Tag 44

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Haiyo there friends and humans and unicorns, I've officially forgotten how to do intros..!

But that's not why I'm here,

I'm here for


And today's content includes a tag chapter, or multiple. I know, right? It's been sooo long since I've published anything, but last time I published a chapter, I'm fairly certain that I made it clear that I'm taking a break from Wattpad because meh exams are coming up soon, so yeee...

I was gonna go and binge anime until like 4am, but I decided to do something productive instead, because apparently the universe inspired me to do something that doesn't involve being lazy for once. So.

Today's chapter is from... I don't know, it was quite a few weeks ago now. I think it was LapisLazulli2, but I might be wrong. Here's the shiet.

Let's get dis bread.

1.) What is a book that I loved writing?

I'll be honest with you, my favourite work so far is probably 'Beyond'. I had such a crazy imagination for it and so many ambitious ideas. So many, in fact, that I only ever got around to using a small fraction of those ideas in the story - I have much more material prepared for future stories. It was definitely an enjoyable story to write, and it seems like many others enjoy it just as much.

2.) What's my favourite book that I've written?

To be honest, this seems kinda identical to question one, lul. But my personal favourite of my own stories? Like I was saying in the first question, I had a lot of fun writing 'Beyond', but I don't particularly like any of my works or see them worthy of credit because I only ever see the mistakes in them, and try to think about how I could improve them. Although, to answer the question, I think my honest answer might be 'Lillie's Return', because I have so many great memories of thinking up the scenes! Looking back on it as my first work, it was severely flawed in many ways, but if I were to read it as if it were by someone else, I think I'd enjoy it the most due to the colourful love scenes and iconic flavour which gives me the same impression that I initially got from the Sun and Moon games!

(Big answer, sorry ><)

3.) Is there a book that I regret writing?

To my surprise, not at all. I enjoyed every work that I've taken on a lot, actually. And whilst I notice all of the flaws in them, it doesn't make me feel regretful. Though saying that, 'Ascension' was a story that was premature in it's production, and I apologise for making y'all wait so long to see it again. It'll be back someday, I promise!

4.) Approximately how many times have I deleted a drafted story?

I don't delete things, I just go back to the drawing board and rethink them. I've published two stories which I've since unpublished and reworked a bit, but someday, both of those stories will return to my list of works with a smoother coat of paint.

5.) My favourite part about Wattpad?

Good question. Besides the fact that everyone can share any idea with anyone, I think my favourite part about this place is the unprecedentedly brilliant community that keeps writers inspired to keep going. Not only do I often get kind or helpful comments from the general community, but I also met some of mah best friends here.

6.) What do I use to write?

An iPad Mini, Gen 2. I use dis boi for everything, pretty much. Is a very special boi to me. uwu

7.) What is the fandom I typically write about?

That'd be teh Pokemon universe. ÒwÓ

8.) On a scale of 1-10, how would I rate my writing?

Honestly, about 4. Sure, I've improved in my skills to lay out and develop the plots for my works, but I still see many many flaws. I like to look to other Sun x Lillie content for inspiration!

9.) What app do I use to make my own covers?

I use Adobe Photoshop for Mac OS.

10.) What's a ship I find easiest to write?

Gotta be Sun x Lillie, since it's the only ship I write about. :P

11.) Do I do anything that helps me write?

Hm, not really. Unless I'm in a pleasant, quiet place outdoors, where the world seems empty and the weather is crisp.

12.) Do I have trouble thinking about plots?

Mmn... sort of, but I've gotten better at it. I usually just have LOADS of ideas, but piecing them together is often difficult, and the pacing in my stories is a clear weakness for me.

13.) Do I find it hard to make characters sound like themselves?

A little bit, yeah. It depends. Some characters, such as Sun, are quite non-linear and can be portrayed however you like. I'm quite happy with the way I portray Sun's character, but I do often see my ability to portray Lusamine, Gladion and even Lillie (in some cases) as quite poor.

14.) Have I ever written smut before, or do I prefer writing fluff?

I... ahah. XD

I haven't actually written smut before, but that's not to say that I'm deliberately trying to avoid it. I've had good conversations with some of my readers about this matter, and honestly, I don't think it'd be surprising if I got around to writing a couple of smut chapters here and there in the future. It's up to you people, let me know what you think.

15.) What is my favourite part about being an author?

My favourite part about being an author is that I feel some sense of belonging within this community. It's good to know that people enjoy the stuff I put out, and it's good to interact with the community to help eachother improve. It's gud stuff.

Yikes, hats off to whoever wrote those questions. I have to say, those questions were actually pretty top-class, owo

Now then. Thanks again for reading my


I hope to see you's all in the next chapter. Goodbai comrades 0/

~ Wanderer

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