyes sparkling with lightning. "I think you're right..."

"... so I ask you..." the mayor of Central City continued a speech that wasn't audible until that point. "If you're dropping without a parachute, or your store is being robbed, or your house is on fire... who is it that breaks your fall, puts out the flames and saves your children?"

"Wall-Runner!" The crowd chanted in union.

"Then let's hear it!" The mayor exclaimed. "For your one and only, friendly neighborhood Wall-Runner!"

The crowd erupted into cheers. It didn't take long for the hundreds of people in the crowd to hear an excited "YE HAW!" from far behind the entrance to the museum. Wall-Runner came into the scene swinging (is there any other way?), and not wanting to disappoint the normal people who look at him and don't hate his guts, he managed to high-five everybody who was on his way.

He let go of his web and did some somersaults in the air before landing on stage.

"He sure knows how to make an entrance..." Miles West, college student and former sidekick to Wall-Runner, said.

"You should be up there with him, Miles..." Miles' father, Jefferson West (police captain of the Central City Police Department, badge number 5936) replied.

"This is Wall-Runner Appreciation Day, dad..." Miles replied with a smile. "Let me appreciate him too..."

Jefferson couldn't do much other than shrug.

"Thanks a lot, Mayor Van Buren." Wall-Runner said, his voice full of appreciation. "Wow! I... I really don't know what to say... When I first started doing this, I never thought anybody would appreciate me, let alone I'd get a whole holiday right before Christmas! You folks have no idea how much this all means to me. And if it's not too much to ask, I would like to dedicate this day to the people that have shaped me into who I am today. Now, I won't tell you their names, since that would defeat the whole anonymous superhero thing, but you know who you are. And to you, and to those who couldn't be here... thank you... I love you... AND I LOVE CENTRAL CITY!"

The crowd started cheering louder than ever.

We cut to a cell inside Raven-Heights, where Richard Allen, Peter's father, was watching Wall-Runner give the speech. Tears started to well up in his eyes. "If only your mom and uncle could see you, champ..." he said, wiping his tears. "They'd be almost as proud as I am..."

"Now, as much as I'd like to stay and chat with all of you, even superheroes like me have a day-job." Wall-Runner said. "And I have a feeling my boss will be on my ass again if I don't show up in time..."

Jefferson chuckled.

"So I'll be on my way now. But don't worry! I'll be spending all day tomorrow right here at the new museum, so you can talk to me then..." after taking a bow, Wall-Runner walked into the crowd. "How's it going?" He asked, shaking some man's hand. "Nice slacks!" He ruffled some kid's hair. "Hey, Mrs. Green! I didn't forget about painting your fence Saturday. Once I get started, it shouldn't take too long. Tom, we're still on for mini-golf Sunday! You guys are awesome!" After reaching the end of the crowd, Wall-Runner gave one final wave goodbye before running towards his place of work.

Or at least that's what the crowd thought. In reality, he went to get coffee. Not for him, but for the person he wanted, nay, needed to talk to at the moment: Jefferson West. He was super nervous about his reaction and super desperate for his approval. Maybe 'approval' isn't the right word. Peter wanted to know that Jefferson wouldn't be mad about it.

He wanted it from him more than anyone because of the connection both he and MJ have to him. Jefferson helped his aunt and uncle to raise him after his mother died and his father went to jail. And he was MJ's father.

Okay... not exactly...

MJ's biological father was an abusive drunk who caused MJ to behave like a loner up until High-School, when she finally managed to overcome the trauma and behave more like who she really is. At that point, he finally went to jail after Jefferson stopped him from assaulting MJ in public. Jefferson and MJ's mom then fell in love and got married, giving MJ a real father and Jefferson's son a mother and sister.

And then MJ's father broke out of jail and became a weird monster but that's neither here nor there.

"You only say I'm going to be on your ass when you've done something wrong..." Jefferson chuckled before turning to Peter who was holding two coffee cups and carrying two others under his armpits.

"What?!" Miles asked. "How'd you do that?!"

"Do what?"

"Like... predict that he was gonna show up here and now?!"

"Please, I've known him long enough to know what he's thinking..." Jefferson took the coffee and thanked Peter before Miles did the same.

"Why'd you bring four cups?" Miles asked.

"I thought Linda would be joining us..." Peter said.

"She's still covering the story for Godfrey..." Miles said, pointing out a blonde girl being filmed somewhere in front of them. "But since you bailed to get us coffee, she should be wrapping up soon..."

"Good..." Peter took a deep breath. "So I guess I should do this quickly..."

With his hand shaking, Peter took the ring-case from his breast-pocket.

"I'm going to ask MJ to marry me..."

Jefferson and Miles' faces lit up with shock. But it was quickly replaced with tears of joy from Miles. Trailing lightning behind him, he tightly hugged Peter.

"Ow! My back!" Peter groaned.

"It will heal!" Miles disregarded. "I can't believe it! We're... we're actually gonna be brothers..."

"I didn't know you'd be so emotional..."

"Are you kidding me?!" Miles said. "You... you made me who I am today! I owe you everything, Peter... if every second is a gift, then this is the biggest gift you could've given me... accepting me into your family..."

Peter smiled widely and hugged Miles again. They hugged for a few seconds before Peter broke free and turned to Jefferson.


"Well what?"

"Well... what do you feel about it?"

"Peter... I've known you since you were six years old. I used to joke with your aunt about you marrying MJ! If my girl's going to marry anyone, I'm really glad it's going to be you..." Jefferson smiled and put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Your dad's got competition now... son..."

Peter smiled widely and gave out one more hug before Linda's broadcast was done and she came over to the group.

"Hey, sweetie." She greeted Miles, giving him a peck on the cheek. "Hat's off, Peter. That speech was very good. I swear I even heard Godfrey tearing up!"

"HA!" Peter laughed. "Then this truly is the best day of my life!"

Elsewhere, inside some long abandoned military base, the six criminals were gathered in front of a screen. The screen showed the schematics of the recently opened Wall-Runner museum.

"... And after we lure him, we'll turn this monument to his ego into his tomb..." Dr. Octavius finished his explanation. "Any questions?"

Max raised his hand. "Yeah. Hey, Master Planner, why bother with all this work if we can just ambush him right now and take him on all at once?"

"He's right..." Adrien said. "There's six of us, and only one of him. Even if he gets help from his cronies at STAR Labs, we can take them all on no problem..."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Dr. Octavius expressed disappointment. "You're not seeing the big picture here..." he said. "Say we do what you suggest and we rush at him right now guns blazing. Then what? Believe me, he'll notice if we're uncoordinated and he'll take advantage of it. My way, even if by some miracle he survives, his spirit will be broken..."

"You... you said you won't hurt innocents..." Flint struggled to speak through the pain the obedience disk was causing him.

"Which is precisely why we will not hurt our... mutual friend..." Dr. Octavius reassured. "In fact, that is one of the reasons you're here: to move her around without serious harm..."

"You chose him to be our transportation service?" Quentin asked.

"No. I chose you to be that..." Dr. Octavius replied. "Each of you was chosen for a reason. Quentin, for quick travel through mirrors and to disorient Wall-Runner with his illusions. Max, because his lightning bolts are our best chance at hitting him fast and hard. Giovanni... pardon, I mean James is here for his engineering capabilities which will create the perfect obstacles for Wall-Runner. And I have Flint here for his pure power. His telekinetic potential is far greater than he realizes... and it would be a shame if they were put to waste..."

"What about me?" Adrien asked.

"You, Adrien, have a mission of utmost importance." Dr. Octavius exclaimed. "Your powers allow you to manipulate emotions. And I want you to do that to our friend once we have her ready..." Dr. Octavius showed a picture of MJ on the screen. "The cunning warrior attacks neither body nor mind... he attacks the heart! Once Wall-Runner is overexerted, his lover will end him..."

"Seriously?" Max asked. "From what I know, this chick is just... well, a normal chick..."

"He has a point..." James added.

"Yeah... even if you do get her to attack him, how is she going to hurt, let alone kill him?" Quentin added.

"When will you learn to trust me when I say I've thought this through?" Dr. Octavius asked sarcastically. "You will know... in due time. But for now, dress to impress, gentlemen. We have an engagement party to attend..."

Back to Peter, he was walking along the streets of Central City, happy as a bird. He went over to his aunt's homeless shelter F.E.A.S.T. (short for 'Food, Emergency, Aid, Shelter and Training'). He already told her about his plans a few days before so when he showed her the ring, she was very excited. Peter knew that MJ liked to spend time volunteering at the shelter on her days off, and this just so happened to be one of them. Peter's aunt told him that she was upstairs trying to get more supplies.

During Peter's climb up the stairs he heard MJ's voice. "I bet this will finally convince Peter that the big money comes from shooting portraits!" She said, before an old fashioned camera clicked. Peter descritely entered the storage room she was in, only to see something that almost made him fall down the stairs.

MJ was wearing one of his old costumes. More accurately, the black costume she herself made to emulate the appearance of... another 'suit' Peter wore briefly. She was wearing it and snapping photos of herself with his old camera.

"Oh, that last one will do more than convince him, alright!" She spoke to herself. "I bet it'll drive him up the wall!"

Entertaining MJ's speech to herself, Peter descritely stuck himself to the wall behind her and climbed up to the ceiling without making a sound. Being friends with Devilbow finally paid off, he thought.

MJ sighed. "This is so weird..." she thought out-loud again. "For as long as I could not imagine myself with a steady job, great friends... and the love of my life... and now I can't imagine my life without them... without Pete-WOAH!"

Without warning, Peter grabbed her and raised her up so that they were face to face, despite him being upside-down.

"Oh, don't mind me..." Peter chuckled with his crap-eating grin. "You were saying...?"

"PETER BENJAMIN ALLEN!" She yelled at him. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"And you drove me up the wall... so I guess we're even!"

She laughed, took off her mask and the two kissed. Fitting, Peter thought, the first time they had kissed he had been upside-down as well.

"You're not going to wear that for our date tonight, are you?" MJ asked, referring to the CCPD jacket Peter was wearing.

Peter chuckled. "Hey, if you're wearing my clothes, what am I supposed to wear?"

The two had a good laugh before Peter got both of them to the ground.

"See ya at six, tiger." MJ said, giving Peter a peck on the cheek.

Hours later...

Peter and MJ were swinging through the city, and like always, MJ was hating it. After what felt like forever the two finally landed behind a tall building.

"I don't know how you do this without throwing up..." MJ said while panting heavily.

"Years of practice I guess...?" Peter replied, the nanites of his costume retreating back to the ring.

After giving her some time to relax, Peter and MJ walked inside the building and up the elevator.

"I can't believe you got reservations to Le Château Laboe..." MJ said. "That's one of the most exclusive restaurants in the whole state!"

"I called in a favor from a friend..." Peter replied. "I know you're not the biggest fan of these fancy places, but I want you to know how much I appreciate you..."

"Getting appreciated by Wall-Runner on Wall-Runner Appreciation Day?" She laughed. "Guess I'll take you to an escape you at MJ Appreciation Day!"

"I can't go to an escape room every day!"

"Excuse me..." the receptionist said, catching Peter and MJ's attention. "Welcome to Le Chateau Laboe, the most romantic dining experience in Central City and subsequent areas. Are we honeymooning tonight?"

"Actually, it's an anniversary..." MJ replied.

"Ah..." the receptionist nodded. "Congratulations. And your reservations?"

"We have one under the name Rogers..." Peter said.

The receptionist scrolled through the list for a bit before finding the reservation. "If you go this way, our waiter will escort you to your spot..."

"Thank you, ma'am!" MJ smiled. "Merry Christmas!"

As soon as Peter and MJ were out of earshot, the receptionist's body glitched. She put her hand to her ear and said, in Quentin's voice: "It's showtime, boys!"

"Are you okay, Peter?" MJ asked, taking her seat.

"What?! Of course I am! Why would I not be okay?"

"It's just that you're sweating and stuttering... I thought that this phase was over after high-school..."

"Yeah... I'm just a little nervous..." he checked his breast pocket to make sure it was still there. Lucky for him, it was. "I... I've been meaning to ask you something..."

"Okay... go right ahead..."

"Mary Jones West." Peter began, sweat pouring down his face. "My aunt told me that when I first saw you I turned to her and asked 'is that an angel?'. I was 6 years old and I already knew I was in love. You were always the popular girl in school, but you never picked on me like the others. You were my first friend and I thank every God every day for the fact that I have you. Like you said, I did hit the jackpot! And I'm glad I have you as my lightning rod. So..." he placed his hand inside his tuxedo and was prepared to remove the ring-case. "Will you...?"

He stopped. His eyes widened as lightning coursed inside them and the world around him slowed to a halt.

"GET DOWN!" He screamed, tackling MJ to the ground, as a fist made of sand broke the window of the restaurant. The two looked up to see Flint hovering there, using a sand-tornado (or a top) to fly.

The people started to panic and ran away from the scene, while Peter and MJ just stared at him.

"I... I'm sorry..." Flint struggled to say before he caused sand and dust to float around him and form a hand, which grabbed MJ.

"MJ!" Peter yelled, jumping towards her and taking her hand.

"Not in front of him!" MJ exclaimed. "I'll be fine..." she reassured before mouthing him the words 'run, Peter. Run!'

He got the message and let her go. The moment Flint was out of sight, Peter put on his costume ring and changed in a flash. In another blink of an eye, Peter was sticking to the walls of the building and running up after Flint and MJ. Since he's the fastest man alive, it didn't take him long to reach the roof, where MJ was being held by two twisted metal beams. He eyed Flint down.

"Sorry if she's on your Christmas list, Dust Devil!" Peter said. "You're being very very naughty..."

"I... I can't c-control myself..." Flint beckoned, crying at what he was being forced to do.

"I thought that was what the therapist did..." Peter joked. "If they're that useless, where's my tax money going t-" his eyes coursed with lightning once again and he felt his head tingle. He sighed and held his head. "I usually don't get the tingles when the bad guy's in plain sight..."

"WATCH OUT!" MJ cried out, but it was too late. Peter was hit by a sonic blast, which sent him flying before hitting a wall.

After he came back to his senses he saw James' rhino-mech flying, courtesy of the anti-gravity boots James invented himself.

The rhino-mech landed on the roof and its chest cavity opened, revealing James. "Sorry, Spidey. Was I supposed to wait my turn?"

"You're off your meds again, aren't you James?"

"I'm better off without them! I'll take them if I start feeling down..."

"Right... So you two decided to team up? What do you call yourselves? 'Trick or Twist'?"

James chuckled. "Hey, that's actually not bad..." the chestplate of his mech retreated back to its place. "But you lost me when you said 'the two of us'..."

"I'm afraid you won't get off that easy, bug!" Quentin's reflection on the building's skylight said, before he climbed out of the reflective surface.

Peter felt bright lights coming from behind and above him. He looked up and saw Adrien flying in circles above him, while storm-clouds gathered and lightning cracked. Just as Adrien nosedived to join the others, Max revealed that the weather anomaly was his doing, and he flew down right next to Adrien.

Mechanical tentacles crash landed on the roof before dragging Dr. Octavius up from the side of the building where he was hiding. Peter and MJ's eyes widened once they realized just how much trouble they're in. But they got shocked a little too quickly, because Dr. Octavius' next two words would send a shiver down their spines.

"Hello, Peter." He greeted calmly and with a smile. "Any last words?"

"Humana humana humana comes to mind..." Peter blurted out, not knowing what else to say.

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