Tag 61

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to:

Wanderer's wanderful book of wonders

Hoooly shit I'm using that name someday
That's copyrighted

Use it, and I will kill you in your sleep

I was tagged by mah good friend Angel_snowflakes_ OwO

1.) What's my full name?
It's a secret, that's what it is UwU

2.) Do you have any hobbies?
Yee I have many uwu

3.) What's my favourite song?
I can't choose a favourite ;-;

4.) What's my phone homescreen?
On my phone, it's this

5.) Do I have any big dreams?
Mmn, not really. I mean... some. Mainly, I wanna make discoveries nobody else has done before. But other than that, I only have a few dreams for myself. I wanna become a more involved content creator in the future owo

6.) Did I sleep well last night?
Yyyes, yes I did actually

7.) How many friends do I have?
I have quite a lot of friends ^^'
Not sure how many exactly

8.) Do I like math?
Yyyes. But I also hate it at times. But I need to know it. UwU

9.) What's my favourite subject?
Hmm... physics I guess

By the way, I'm listening to this amazing soundtrack called 'Resurrections' from this game called Celeste that I played a few months ago
Omg it's so good

10.) Where am I from?
I ish from teh UK

11.) Do I like sport?
Mmn depeeends...

Football? No
Rugby? No
Basketball? Not really

Rock climbing? Hell yeah
Swimming? Hell yeah
Surfing? Hell to the yeah
Mountain biking? Hell yeeea

12.) Am I healthy?

On the outside? I look fit and healthy, ye
On the inside? My entire body struggles to keep itself alive uwu
Fine, slight exaggeration, but I do have some problems

13.) How much do I cost?
Heh, depends who you are

But as far as basically everyone is concerned, I'm not for sale

Unless you want to hire me as a hitman, in which case it's £50 per target

14.) Do I have any favourite singers?
Yes actually. Damon Albarn (Lead singer for the Gorillaz band) has always been my favourite singer, tbh. I've always taken a lot of inspiration from his style and tone

I also really like Matt Bellamy, he's an amazing musician and his talent in singing is phenomenal
Like, I wish I could change my pitch as well as he can ;-;

15.) Do I have any siblings?
Yee, a younger sister

16.) Can I draw?
Hah no

Oh oh but hey, I drew Shinsou the other day OwO

And there, my point of not being able to draw has been proven

17.) How many lessons do I have on Monday?
Hmmn lemme check my timetable...

Ehh only three this Monday, so not too bad

18.) Do I have a crush?
Uuugh every tag asks thisss

19.) Am I single or taken?
I's single

20.) If I could take home any idol, who would it be?
None, I don't like any celebrities or whatever

I have been asked to tag, but—
Eh, just do it if you want to UwU

I have even moar tags to do, so stay tuned hoomans uwu

~ Wanderer

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