Ravi x reader

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A/n based on the episode are you cooler than a fifth grader I memorized it by heart😐 season 1 episode ten btw I'm changing some parts y/n will be there but mostly at the end

BANG BANG BANG! Jessie smacked a wooden spoon against the pot. It is 0700 hours! Out of your cots and hit the mess hall for eggs Florentine and chocolate croissants!

Okay, this rich people food really kills my whole military vibe. She said. Zuri opened her door. Here's a fun fact. When you're blow-drying doll hair, high is too high. She pulled out a doll with a disfigured face.

Oh, uh that's okay, sweetie. Noses are overrated anyway. Just ask Voldemort. Jessie said. Don't say his name! Zuri said mortified. She asked back into her room to get ready for school then Luke came out of his room.

Good morning Jessie. He began to dance. Let's get this weekend started. It's Monday. Jessie said blandly. Urgh, wake me up on a Saturday. He said stretching. Jessie grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him back.

Ravi came out of his room wearing a very odd and concerning outfit. Hello good family. Who's ready to get their learn on? He asked. Oh my, whatchu' wearing? Jessie asked.

It's my sherwani, only worn on very special occasions. Since my tutor says I'm now ready to start school with Emma and Luke, what a special day to wear it. Ravi explained excitedly.

Maybe on a day when your nightclub act opens in Vegas. Luke said smirking. Luke, that happens to be a very beautiful traditional Indian Sherbubi. Jessie said.

Sherwani. Ravi corrected her. Sure... wani. My point is you look really great and I know Luke is going to look out for you today. She said. Ravi walked back into his room.

You better look out for him. Jessie said sternly. How can I miss him? He looks like a traffic cone with hair. Luke said. Just go get dressed. Your teacher sent enough letters home that you've shown up in your underwear again.

Luke walked back into his room to change then Emma walked out of hers. So, what d'you think about my shoes. Emma asked. I think they look like some sort of medieval torture device. Jessie said.

Emma tried to walk with her shoes and trips. Pretty hurts, and all my friends will be wearing this in a few months. She said. How do you know? Because I'm wearing them now. It's my duty to help the fashion-challenged. She said. Well, you'll just have to do your duty in flats.

Luke opened the door (na noor). You said duty. He said giggling. Get dressed.

Time skip school

Okay, so you have history, then math then shop. Just so you'll know shop doesn't involve shopping. I learnt it the hard way. Emma said opening her locker.

Thank you but do not worry, I've the school thing wired. Ravi said. Then the school bell rang. Fire! Fire! I will save my new school!
Ravi opened the cabinet and wraps himself with the fire hose.

That was the school bell, not act-like-an-idiot bell. Luke said embarrassed. Alright, what does the idiot bell sound like, because I want to be prepared. Ravi said,

I think you're prepared. Luke said unwrapping his brother. Class is starting, I gotta hassle. Ema said struggling then placing her arms on two students.

Room 3-12, please. She said. Ravi K. Ross, please to meet you. Cheerio, fellow pupil. Would you like to see a picture of my lizard? Ravi said greeting other students.

Ravi, dial it down. Luke said even more embarrassed. I'm just trying to make friends but nobody seems to notice me. Well they're noticing. Look I'm gonna hurry so here's what you need to do: Find one main friend, meet all his friends and bam, you're popular.

Oh, I see. Hello friend. Ravi said offering him a handshake. Gosh. Oh I wish it could be me, but unfortunately, the school has a policy against kids in different grades socialising. I'm in 6th and you're in 5th, just wouldn't be natural. Luke said lying.

The bell rang again. Fire, class or idiot bell? Ravi asked. Class. Go! Luke said.

Y/n pov

I was in the middle of talking to my friends then the bell rang and a kid two inches shorter then you started yelling. Fire! Fire! I will save my new school!

He was kinda cute and pretty stupid. He wrapped himself with the fire hose. What a stupid child. (Friend 1#) said. I know. (Friend 2#) said. Let's go y/n.

You walked with your friends to class.

(Y'all the next secan was a bully scean but I'm changing it like I said.)

You sat down at your desk and got your history note book ready. The teacher started talking. Class this is ravi Ross he's new here so please make him feel welcome.

It was the little kid from the hallway earlier. Why don't you take a seat next to y/n? Oh no. You thought. He sat next to you and started talking. Hello it's nice to meet you I'm ravi and you are? He offered you a handshake. I'm y/n. You shook his hand.

Would you like to be friends? Sure you replied.

(After school in the park)

Hi brother! Ravi said. No. Luke said walking to ravi. What are you doing here? I'm here to seek admission to your click. Ravi, I told you, grades can't mix. At school but this is not school. Ravi said happy to be with his brother.

Why is that kid dressed like a marshmallow? Luke's friend finch asked.

This is a cricket uniform. Ravi opens lid of his container full of dragonfire peppers. Dragonfire peppers, anyone? They're hotter than Selena Gomez. I love you Go-Go.

I'm gonna have to pass. Finch said grossed out. Ravi took a bite on the pepper. Okay, your loss, but it is a 6-hour match so do not complain when you get peckish. Now I'm going to hummer in the wickets. Ravi ran to hammer the wickets.

Finch turned To Luke Wicket? Cricket? That kid can stick it. How do you even know him? I-I-I don't really know him. He's my dad's friend's cousin's dog's neighbour. Luke said stuttering.

Wickets are almost in. Ravi said then a sprinkler burst. Oh no, you busted a sprinkler pipe. Oh great, Luke. Your dad's friend's cousin's dog's neighbour just flooded our field. Let's go guys. Finch said. They all ran away.

Hello? Guys? Are we now playing Hide-and-go-seek? I'm afraid they're now playing Hide-from-the-geek. He said frowning.
Zuri, hit me with a towel, I wish to drown my sorrows in lemonade. He said walking into the apartment.

Ravi, you're soaking wet, what happened? Jessie asked. I was trying to mingle and there was an illegation mishap. It is not easy being the new kid. Ravi said.

Tell me about it, I was a military brat, well, I wasn't a brat I was precious. Jessie said. Is this going to take a while? Because this wet uniform is starting to chill. Ravi said pulling a wedgie the wet uniform made.

The point is the adult me wants to say, "Just be yourself and everything will be fine." The teenager in me knows that being yourself can sometimes be a one-way ticket to Swirlyville. Jessie said.

Ooh, Swirlyville. It sounds like a magical place where everyone gets frozen yoghurt. No, a Swirly is a toilet shampoo. Zuri said.
So no sprinkles? Sometimes.

Maybe you can find some new admirers and try to be like them. Jessie said. Maybe I could. Thank you Jessie, I know exactly what I'm going to do. Ravi said.

Oh really? Oh great 'cause I'm just sort of winging it there. Jessie said. Little did she know what was finna happen.

The next morning at school

What is crakalakin dog pound! Ravi said embarrassing Luke more that ever. Ravi played hip hop music and started doing a cringe dance (pretend he did this one instead I can't find the original footage)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Luke was super embarrassed. Ravi don't look at that kid! He whisper shouted as a big bully walked by. You mean the big guy with the ugly mustache? Ravi said loudly.

The bully turned around and looked at them angrily. Since you want to make smart comments to me how about you treat me to lunch? The bully said.

Luke and his friends gave their lunches away and the bully left. Nice going Ravi! We may be brothers at home but outside just pretend you don't know me! Luke said agitated.

The next day y/n will be here

Emma opened her locker and found Ravi stuffed in there. OH MY GOSH RAVI WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE! Emma said helping him out.

I'm hiding from that bully and Luke said we're no longer brothers at school. He frowned. That's totes not ok! If that were allowed I would've left Luke a long time ago.

Well there's my ride. Ravi said getting in the janitors cart.

Y/n pov

You walked down the hall and noticed ravi in the janitors cart. Umm what are you doing? You asked. Im hiding from the school bully. Ravi replied.

You mean the one with the womanly mustache he's a jerk cmon tell me what happened. You said helping him out. Well I wanted to try and make friends but all I did was embarrass my brother. He said.

You know you sound like someone I know. You said. Who? You sound like me. You said. You see when I moved to nyc I had no friends I also tried to change who I was but it didn't help. You explained.

Just be who you truly are. You smiled. Thank you y/n I now know what to do! Ravi gave you an hug and started walking away. And ravi I would"don't mind being your friend. You blushed and then left for lunch break.

Nobody pov

The bully walked into the lunch room and came towards y/n ready to pound her. Hey dumb ass where's the money you owe me. He said grabbing her tightly by the arm.

Look I didn't get the money ok leave me alone! Y/n tried to get out of his grasp but failed. Ravi had courage to go up to the bully to try and save Y/n.

Hey you! Leave her alone. Ravi said. Oh you have any smart comments for me today? The bully said. Uhh scientist have found a partial that can go faster than the speed of light and that theory can ruin Einstein's theory. Ravi said panicked.

The bully was going to get ready to beat the crap out of him. Wait it is I who insulted your womanly mustache. Luke said with a phony Indian accent.

No it was me clearly a dummy wouldn't be able to recognize a phony Indian accent. Ravi said. Then I can pound you first. The bully let go of y/n and lifted Ravi.

LEAVE MY LITTLE BROTHER ALONE! Luke said. Ooooh. Everyone ooh'ed. or eles what. The bully asked. I'll beat you up. The bully yanked the sleeves of Luke's jacket and tied him to a wall.

The bully turned to Ravi. I won't touch you little child but I'm taking your lunch. The bully took the sandwich and took a bite. AHHHH IT BURNS! The bully said looking for water. Ravi helped his brother and then Luke spoke up. What was in that sandwich?

Bread mayo and dragon fire peppers. Ravi said. Then the bully spilled a jug of water all over him. Nice job little brother. Luke said. You wanna sit with me and my friends. Sure. Ravi said. And I think you've got a fan. Luke said pointing to y/n. Y/n blushed and looked away.

You should ask her out. Luke said. Ok I guess. Ravi said. He approached y/n and asked. Hello y/n I was wondering if you like to watch a movie sometime. Sure y/n replied and smiled.

Y'all this is the best I could do this has 2065 words

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