Tag 30

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How am I still alive.

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Let's get started.

Which television show am I currently watching?
Don't really watch TV, but in terms of anime, I'm currently watching Death Note, Tokyo Ghoul, Fairy Tail and my cousin wants me to watch Rwby but ehhh.
Oh, and Dragonball.

What book am I currently reading?
'Human Universe and The Forces of Nature' by Professor Brian Cox and Andrew Cohen.
It takes a while to read okay?

Do I like coffee or tea?
Weeeell coffee would basically kill me, but sure, I kinda like it. And tea, WELL...

*waves lil' British Flag*

If I could change one thing about my school, what would it be?
I'd make them NOT teach us Welsh.

Would I run for President?
Ha, no,

What are my room colours?
White, red, and blue.

What is my aesthetic?

Uggghhhh I can't be bothered to tag people, PLUS everyone complains about it anyway XD so do this if you want to, or don't do it if you don't want to, it's up to you guys.

I don't actually know how many tags I have left to do... probably a couple though XD

See y'all in the next one!

~ Wanderer

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