It's that update time of year again

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Sup everyone! That's right, me again, back with... well, not too much today tbh, just a lil' update chapter yet again. It's been a couple of months since I've posted anything, I know, so I felt like writing up a post tonight letting y'all know about what I've been up to, what my plans are, y'know how it is. (And also to just say hi 👉👈)

So, hi! I hope you guys have been doing well though, for real. The last few months have really just been ludicrously overfilled with even more real-life drama and historical events ((please I've had enough of those now))
Luckily tho I have a tendency to just immerse myself in fictional stuff and forget about the real world for a bit aheh, and I've been doing that a lot this year.

So okay, it actually hit me just the other day that I haven't uploaded a chapter of Rebellion since literally the start of the year. January 4th, to be exact.
And I mean, that REALLY screws with me-
Like I genuinely have a problem with perceiving the passage of time which doesn't help, but it really doesn't feel like that long ago to me

Honestly though, I'm so sorry it's taking me so long to get to the end with that damn story 😢
Me not finishing Rebellion has turned into a meme with several of my friends at this point

As I said a few months ago though, I did spend quite a while fleshing out the plans for the last part of the story. I'm currently guessing that I'll have 5 or 6 more chapters to write on it until it's completely done. So I have it all planned out, sketched out, I've written drafts and all that; all that's left is for me to actually sit down for a couple of months and write it all up for publishing.

With that said though, it's more easily said than done... there remains to be a lot going on in my life at the moment, as there has been throughout the whole of 2022. Yeeah, you'd be surprised about the year I've had.
So, I really can't give you an estimate of when I'll resume publishing the last few chapters of Rebellion, but I realise that a lot of you probably just wanna see at least one chapter already, so I do want to try and complete the next chapter as soon as possible so I can at least give y'all something. Again, I realise I haven't handled Rebellion well in terms of consistently working on it, and I apologise for that. I mean I've literally been working on it slowly since like 2018 - 5 years and it's still not done.

To be honest though, I've been working on a lot this year, and Rebellion has been a tiny part of it. I have a good idea now on what my plans are for the near future, so let me fill you in on a few of them:

First up, one of my most played games this year has been XCOM and one of the greatest distractions was this whole several-month period of designing a bunch of characters, lore and concepts for an XCOM story. Some of you might find that interesting, some of you may have never heard of XCOM before, but either way I'm definitely going to be publishing a whole new story following the XCOM games because I REALLY WANT TO. It'll technically be fanfic, but it'll involve a lot of original content of mine too. I've actually been working on the story quite a bit throughout the year, I've written a few finalised chapters. I'm guessing I'll start publishing it next year, but I really don't know exactly when.

Aside from that, my main focus will actually be on that mysterious original story of mine that I've mentioned more than a few times by now. I can't lie, that's easily been the project that's taken up the most of my focus this year. Most of my time has been spent continuing to design it, and there's still a lot left to do. I'm absolutely aiming to begin publishing it next year as well, though it's quite likely that'll happen towards the end of 2023.

Aaaand aside from that... well, for everyone who's interested in my Sun x Lillie stuff after Rebellion, don't worry! I haven't forgotten about my promise to rewrite my Sun x Lillie series of stories. It'll happen after I finish Rebellion. At the moment, I kinda see myself working on rewriting my older stuff gradually while working on my new upcoming projects, so it'll be slow but steady enough.

Hmm other than that, there is of course the stuff I make beyond writing - YouTube and streaming stuff. Yeah it's been a while since I've done anything there, but that's by design. I have been, and still am, deliberately holding off on getting back to consistently putting out content because I just straight up am not able or ready to at this point in time, but I will be. I've got a list of YouTube projects to work on though, so I'm pretty hyped to get around to that - but yeah, I'll need a bit more time before I'll be back for that.

Soooo... yeah. Haven't published hardly anything this year, but I've been working on a lot nonetheless. I've also been doing a lot of freelance work as a writer, and I'm getting places with that! I've been making a huge amount of progress in my personal life too which I'm rly proud of tbh, so yeah... busy year indeed, so far.

What about you though? I'm genuinely interested to hear what's been going on in your lives and whether you have any questions or feedback based on what I've said about my upcoming projects. Talk to me down in the comments, love to hear your thoughts :)

Oh and before I forget - the tag economy here on Wattpad? Completely dried up, ded, withered away
So yeah, haven't had no tags to do. Tag me if y'all find any, I've been missing those

Anndddd that's about everything. Jeeesuuss I had a lot to say in this chapter

Well, it's pretty late out here now so I'll be off. Hopefully this chapter didn't get too long-
Take care out there, wherever in the world you may be. Stay safe and keep living life to the fullest, I'll be back before too long with some more stuff to post here in my randomness book!

See ya around,
~ Wanderer

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