Bendy x reader

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A/n: I FOUN THE FNF VERSIÓN OF BUILD OUR MACHINE! Also my dad officially left us so ima have a hard time writing this. No actual gameplay included

Flash back 1997~

Good bye y/n I'll see you soon. Your father joey said. Are you leaving forever daddy? Your innocence five year old self asked worried. No y/n I'll be back soon I'm going to make a cartoon I know you'll love it. Joey said brushing the hair out of your face.

As joey your father walked out the door you sat on the staircase and sat there, watching your father leave. You sat there till you couldn't see him anymore.

Cmon y/n let's go back inside. You mom carried you inside the house. Everyday your father called and you'd talk and laugh for hours. You'd also watch his show every Saturday morning. You loved the show so much your favorite character was bendy who was the dancing demon.

Time skip 2004~

It was your twelfth birthday and the day joey, your dad was coming back home. You waited outside excitedly for him. Two hours passed and your father should have been here by now. He problema got stuck in traffic. You thought. But that wasn't it.

Y/n, sweetie come here a sec. You mom called you. The studio sent a voicemail I thought we'd listen to it together. She played the voice mail and you listened.

(M/n) I have something urgent....
It was your dad's voice!
(M/n) I'm not going to make it home tonight...or ever again.
Your smile dropped and your heart sank.
Just tell y/n I love her and never stop dreaming beeeeeeeeeep-

Your mom dropped the phone. Your eyes welled up in tears and you ran to your room. You locked the door and never came out.

Present time 2011 (I the author am born >:D)~

Y/n? Honey. Your mom knocked on the door. Yes mom? You opened the door for her. Hi are you feeling? I'm fine. You said plainly. Little did she know what you were up too.

Mom... I came up with a decision. Now that I can drive I'm planning on going to the studio and finding dad. You said. Your mom looked at you with pain and smiled softly. She grabbed your hands. Y/n...because you proved you are responsible...I will let you go.

She said crying a little. She hugged you and helped you get ready to go. Be safe y/n. She said. Ok mom. You drove off and you were on your way to the studio.

Bc I'm lazy I'm going to skip to the studio

You exited your Tesla and grabbed a flashlight. You slowly walked to the building doors. You opened them slowly. When you walked in it was dark.

You walked around for a bit and felt like you were being watched so your ran a little. You ran faster and faster and then. You gasped. You found your dad. Dead on the floor. You stood there and stared at the dead corpse. Who did this to you dad...

you turned around to turn on a security camera. But a big creature was in the way. You screamed and it grabbed you.
LET ME GO BITCH LEMMY GOOO!  you squirmed. He brought you to another room and had a good look at you. Wait- your not joey. It said.

Of course I'm not dingus put . Me. down! You bit him and he let go. OW WHAT THE HECK! CHILL ! Who are you and what do you want. You said.

He turned to a nice form he dad black and white and a grin on his face. I'm bendy and you are? I'm y/n drew, joeys daughter. He looked at you in shock.

You can't be his daughter your a hot chic and he's a horrible dirty liar! He called you a hot chic and you blushed a little. Well BENDY what did you do to my father. You looked  at him bad.

Well you see I kinda maybe sorta killed him but I didn't know he had a family! He said. You slapped the shit outta him and he fall to the floor. YOU KILLED MY FATHER YOUR GONNA PAY! You grabbed your pocket knife and your gun.

WAIT! Maybe we could sort this out!  He said putting his hands in the way. I'm listening you got zero seconds to start talking. You said still pointing your gun at him.

Maybe I can bring him back from the dead unless... you help me get more ink for my machine...if it runs out...I die. He said. You thought for a bit.

Well what do ya say? He held his hand out. I bring the ink back fill the machine you immortalized and bring my dad back? He nodded. Deal. You shook hands.

He disappeared into thin air, now all that you had to do is get ink...

To be continued

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