Freeky friday (mafia wally x childish reader)

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You got up to Wally's door he was always busy with work. You kicked the door open so you could show him the sus hourglass you found. HI WALLYYYYYYY IM HEEEERRRRRREEEEE!!!

He rolled his eyes and put his pen down. What do you want y/n? LOOK! AT! THIS! You slammed the hourglass in his face. He tried to grab it and you pulled back. No touch only look. He pulled it back to him. It was another game of tug of war.

That is until y'all got hit the ground because of some weird smoke. Wow wally what ha- WHY DO YOU HAVE MY BODY!? You yelled. WHY DO YOU HAVE MINE! He yelled back. You looked in the mirror. AHHHHH IM UGLY!!! You screamed. Wally panicked.

This can't be happening I have a speech in five minutes! He said. WOULD YOU PULEEZ SHUT UP ILL DO THE SPEECH. You talked back. He sat you down and made you memorize the speech.

Let's face it. Most of the time, the answers people give whether in an interview or speech are boring, they lack substance, and they sound like a form letter. "I am a people person who demonstrates good customer service. I believe in hard work and ....bla, bla, bla." Meaningless words bounce off the ears. Nothing memorable.
If you want to be remembered, tell a story. First, start with your attribute. I had a student who said he was hard-working. He was worried because he didn't have any "real" work experience they might not think of him as hard-working. Once we brainstormed, he realized that he spent every summer on his grandpa's cattle farm. He was out mending fences before the sun rose and many days he would work until dark. He said, "Cows don't care what day of the week it is."  He told a story about how his grandfather taught him to work hard and how it was a family legacy to take pride in the work that was done–hard work was a badge of honor. By the time he was done with his story, I would have hired him for just about anything. By storytelling, he convinced me that he would give it his all. He didn't tell me he was a hard worker, he proved he was a hard worker. His story was detailed enough that we could see him in our mind's eye. He told a story we could remember. The added benefit of storytelling is that stories make us feel something. When your story is done, the audience doesn't just know something about you, they feel something about you.

This speech is boring tho wally can I do a better one? No he replied.

Soon at the meeting

It's time for our top worker to tell his speech to get workers to come here and work for us. Wally's boss said Lightning his cigarette.
As you opened your mouth to speak you froze everyone stared at you. You looked at Wally whom was mouthing the speech.

Uhh... workers know math? For example If your canoe is stuck in a tree with the headlights on, how many pancakes does it take to get to the moon? You smiled weakly. Everyone whispered and finally the boss spoke up. Wally im sorry but..your fired nobody can work with someone as stupid as you.

You couldn't help but burst into tears and run out. WHAT THE HELL Y/N!? Wally scolded you. YOU GOT ME FIRED I HATE YOU SO MUCH WHY DID YOU HAVE TO EXIST!? He yelled.

You cried even louder and fell to your knees on the ground. Wally stormed off but you felt weak and help less. So you decided to ask your best friend howdy for advice.

HOWDY ITS ME Y/N I NEED YOUR HELP!! He looked at you cluelessly. Ok Wally that's enough beer for you. No howdy i promise it's me. He looked at you skeptically. Ok if your really y/n tell me something only y/n knows.

You still suck your thumb sleep with dolls have a blanket and still where choo choo train seat giggling. Howdy turned bright red. Y/N! IT IS YOU WHAT HAPPENED!? you told him the story while he sipped his tea.

Wow I think I got a cure for that I know it will work. You ran to the storage room and brought out a two cups of black ooz. You both need to drink this in the same spot you swapped bodies.

Time skip you got to the same spot

Ok Wally we got to drink this. You showed him the cup and he gagged at the smell of it. I'm not drinking that. OK ITS GOING DOWN THE HATCH. You attacked him and he drank it.

You drank it to. Wally was at the point of vomiting. He passed out instead so did you. You woke up and you had your body back! So did Wally! OMG Y/N YOU DID IT! he hugged you and kissed you in the lips. You giggled and kissed him back.

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