Tag 36

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Hi! I'm back again with yet another tag chapter, (in fact, I'll complete a couple of tags in this chapter for the sake of convenience). Let's get straight to it.

I can't remember who tagged me for this first one, sorry.

How Have I Been?
Of lately? Well, as much as I'd love to say that I'm a miserable potato whom of which despises life and everything to do with it, that isn't exactly the case for once. In fact, dare I say it, I am happy at the moment. Genuinely happy.

How Do I Describe Insanity?
Well, a dictionary can give you the published definition of the term, but if you want me to explain it, insanity is a mental illness often influenced by traumatic happenings or perhaps is developed... well, naturally. I may not be a confirmed psychopathic monstrosity, but I often feel like it. I even consider myself to be somewhat insane sometimes. It isn't nice.

What Is The Meaning Of Life To Me?
The meaning of life... our purpose, or the reason of our existence? We were created with... spectacularly tiny odds. However, paradoxically, we were... guaranteed to exist at the same time...? It's complicated. People have different opinions on the meaning of life of course, I'm not particularly religious, so to me, we exist simply because of the fundamental statistics that exist within the universe. Our meaning? Yeah, we don't have one. But if you were to ask me, it would be to explore... to venture out into the completely unknown and discover and learn more about the universe in which we inhabit.

What Makes Me Happy?
I think the better question would be 'who' makes me happy. And yeah, a lot of people make me happy... well actually, extremely few people make me happy. XD But there is one person in particular.

Have I Ever Been Betrayed?

Is There Something I Wish I had?
Only one thing actually, and that's a Switch. I was meant to buy one earlier this year, but you know, I forgot and went on to buy other stuff, so I need more money now. XD

Am I Looking Forward To Something?
Yes. The inevitable future.

Have I Ever Had A Crush?
Yeah, I was dating AceTrainerSerenity if you remember, XD

Do I Dream Of Having Someone Special By My Side?
I do.

How Would I Describe Love From My Perspective?
Love is... a very dangerous, yet simultaneously beautiful thing. Like with all things, there should be a level of safety, of certainty, to mitigate risk. But once you've found it... you've essentially found happiness.

Have I Ever Had A Seven Year Long Relationship With A Friend?
Yep. I've been friends with my IRL friends for like 11 years.

What Do I Love Doing In My Free Time?
Meh, all time is free time to me. I'm good at wasting time. XD

But yeah, I love doing a whole lot of things. Check my bio if you want to see some of my interests.

What Do I Do When I'm Sad?
What I usually do. I mean... you know, XD

Oh, you mean how do I try and combat my own sorrow? Well... I usually like to... play video games or something.

Welp... this tag took me a while to write. Thanks everyone so much for reading to the end as usual, and I hope to see you in the next one! I'll tag 10 people before I take my leave.



~ Wanderer

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