Tag 109

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Hey everyone! Look who's back
I've been gone for a whiiile

Back today for another tag, figured I'd do one because I'm feeling sick af today and I don't know what else to do

(Also because it's been ages since I last posted one)

Anyway this one's stolen from RetroMann96, I knew he'd have some tags in stock

1.) Addiction?
It's gonna be one of those tags huh

Okay, well I'm addicted to ketamine

Kidding, I'm actually addicted to candy floss

Nah, kidding, I'm actually addicted to cheese

... kidding, I'm actually addicted to you <3

2.) Best friends?
I have many best friends from both irl and online, from many different groups and places. No favourites ;)

3.) Birthday?
22nd January

4.) Current mood?
Comfy as hecc actually

Vibing to music in a warm bedroom with warm lights on

5.) Favourite animal?
Doggo. There is no compromise.

6.) Favourite cartoon?
Cartoon, not anime? That'd have to be Regular Show. Regular Show is the best thing ever made I stg

7.) Favourite colour?

8.) Favourite movie?
Oooh... Alien, probably?

9.) Favourite food?
I can't choose, really. Chicken burger, lasagna, cheese and tomato pizza and fajitas are all top-tier examples

10.) Girls I trust?
A lot! Here are a few examples (go follow their accounts, they're all cool people)


11.) Guys I trust?
Again, there a lot - and again, (go follow their accounts because they cool)


Again, that's just to name a few

12.) Favourite TV shows?
Non-anime favourites of mine include Regular Show, Adventure Time, Doctor Who, The Clone Wars and probably some others. Idk, I don't watch much TV

Some of my favourite animes include Tokyo Ghoul, Seven Deadly Sins, No Game No Life and Demon Slayer (God I love Demon Slayer)

13.) Insecurities
As if I'd just openly list all of my insecurities for everyone to see

Tbh, I've gotten a lot better over the years. Used to be insecure about basically everything. I used to be really insecure about my looks, my hair, my skin, my voice, everything like that

14.) Lame joke?
Sorry, I only do epic jokez

But if you want lame jokes, please contact LunarEclipse963 :)

15.) Last hugged?
One of my irl friends. The likelihood of you knowing them is very slim

16.) Favourite hobby?
Creating! Whether that be writing, videomaking, streaming, anything like that.

Now I know what ur thinking

And to that I say:

... :(
Stop bullying me

17.) Last person I texted?
That'd be Lukenotskywlkr, who I briefly messaged during the making of this chapter about motorways (highways)

18.) Random fact?
Apparently, there are only two escalators in Wyoming.

What's up with that?

19.) Relationship?
None, am single

20.) Children?
*Looks behind me*

Who, me?
No, I don't have children
I am the child
Fuck, I can't say that anymore, I'm 18

Nah screw it, I'm living proof that an 18 year old can still be a child

21.) Someone I miss?
I miss many people I guess
I know there are people reading this rn who know I miss them, I ain't even gotta say it 😌

22.) Something I hate?
The main Pokémon anime lmao

23.) Something I love?
Basically everything else to do with Pokémon

24.) Something I want?
First thing that came to mind was a 30 Series graphics card, so yeah
Wouldn't that be good?

25.) Last person I called?
1Reigan1 :D

Well kinda, I called another friend (who isn't on Wattpad) yesterday, but that was just to stream a game, so

26.) Last person I slept with?

Alright alright, sorry

Do we mean like, slept with, or slept with? Anyway, it was someone

27.) Where am I from?
The murky depths of hell I think

Kidding, I'm actually from Wales, UK 🇬🇧
(And don't even think about hitting me with the 'wut's the difference lul')

Omg that reminds me, for the random fact question I somehow avoided saying that I was born in Cardiff

On that note, did you know that I was born in Cardiff?

28.) What I look for in a significant other?
Mm. There's a few things, but most importantly I look for mutual understanding. Mutual hobbies, similar personalities, that sort of thing. But nobody - ... or at least very, very few people - understand all sides of me. Fewer still are actually that similar to me. At this point in my life, I genuinely believe that I'll never find the right person. Or even if I do (or already have), then I'm almost sure that a lasting relationship with them would never happen

Sorry, that went on a bit ^^'

29.) Morning routine?
Ah yes, the morning routine!
So for me, it's:

- Wake up
- Pick up my iPad, go through notifications
- Suffer for a minute or two (kidding, this part usually isn't supposed to happen)
- Not eat breakfast, because I'm literally never hungry yet
- Have chocolate milk instead
- Go to bathroom to do hair, brush my teeth and stuff like that
- Get on with stuff

30.) How much do I weigh?
I actually don't know. According to everyone, I'm lighter than you'd think

31.) How tall am I?
Like, six foot and (just about) one inch

This has been quite a long tag, fun tho. I've missed doing one of these
Keep on tagging me and we'll keep the tag circulation going

Speaking of which, I tag:
Basically all of you
Like, as long as you want to
Go on. Screenshot the tag, and go do it yourself. Don't forget to ping me in it so that I don't forget to read it. Would love to see you guys answer these questions :)

Anyway, this has been ya boi once again
Thanks so much for reading! If you liked this, go read some of my other stuff too. Also comment. I like talking to you guys. Also vote. Like, if you want to.

See you guys next time, take care of yourselves
And your families
(And friends)
Actually, just take care of everyone. Be nice.

Oki see ya

~ Wanderer

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