Tag 27

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Good morning, afternoon, evening or all of the above to you, fellow humans! I'm back again with another tag! But before we get started, let's see who can win today's quiz!

Today's question is: Who tagged me for this chapter? Was it:

a.) ThatGuyJaiden
b.) _Mystical_Fire_
c.) LapisLazulli2

Post your answer in the comments for your chance to win...



Teheheh. Sorry, we all know who it was, I just wanted to spruce things up a bit for once, aheh. Seriously though, post your comments if you want those free cookiez. 😊

RIGHT THEN. Today's tag... has no image showing the questions, and I am therefore to lazy to go and whip one up on photoshop! XD SO!

Let's just get started!

Favourite Colour?
Blue! X3

Got any pets?
See, I used to have fish, but they have since died due to... Hm, now that's a mystery still worth solving, OwO

Got a boyfriend/girlfriend?
I have! I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have AceTrainerSerenity as my amazing and beautiful girlfriend! <3

Favourite Game?
*Heavy breathing*

Oh God... Umm...







... my single favourite game has to be Overwatch. :3

Best friends IRL?

These guys. XD

Mine is on the 22nd January! DON'T REMEMBER THAT OWO *slowly pulls a knife out of pocket*

Just one sister.

Favourite Animal?
Catto! X3

How old are you?
I'm 15 👌

Favourite 10 people on Wattpad?
I can't possibly have favourites. But to be honest, Teh Kool Kidz... all of you, you know who you are. You guys are seriously the best. You guys not only endure my complaining about pretty much everything, but you also suggest ways to make me feel better when I'm feeling like crap. Or at least, when I show that I'm feeling like crap. You go through everything with me, when it'd be much easier for you to just leave me. But you don't leave me. You are always here for everyone else, and always do everything you can to make everything better. And that's why y'all really are the best. X3

And that's today's chapter! I won't be directly tagging people this time, but if any of you want to do this one, step right up and help yourself to this tag.

Thank you for reading! More chapters are on the way, sit tight! Bai y'all!

~ Wanderer

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