Chapter 6: Defeating Wario

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"Just follow me, and you'll be fine," Author told everyone following him. Lanky started staring at CaC Rosalina, so did TL Shawn.

"You two do know she's already taken, right?" Waluigi told them. They didn't care, they just cared about her beauty. TL Rosalina was giggling at the thought.

"I thought I would never say this," AHK Waluigi said. "But I'm glad I get to go on an adventure with Toads," he told Producer.

"You're right," Ashley told him. "These Toads are much better than the ones I remember in our world."

"Well, let's not waste our time talking to each other," Rosalina told them. They all smiled, and ran up to the Chaos and Cheaters group.

"Oh, hello," Shawn told them.

"Hi!" Ashley smiled. "I never saw you in our world."

"That's because Shawn's parents found each other in their world, and was able to create him," Creator told her.

"You mean produce him," Producer said. They both started laughing, but they were bumped on purpose by both Waluigis.

"Not in front of the kid," CaC Waluigi told them. They looked at Ashley, who was extremely confused at what they were talking about.

"Oh right, sorry," Producer told them.

"Anyway, how was your kingdom after your story?" AHK Rosalina asked.

"Well, after I beat Bowser in a soccer game, and Rosalina defeated Bowser with kindness, I've been trying to become a detective, while Rosalina visits a few times a century," Waluigi told them.

"So, it's like a long-distance relationship?" Ashley asked.

"I mean, I guess you could say that," Shawn said. "How about you guys, what happened after your story?"

"After our fight with Bowser and Wario, Waluigi focused on protecting the castle, to return the favor for letting him get out of jail earlier than the others," Rosalina told them. "I haven't done anything really, but me and Ashley have become great friends." Rosalina looked at Ashley, who took out her wand.

"Should I show them!" Ashley shouted. Rosalina smiled, and nodded. Ashley threw her wand in the air, and Red appeared.

"Heya," Red said to them.

"Ah, demon!" Shawn said. "Get back! Get back!" He was trying to slap Red, but he kept missing him.

"Hey, you don't need to be afraid," Red said. "I'm not going to hurt you." Shawn started to slow down, then stop. He started breathing, heavily, and fell on the ground. Everyone stopped walking, then CaC Waluigi sighed.

"Alright Shawn, c'mon," he said, picking Shawn up, and on to his shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't know he would get scared," Ashley told them.

"It's okay, he's very cautious of his surroundings, especially when paranoid" Waluigi told her. Ashley smiled, and Red sat on her shoulder like a chameleon. Author carried on, TL Waluigi coming up to him.

"Hey, Author," TL Waluigi whispered, scaring Author. "Sorry." Author shrugged.

"It's okay, I'm a bit jumpy, what do you expect," Author explained.

"So," Waluigi had a smug look on his face. "Which Toadette is yours." Author blushed at the question.

"N-none of them," Author told him, "There all just friends." Waluigi rolled his eyes.

"C'mon, around that many Toadettes, one of them has to be with y-" Author turned around and gave him a glare.

"None of them are my type, okay," Author told him. Never has he seen a Toad so angry, maybe even more than any creature. "Some of them I'm not into, some are married, and some of them aren't even into people like me." Waluigi squinted his eyebrow.

"Don't you mean guys?" he asked. Author shook his head. "Wait, you mean some of them are...," Author nodded. "Do you think it's alright to be...," Author shook his head. Producer went up to the two.

"I mean, I have a husband, but I believe people can love whoever you want, and if you don't like it, then just go away when you see stuff like it," she told them.

"I just wish people could understand," Author said. Producer went to A Hidden Kindness group, and TL Rosalina and Shawn went up to Author. "Did you know that some of my friends, some you guys haven't met, ship you guys with other people," Author chuckled.

"What do you mean," Waluigi asked.

"Like for instance, some of my friends ship you Waluigi, with..." Author snickered. "Wario and Daisy." Waluigi stood still, eyes twitching.

"What?" Rosalina giggled, and Author just kept smiling. Lanky and Jimmy sighed. Shawn was confused with the thought of Waluigi being in love with his own brother.

"I think I puked in my mask," Shawn said. Author couldn't help but laugh.

"I guess some people have some...interesting ideas I guess," Rosalina said. What turned into a personal conversation turned into a laughing festival.

"It's nice seeing them getting along," CaC Rosalina said.

"Yeah, I guess so," CaC Shawn said. CaC Waluigi never heard him say something kind of harsh.

"Are you okay," he asked Shawn. Shawn looked at him, and from what Waluigi could tell, Shawn wasn't happy. "Shawn, just because they have a different belief on the subject, doesn't mean anything bad." Shawn sighed and he let it go. A Hidden Kindness group wasn't talking about the personal stuff at all, and were trying to find a way to defeat Wario.

"So, why is Wario in charge of the castle?" Waluigi asked. "Isn't Bowser the mastermind behind the whole thing?"

"Yes, but Wario had other intentions. He betrayed Bowser, and enslaved everyone," Producer explained. "A lot of things changed when Waluigi pushed Bowser in the pipe. So many things, I can't explain them all. Let's just say only Wario got a good ending." Ashley got worried of what she would see in the castle, she feared the worst possible outcome.

"Here we are!" Author said. The castle looked really old. Much older than the other ones. "The oldest castle they built." Author opened the door, and the lights immediately turn on. "Alright, there are pressure plates everywhere. If you step on the wrong one, you will into a pit of lava." CaC Shawn immediately stepped up.

"I recommend someone who is cautious of their surroundings to lead the group," Creator said.

"I got this!" CaC Shawn said. Ashley rolled her eyes. She started walking over to the other side of the room.

"Sure, let's sacrifice our lives for a dumb shy guy who runs from a little red-" she stepped on a pressure plates, and luckily fell backwards. "Okay, I'll let him lead." Shawn knelt on the ground, and started to touch the floor. Then, he started to crawl.

"What is he doing?" TL Shawn asked.

"I'm looking for the pressure plates so we don't step on them," CaC Shawn barked at him. Shawn got them to the other side safely, and he pulled the lever for when they need to leave.

"Author? Producer? Creator? Aren't you coming with us?" Jimmy T. asked.

"No, I have my reasons, just go defeat Wario," Author told them. They nodded, ran to the door, and opened it. Ashley's fear was true.

"Wahahaha! Welcome to my castle!" Wario said. They saw many of Wario's friends, enslaved. Mona was next to him, in chains, and the only thing covoring her was her white jacket, which was buttoned up to hide the scars and scratches Wario made. Jimmy T. was on the dancing floor, being forced to dance eternally, his legs soar and aching. Ashley was forced to be a Jester, Wario somehow manipulated her wand to somehow make spells for entertainment for Wario. Everyone else would bring food to him, and be spat at by him. One other thing that the team could see were the bones of their friends, and Bowser and his kids.

" monster!" AHK Rosalina yelled.

"Cannibal?" Lanky questioned. Wario smiled in such a way, it chilled the team to the bone.

"Yes! Cannibalism is the only thing that makes these idiots work for me. They did not listen, so I ate them!"

"What the heck is wrong with you?" TL Waluigi asked.

"Yeah, who in their mind would eat their own friends?" Shawn barked.

"Someone who's desperate! That's who!" Mona tried to move, but Wario grabbed the chain, and tugged her back to her knees.

"Please don't tell me you..." CaC Waluigi didn't want to finish the sentence.

"Yes, I do infact rape her," he shouted.

"Darkness has consumed you brother," AHK Waluigi said. "Stop listening to the voices, and find the light."

"The light is no longer there my bro, there is only Wario!" he hissed. "You cannot defeat me! For o have the wands that the koopalings shared, and have molded them together to create the ultimate weapon. How do expect to beat something such as that." Suddenly, TL Shawn was dragged out of the group by Dry Bones, who was secretly hiding behind them.

"Oh no you don't," Jimmy T. said. He went to bounce on Dry Bones, but the dead koopa grabbed Jimmy's leg, and threw him at the team. The team tried to get up, bit Jimmy's weight kept them down.

"Wow, he's heavier than he looks!" CaC Shawn said. Thankfully, Ashley, Lanky, TL Waluigi, and CaC Rosalina got out of the dog pile, and stood up.

"Let the battle begin!" Wario shrieked. Lanky pushed himself up into the air and punched Dry Bones in the head, turning him into a pile of bones. TL Waluigi took out his lasso, and whipped Wario's check, which made him angry. Wario stood up, took the wand he made, and a casted out a beam at him. CaC Rosalina and Ashley went in front of Waluigi and casted a beam to block Wario's attack. The strength of both Rosalina and Ashley matched Wario's, making an intense battle. Wario almost got the two, when he was suddenly hit by a chair that was used by Mona.

"Who's the dull one now, Master," she said. She took the keys, went over to the other Ashley, and unlocked her chains. Ashley went over to grab the wand Wario had, and the other three ran to Wario.

"That was extremely easy!" Lanky said.

"Yeah, a little too easy if you ask me," CaC Rosalina said.

"Hey, Wario, wake up," TL Waluigi whispered, slapping Wario in the face. Wario's eyes opened, and he immediately sat up.

"No! My wand, my slaves, why?" Wario said. Jimmy T. finally got up, and AHK Waluigi went up to him.

"Wario, don't forget who we are," he told him. He started to sing a song that no one ever heard before. "The world...may not care...about us. The world...may not see. We're stronger together, it's all that we need. As long as we're together, we can do the impossible." Wario had a tear in eye.

"Cause your bro," Wario finished. Wario started crying, and hugged Waluigi tightly. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, I'm a horrible person, and I don't deserve to be forgiven for the horrible things I've done." TL Rosalina went up to Wario, and knelt down.

"Well, the Resurrector will forgive you, as long as you ask for it, and not do it again," Rosalina told him.

"But I feel so horrible, everything I did," Wario screamed.

"Hey, it's okay, we all make mistakes," CaC Waluigi told him. Wario stood up, and looked at the people he called slaves. Wario looked back at his throne, he went up to it, and destroyed it. He turned back to everyone, and looked down.

"I know the things I did to you are unforgivable, I know what I did was wrong in so many levels, but I know this is a long shot, I hope you can forgive me," Wario said. Everyone at first starred at him with frowns, then Wario took the wand from Ashley's hand, and used some magic to bring the people he ate back, turn everyone else back to normal, and gave the wand back to Ashley. What they didn't realize was that Dry Bones sneaked behind Ashley, and he took the wand from her hand and casted a spell on a few of them. Lanky punched Wario in the face, and spun around, knocking almost everyone out.

"Lanky, what the heck is going on!" TL Waluigi yelled. They turned to see Dry Bones with the wand and a big smirk.

"Looking for this?" Dry Bones asked. Waluigi took a step towards Dry Bones when Ashley suddenly used her magic to teleport Waluigi in the air, almost breaking a bone.

"Ow," Waluigi said. AHK Rosalina was defending against a few of her teammates, when suddenly they all heard glass from the castle shatter.

"Who are you?" They heard Dry Bones ask. Immediately he was jumped on by a black edgy hedgehog.

"Shadow?" TL Rosalina said. Suddenly, more people came crashing into the castle. Shovel Knight, Knuckles, Bomberman, Krystal, Isaac, and another Waluigi.

"How many more surprises are there gonna be in one day!" CaC Shawn said. Author, Creator, and Producer came rushing in.

"What is going on in..." Author started to stutter when he saw the new people that barged in. "It can't be!" Author said.

The new Waluigi walked up, and spoke. "Come with us so we can investigate this..." he looked at Dry Bones. "trickster." Everyone was weirded out, but Author immediately spook up.

"Of course we will!" he said.

"Good," Knuckles said. "We should go before anything else happens."

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