High school romance pt 3

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I-I can't be pregnant! This could ruin my reputation!! What will mom and dad thing! What would the other kids at school think!!! WHAT WOULD WALLY THINK!!!??? You panicked.

Y/N! CHILL THE FRIK OUT! Your bestie slapped you. OW!ok jeez im calm... what am I gonna do? You slid down the wall and hid your face in your knees. I'm such a slut. You started tearing up trying not to cry and mess up your make up.

You're not a slut girly everyone makes mistakes....so are you gonna get an abortion or....keep it. Well ima keep it stupid this is my baby it's WALLYS baby! You yelled a little too loud.

Well I respect your decision and y/n you won't be able to hide this for too long.i know I'll tell my parents tonight and I'll tell Wally once I'm ready. You and your bestie left the bathroom.

Time skip back home

You nervously walked home mortified of what would happen. You thought of every possible thing that would go wrong. I could get kicked out...dad could murder Wally.... He could beat my ass. You thought.

You took a deep breath when you reached the door. You walked inside luckily nobody except your house keeper Leslie was there. She was a sweet 43 year old woman.

She knew how to keep secrets and she's been with you even through the toughest times. (Btw you live here your rich af)

(And here's your room!)

(Oki back to the story)

Oh hello dear how was school? She smiled. It was good.... Hey Leslie I got a question. You said nervously. What's wrong? She asked. Well have you ever done something you shouldn't have done....then something bad happens and you don't know what to do?

You asked. Well yeah I guess. Why do you ask? You sighed and spat it out. Well I'm pregnant. Your housekeeper widened her eyes. Oh! Oh... y/n what you did was not good I can tell you really don't want your parents to know. Until  then your secrets safe with me. She said.

Thank you Leslie. You smiled slightly then went upstairs to do your homework.

Time skip mom and dads home

You sat on the sofa and watched your favorite show. Then the door opened and your mom and dad entered. Hello y/n dear how's our pretty princess. Your mom said. Hi mom hi dad. How was your fashion show mom? It went well dear. And how's your company dad?

It's running smoothly. He smiled. Well we're going to change out of our work clothes and join you for dinner. Your mom said. You sat down at the table and waited. Your house keeper placed everything where it needed.

Your parents sat at the table. So sweetie how was school. Your mom smiled warmly. It was...uneventful. You tried to hide everything. Are you sure everything is ok? You seem pale. I I'm fine mom.

After dinner you all sat down to watch tv. Umm mom...dad Can we talk? Of course honey what's up? Your dad said. Ummm well i- I did something wrong. You started to tear up.

What's wrong? You know you can tell us anything. Your mom said. Tears started to roll down your face. I'm...I'm pregnant. You began to cry. Your parents looked at each other then looked at you. They both pulled you in to a warm embrace.

I'm sorry I'll never do something like that again. You said. It's ok honey we're not mad...just disappointed. Your dad said. We're not happy that you've been having sex. We won't ground you but we will cut your allowance. I understand you said.

Time skip the next day

You woke up feeling the need to puke. You rushed to the bathroom and puked everything out. After that you got ready for the day and put this outfit on.

You grabbed your backpack and walked downstairs. Good morning y/n how'd you sleep. Leslie asked. Good how about you? Good thanks for asking. She smiled. You took a bottle of water and left for school.

When you got there Wally was waiting for you at your locker. Hey babe. He smirked. Hey Wally. You plastered a fake smile on your face. Soooo you wanna come over tonight? Maybe we could hang out and you know. He winked.

Actually Wally...I need to talk to you and you're probably gonna leave me.  You said. What's wrong baby girl? He tucked your hair behind your ear. Well umm you know how we've been doing...that. Yeah. Well we made a mistake....im pregnant. Wallys eyes widened like saucers.

Oh y/n I'd never leave you. He hugged you. I'm happy for you y/n. Do your parents know? Yeah but they're not mad. You replied. That's good. So are you keeping the baby? Yeah. The bell rang. Well I'll talk to you later Wally bye. You gave him a kiss and went to class.

Now all you had to do was get a doctor appointment

To be continued

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