Tag 33

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Hehehe. Hi everyone! Now, as I said, I'm finally back, (and I'm legit so happy about it too, reee) AND, while I was gone, my notification inbox seemed to have filled up with tags again. So let's get to the... first one. Not sure if I was tagged for ALL these tags, but I'm going to do them anyway.

This first one was from Ninjastar567, I believe.
Here we go.

Have I ever skipped class?
1.) I have never skipped class purposefully, nah.
Have I done drugs?
2.) I... no, I haven't, no, but like... nyeh...
Have I self-harmed?
3.) Yep.
Have I drank?
4.) No, I've simply developed paradoxically to every other form of life in the known universe and thus never required any form of liquid whatsoever.
Have I ever shoplifted?
5.) No. I'm a pretty terrible person, but I'm not like that... XD
Have I ever gotten a tattoo?
6.) No, I don't really intend to either.
Have I ever broken up with someone?
7.) Yep.
My favourite show?
8.) Probably... Meh, I'm liking Dragonball at the moment, I'm still kinda new to the series though.
My favourite movie?
Don't really watch movies, but uhhhhhhh... I dunno, I want to say Pacific Rim.
My favourite song?
I have a lot of favourite songs. One of my favourite, favourite songs is 'Tomorrow Comes Today' by Gorillaz.
My favourite artist?
I assume you mean music artist, in which case... my favourite independent music artist is... ooooh... can't really decide. Either Deadmau5 or DJ Nate.
My favourite singer/band?
... oh, well I can't be arsed to change the last question now. My favourite band is Gorillaz, but it's very close with Muse, Daft Punk and Starset.
My favourite memory?
Uhhhh... hmm. Yeah, I know what it is, I just can't really like... describe it,
My favourite book?
'The Martian' by Andy Weir.
Invisibility or ability to fly?
Wouldn't make a difference if I was literally invisible or not. Besides, I'd like to develop a method of flight, yeah...
Cookies or cake?
*deep breath* Hmmmmmm...

... cookies owo
Twitter or Facebook?
Coke or Sprite?
Blind or deaf?
I'd rather be deaf.
Tea or coffee?
WELL now. I mean, how can I not like tea, I'm British for God's sake, XD


... I prefer coffee. :3
What's my age?
Fifteen! ^^
What's my sign?
What, like star sign? Aquarius.
What's my height?
I... can't actually remember the exact measurement. Besides, I haven't actually checked for a while. But I'm tall. Very tall for my age.
My sexual orientation?
I'm straight.
My longest relationship?
Huh, how long was it, Sere... *counts up the months* March, April, May, June...- June? When did we...? See, I seem to care so little now that I've even forgotten the details... I'm so screwed up, hehe,

Someone end me XD

What's my opinion on gay rights?
I think it's totally fair, and that everyone has the right to whatever sexual orientation that they prefer, I have nothing against people like that.

My opinion on second chances?
Second chances, oooh... depends.

My opinion on long distance relationships?
See, this is an interesting question. Personally, this is the only type of relationship that I actually have experience with, and I honestly think they're amazing. So to anyone out there who may be considering a long-distance relationship, but are worried or confused as to whether it'll work out, I PROMISE you it will. Provided that both partners remain interested in eachother - and that one doesn't suddenly become bored of the other. Hm.

My opinion on abortion?
I've said this many times before, and I'll say it again - I'm not what you'd consider an ethical person. That said, I generally don't have much sympathy or... concern... for babies who are murdered whilst in their fetus stage, although I will admit it isn't exactly ideal, and that it shouldn't become a socially-acceptable or somewhat common part of human civilisation. That said, I really couldn't care much if parents decided to abort a child, it's their choice and probably the result of carelessness and/or stupidity, unless of course it is a critically necessary course of action.

My opinion on the death penalty?
Again, not ethical. But really, the death penalty is such a... medieval sort of tradition, and to be honest, that is now recognised by the majority of people around the world. Yeah, I know people are still executed VERY occasionally, but it's nothing like how it used to be in the past, obviously. But yeah, there are loads of terrible people in the world, sadly. A lot of people are locked up every day, and for them especially, I couldn't care less whether they live or die, nor about the conditions that they are forced to live in.

My opinion on marijuana?
Pfff... drugs. Happens all over the world, there's not really any escaping it. For all I care, people are welcome to smoke weed and, consequently, cause their organs and minds to deteriorate. Fortunately for them, marijuana isn't actually a lethal chemical, so they'd have to keep a pretty long streak going for it to actually kill them. I don't suppose people like that care enough about the consequences of their actions though, so... yeah, whatever. It's bad, and you shouldn't do it. That's what I think. Please, for the sake of everyone and everything, be a human that's worthy of existence.

My opinion on love?
My opinion on love? What... well...

Love is really a complex release of many, many chemicals and hormones throughout different parts of the body, but really, it's an in-built biological system which is in place solely to encourage a species to reproduce. But hey, we're humans, and some would argue that we have 'standards'. So, in a philosophical sense, love is more complicated. A spiralling network of different, inexplainable emotions all of which have remarkable effects on people. Therefore, 'lust' and 'love' are typically regarded to be two different things. Fair. But I'm getting off topic again - my opinion on love? It's a truly beautiful, yet dangerous thing. But please... meet the right person. And please, when you know you have found them, stay with them. I assure you, if it goes wrong, it hurts.

Do I believe in ghosts?
No, I don't. Why? Mainly because ghost 'sightings' are often easily explained by optical malfunctions, or sometimes, more complex phenomena that occur in the brain. There's also the fact that we believe in ghosts because we want to - because the human species has developed to pass down legends and folklore, and to have a desire to believe in something greater... something that scares them. Besides, scientific experiments have never proved or even suggested the existence of such beings, and therefore, it's... well, crap, basically. If scientists were ever to discover the existence of ghosts, then... well, my opinion would change. XD

Do I sleep with my door open or closed?
Closed, I basically just live in darkness. UwU

Do I have a girlfriend or boyfriend?
Nope. I'm single.

Do I like myself?
... 'Do I like myself...?'

...Not in the slightest.

*yawn* Jeez, I'm tired now, this took ages to do. I need to go drink like a litre of coffee... well I would, but you know... the caffeine... plus an unstable heart... probably not a good idea. Not that I'm complaining, but I'm not allowed to die, if you remember. I'll get in trouble if I die. XD

ANYHOW... Thank you all so much for reading, I appreciate it! Feel free to leave some comments or ask questions if ever you have any, it's always nice to talk to you guys. And as usual, I hope to see you in the next chapter! Take care!

~ Wanderer

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