Tag 25

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Hewwwooo, I has nother' tag chapter for chu today
I've been tagged once again by LapisLazulli2, (don't worry, I have a further 8 tags to do after this one, all from her).

Let's get started!

Do I have any tattoos?
No, and I have no intention of getting any.

What is something that I wish I was gifted at doing?
Uhm... hmm...
I wish I was... heh, I really don't know, actually. I don't know what else I would want to do in life- oh! Actually yeah, there is one... I wish I was naturally gifted at art. I'm pretty bad at drawing...

What is the first book I can ever remember reading?
Bruh... how is anyone meant to know that? Uhm... I don't know, probably some popular tale for little kids such as 'Little Red Riding Hood'

What is the first movie I remember watching?
Hmm... *thinks about it*
Probably like... Finding Nemo or something, I really have no clue...
I hate these kind of questions, I can't remember what happened around a decade ago ._.

What is the farthest away place I have ever been to?

What is the first thing I do when I get home?
Grab my iPad and do various stuffs while chewing the end of a pencil and questioning the fundamental restrictions of the universe

What is the first app I check in the morning?
Depends. If I see that Serenity has texted me overnight, Discord would be the first app I open. Otherwise, it's Wattpad.

What is the first thing I think of when I wake up?

What is/was the name of your first pet?
It was a fish, and I named it Gill. Haha.

What is the best compliment I have ever received?
Pffffffffff... a recent one

What is the last book I read?
'Human Universe And The Forces of Nature', by Professors Brian Cox and Andrew Cohen.

Are there any books coming out that I look forward to?
Nah, not really...

What was the last movie that I saw?
Must have been the new Star Wars film, 'Solo', a couple of weeks ago.

What was the worst grade I have ever gotten?
The lowest grade I've ever had is actually a C in a biology class test we had once. However, the national results for that test revealed that the average grade was a D, which is probably because there was some stuff in that test paper that we hadn't covered in the syllabus... so yeah, bad test.

What is the strangest thing that I was scared of when I was small?

What is my biggest regret?
I really don't know if I can pick the biggest one

What is the most boring thing you have ever done?
Ugggh... this time I stared at a dot on a wall for about 10 minutes at a time to test how peripheral vision is affected based on the size of a focus point. Repeated the test like 4 times.

I was bored as hell, alright

What is the weirdest thing that I have ever seen?
I have seen a lot of weird shit.

The weirdest though? Probably...

... everyone go follow teh momma right now :3

Have I seen any strange phenomena?
Yes. Yes I have. There was a time I saw a Brocken Spectre in the mountains, and let me tell you, that is an insane experience. But my favourite, and weirdest reviewed phenomena was when I stayed up and watched the stars again one clear night on the Pembrokeshire coast. I do it often, but this one time, for a split second in the corner of my eye, I saw an unusual flash straight after seeing a shooting star. My guesses is that it was space debris colliding with other space debris - or a satellite - in orbit. The impact must have broken the two objects apart in a fraction of a second.

What is my favourite restaurant?
Uhm... don't really know about favourite. I'm fond of Italian ones though.

Right, now tags.

Now, time to get started on the next one. Thanks y'all for reading me crap again! See you in the next one!

~ Wanderer

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