Tag 58

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Sup' hoomans

(Seriously, autocorrect needs to stop changing that to 'hookahs'.)

Tag time, fINALLY
A new tag that I haven't done before
So thanks to Mistyaaml4ever

Now then, let's get this 🅱️read

1.) What made me start liking the person I like?
Personality, simple as that. It's always what I find most attractive in a person.

2.) What on my body is hurting or bothering me right now?
Wow, this question was just made for me.
Right now, it's my right leg, chest, neck and head

3.) What was my last thought before going to bed last night?
Ehh... stuff I'm anxious about.

4.) What am I listening to?
'Internal Conflict' from Black Mesa Xen OST

5.) What's something I'm not looking forward to?
Mmnn... school probably

6.) Where do I think my best friend is rn?
I don't have a best friend. I know that some of them are at school, one is probably watching anime, and most of them are on their PC's. XD

7.) Have I kissed anyone in the last 5 days?
Hell no.

8.) Favourite song?
Mmmn idk about favourite

9.) Kiss on the first date?
What exactly is this asking me? Like, do I think it's a good idea to kiss on the first date? I mean, yes? Personally, I've never been on a date before tho so idkkk

10.) Is there someone I want to be with right now?
Yyyyes? I mean yeah, there's a lot of people I would wanna go see right now

11.) Am I seriously happy with where I am in life?
I mean... ehh. Yes? I've got good friends, good grades, a good home, so I don't exactly have it rough compared to a lot of people.

12.) Is there something I would like to say to someone?
Yes, many things.

13.) Three things I did today?
I did some big mathematical equations this morning. I went on reddit. I talked to friends.

14.) Would I rather sleep at a friend's or have them over?
Depends on who. I mean my cousin and I are good friends, he has these two recliners in his room which we use when I sleep over his. Heh, good times.

15.) What's my favourite type of gum?
Probably spearmint chewing gum

16.) Am I friends with any of my ex girlfriends?
... thinking about it, no. Actually, ye, with one of them, technically. But nobody has seen her for over a year ;-;

17.) What is on my wrists right now?
... skin?

18.) Ever liked someone I didn't think I stood a chance with?

19.) Does anyone have strong feelings for me?
Eeeghhh... I don't think it's my place to say. Maybe.

20.) Am I slowly drifting away from anyone?
At the momeeeent... no, I don't think I am.

21.) Have I ever wasted my time on someone.
Hmmm... no, not really.

22.) Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
I used to be able to do it, but I've forgotten it now

Welp, nobody asked me to tag anyone sooo

Ninjastar567 right now:

Oki, I'm done. See y'all later

~ Wanderer

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