Tag 116

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Yeah, sorry, I've been in cryogenic stasis for a REEAAAALLY long time, but here I am!

So I know that only a tiny percentage of anyone I've ever known on this site is actually reading this right now, and that's okay - but I genuinely hope everyone's doing well! It's been a while, and I am in fact here with a tag, this time brought to you by excessive late-night emotional overstimulation :D

That's right, I was kind of in a deep vibe tonight, thinking about, you know, life. Riveting stuff, truly. And the next thing I know, I'm sat staring at the animated screen of my favourite radio channel on YouTube and then it hit me - writing a tag is EXACTLY what I should do rn. No idea why, but life doesn't need a reason!

Haah, you guys have dearly missed my yapping, haven't you?

Anyway, I actually didn't forget about the tag I was tagged in a couple of months ago by my good pal... uahhh for christ sake I still can't embed usernames properly in Wattpad chapters in a web page? Some things never change

Anyway, my good pal Retro tagged me! You know the Retro. Yup, that Retro. That's the one. Like I said, can't link his user, but there's only one Retro so it's all good.

(Btw go check out some of the new stories Retro has been writing recently, he's been cooking)

Wheeew you can tell this tag has been reposted a few times, there are fewer pixels in that image than there are thoughts currently going through my head

1.) Any scars?

Oh I see, it's one of those tags

Yeah I have scars, just like anyone. Mentally and physically. Though the physical ones are cooler

My most obvious scar is on my knee when I accidentally lodged it into a jagged shard of metal coming out of an exercise bike, haha

Yeah, the drink holder thing had snapped off somehow, and... actually it is pretty weird how that happened, but it did. Would honestly be easier to explain if I just lied and told people somebody stabbed my knee

There's also my birthmark, if that counts as a scar? That one is - ha, no, wait, that's a more high-clearance, lesser-known piece of Wanderer lore

2.) Self-harmed?

Hey woah hold on we're only two questions in here

I did, in a very different time when I was not like who I am today. It's not worth it, it doesn't make anything better. If you're struggling and are hurting yourself as an outlet, please please talk to someone. I promise, things can and do get better.

3.) Crush?

Vague questions deserve vague answers (sometimes, at least)

4.) Kissed anyone?


5.) Coke or Pepsi?

Pepsi tbh

6.) Someone you hate?

I don't think I know anyone personally that I hate. There are bad people in the world who I would hate, though

7.) Best friends?

I have many best friends! I don't need to name names, they know

8.) Done alcohol?

Wtf do you mean "done alcohol," I mean-

I have drank alcohol, I mean I'm 21 years old and also British, so drinking is a pretty big thing where I'm from

I don't drink often, though

9.) Done drugs?

Nah, and I don't plan on changing that

10.) Dream job?

Don't get me wrong, I love my current job plenty enough, but my dream job would probably be to work on narrative design in games

11.) Ever been in love?


12.) Last time I cried?

I actually don't even know, I guess it was quite a while ago now

13.) Favorite color?

Sky blue :)

14.) Height?

I don't actually know my exact height, it's something around 6 feet tho

15.) Birthday?

22nd January!

16.) Eye color?

Brown, but oftentimes my eyes are more pupil than iris

17.) Hair color?

Also brown

18.) What I love?

Lot's of things. My friends, gaming, music, human creativity, the whole entire universe...

19.) Obsession?

Trying to think up funny things to say when Wattpad tags ask me what my obsessions are

20.) Do I love someone?

I love lots of people :)

21.) Kiss or hug?

FINALLY, now you're asking the real questions

I'm gonna be boring tho and say that it depends, I mean I'm not gonna go around kissing random people and, despite popular belief, random people don't go around kissing me

Kissing is way more complicated but I think I actually would enjoy it a lot with the right person

Hugs tho? I mean you can hug basically anyone you're friends with (unless they don't like physical contact, shoutout to them), you can hug your bros, you can hug your girl-bros - hugs are cool

22.) Nickname?

Well, "Wanderer"

Though my friends have come up with looots more nicknames for me as well

23.) Favorite song?

Definitely not whatever my neighbour sometimes blasts in his garden at 9am

24.) Favorite band?

It would be illegal for me to say anything other than Gorillaz

25.) Worst thing ever?


26.) Best thing ever?


27.) Near death experience?

Probably one or two, yeah

Well no I guess not considering I'm immortal

28.) Ever dated?


29.) Worst mistake?

Giving into the urge to get a haircut at some point last year because my hair kept getting in my eyes. I mean my hair's pretty long atm, but I wouldn't have to keep waiting for it to get longer so I can tie it up the way I want if I didn't get that haircut :(

Nah jk it's fine I can wait

I don't really know what my worst mistake is, but I don't carry around many regrets anymore. That said, I feel like over the past couple years, I made a mistake by being too reclusive and not spending enough time with the people I love. And so I'm gonna change that

30.) Special talents?

Well there's this one really cool thing I can do where I take like 3 years to finish writing a story which would realistically take a couple of months

31.) Someone you can tell everything to?

Hmm well there is this one person

32.) Ever lost a loved one?

Yes, just like everyone does

33.) Do I believe in love?

I'm very certain it exists, but I'm also certain that it's invisible to some people in the world. Sometimes for different reasons

34.) Someone I hate?

I hate the guy who put me in a time loop and sent me back to question 6

35.) Am I okay?

I am now that I've escaped that previously-mentioned time loop

Nah but yee, I'm doing pretty good

Well that was interesting, not the most exciting of questions but considering I hadn't seen a tag for years until recently, I'll take what I can get

Anyway, I hope you are all entertained now

I need to go make a warm coffee, still got to thaw out of that cryogenic stasis I mentioned earlier.

Ha, got you! I don't actually like coffee. Bye now :)

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