hey don't worry i haven't gone anywhere :)

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Hi! I've missed you guys :')

Hope y'all are doing well wherever in the world you may be, and a happy pride month to you all! It's been forever since I've made a post, which is why I thought I'd write up a random chapter to update you all on how I'm doing, what I'm doing, and what you can expect from me content-wise at the moment. Cus' while I've spent loads of time with friends lately, I haven't actually posted anything to my friends, followers and fans on Wattpad (or anywhere else, for that matter) in a long time and that's no good, and as always I feel bad about not delivering in so long

So, first up I want to apologise for vanishing off the face of the Earth again for the last few months. But I promise I haven't been doing nothing - for much of this year, I've been working on a bunch of stuff. Alongside finalising the last few bits of Rebellion, I've been writing up a load of plans for my first original story which I plan to start publishing... eventually. Yeah, sorry, I have no idea when it would be. It's a big project which I'm really ambitious about, and designing the story in and of itself is taking long enough already, so I can't even begin to guess at a publishing date. But I know that Rebellion is what most of you lot who follow me are interested in, and I'm pretty sure I mentioned earlier this year that the story is gradually coming to the end - in fact I have (almost) everything regarding the planning written up, and you can expect an estimated 5-6 chapters left before the story is completely done. Right now, the next chapter is still a while away from being ready, though. Why does everything take me so long, you ask? Well, that brings me nicely to what I wanted to talk about next

Okay, so a lot's been going on for me so far this year, personally. Between now and my last upload, life has been a flurry of job applications, family gatherings, social events, friend group drama, romantic stuff, positive covid tests and a whole lot of personal troubles to think about and deal with. It's been a lot. And honestly? I'm still going through a lot, even right now while I'm writing this. Am I okay? I honestly, genuinely don't even really know at the moment - it's one of those kinds of times.

But don't worry, because that doesn't mean I'm particularly upset. I'm still waking up and getting through every day quite happily, there's just a lot of personal stuff regarding my own life and identity that I'm struggling with and trying to figure out. It's very conflicting, and emotionally, I'm a bit messed up. But I'm not gonna go into detail about any of that here, since I don't want this to be a venting chapter - I'm just aiming to be transparent about myself because it's important to me

So, yeah, believe me when I say that every day is a busy one. As much as I wish it were the case, I can't spend every hour of every day working on chapters and videos and streams. At least, not right now. I'm not a machine or a huge corporate entity designed to pump out substandard content, at the end of the day I'm just a guy with dreams to bring alive and a life that gets in the way a lot. And sure, I'm capable of producing content much more frequently, but at this point in time I'm just not able to. And I hope that's alright with everyone

It really bothers me every time this happens tho, I hate to keep feeling like I'm underdelivering and it does stress me out when I wish I could be publishing more. Anyway, if I had to give a guess at how long before the next Rebellion chapter, it would probably be around a month away, at fastest. I'm gonna need a lot of time at the moment to deal with things in life, but when I'm ready - and I will be ready for it - I've got a bunch of plans laid out for chapter releases, YouTube content that I'm gonna edit and post (including continuing an existing series) and a stream schedule that I'll be aiming for. With some of my friends graduated from school now, (big congrats to them btw), I aim to be streaming with them a lot more often. So, I hope there's enough for y'all to look forward to from me, I just need more time until I'm there.

A question I get a lot from you guys is whether I have plans to write more Sun x Lillie stuff after Rebellion is finished, and the answer is I do! I've had ideas for sequels for literally years at this point, but I'm not sure when the next Sun x Lillie story will be or how high-priority it will be. But whatever the case, there's definitely more of that.

Aaaand I think that's about everything for this chapter. Idk, I didn't really plan it out. Oh, but I do have a tag to do from one of the Garçons, Ninjastar567, but that'll be for tomorrow. Until then, feel free to ask me anything you like in the comments if you have any questions for me, and I will answer!

Once again, wishing you all a happy pride month. No matter your sexuality or what you identify as, this is a time to celebrate being human and the wonderful diversity that helps define us. Never be ashamed of who you are, and take as much time as you need to be certain and comfortable with yourself. And perhaps most importantly, accept and show compassion for those around you. Be kind.

(Hoping this chapter wasn't too long)

Till' next time, till next time. See you around.

~ Wanderer

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